How to get rid of the wireworm in the garden forever
. Providing proper care for vegetable crops planted in the garden plots, special attention should be paid to preventive measures to prevent the invasion of parasites. Insects of small size cause enormous damage to plants, reducing the yield or completely depriving it. The conductor is one of the pests that are difficult to remove. How to fight and how to get rid of the parasite in your own garden forever talk further.
Table of contents
How does the wireworm look like and is it possible to get rid of it
What plants are affected by a pest at a dacha?
What is a dangerous parasite?
How to deal with the parasite in the garden and greenhouse?
Using special preparations to protect crops
Using popular methods to control beetles in the garden plot
Preventive methods for the appearance of wireworms on potatoes and potatoes in spring and autumn
.What does he look like? It looks like an insect like worms from 1 to 4.5 cm long .There are three pairs of paws on a brown body. Distinguish from other underground inhabitants of the parasite can be on a dense casing, which consists of a durable chitinous shell. The peculiarity of the wireworm is that it is not an independent type of insect, it is the larva of the click beetle.
The wire itself owes its name to a bright brown color with a reddish tinge. Larvae from afar resemble copper wire trimming.
The larvae turn into a beetle for a rather long period of time - from 2 to 5 years. During this time, parasites cause considerable harm to vegetable crops, eating up the roots of plants. Winter wireworms spend in the soil, plunging 10-15 cm .Insects do not freeze even in severe frosts, their vitality is explained by the ability to go deep into the ground up to 60 cm.
Click beetles appear in vegetable gardens already in April, as soon as the daytime temperature reaches 8-10 °.In early May, they lay eggs directly into the soil( under lumps, bushes).A new generation of wireworms is born 15-20 days later. During the first year of life, their torso reaches 5-7 mm.
What plants are affected by a pest in the country?
The gluttony of the wireworm is obvious, which it does not eat. These are grain, melon and vegetable cultures, and also some ornamental plants. Treatments can be swollen seeds, shoots, young shoots and tender stems. It takes even the roots of fruit trees.
The larvae show particular interest in such plants:
watermelon and others.
Wires in potatoes
Activity of the larvae depends on weather conditions. When dry hot weather they are in search of moisture intensively begin to gnaw the potato tubers. The relative inertia of the parasites is noted in the rainy period.
What is a dangerous parasite?
Wireworm gnaws the tubers of vegetable and grain roots, which weakens the plant. Pest infestation can be noted for the slow growth of tops. Parasites make holes in root vegetables, which reduces the quality of the crop. In addition, the larvae are carriers of fungal infections and harmful bacteria.
Damaged vegetables lose not only commercial value, but also become unusable due to short storage( quickly rotting).
In addition to harvest, the wireworm is a danger to humans, which is the use of chemicals. Toxic substances are deposited not only in the fruits, but also in the soil, which adversely affects the subsequent plantings of the new season. This is due to soil pollution, a violation of its structure and microflora due to the death of earthworms and beneficial microorganisms.
How to deal with the parasite in the garden and greenhouse?
They can inhabit the larvae both in the open field and in the greenhouse, therefore, it is worth treating the beds for prophylaxis with any method of growing vegetable crops. Special agents that contain chemicals are used as active agents for the parasite. Not all gardeners resort to radical methods of dealing with wireworm; therefore, along with chemicals, popular recipes are used.
Wireworm on earth
Use of special preparations to protect
crops It happens that the popular methods used do not give a positive result, the parasite continues to actively harm crops. Special chemicals come to protection, which need to be used only in accordance with the instructions in the instructions. Particular caution should be exercised in measuring the dose, increasing the recommended indicator is strictly prohibited.
One of the new developments in agrochemistry is Nemabakt, which is obtained by combining two different species of organisms( predatory nematodes and bacteria).The principle of the agent is the penetration of the nematode inside the wireworm. There, it releases a bacterium that destroys the insides of the pest. They in turn feed the nematode. There is no chance for survival from the wireworm.
To combat the larvae, you can cultivate the land:
Diazinon et al.
Prestige Bazudin Thunder-2 Diazinon Prototox
Insecticides are used at different stages of plant development, but any treatments are completed 20-30 days before harvest starts. After completion of the harvesting, the preparations can be used for tillage. All parasites are afraid of poison, therefore, it will not be difficult to kill them.
The use of folk methods for fighting beetles in the garden area
It is extremely undesirable to use insecticides at the dacha, and bio-based products cost money. Yes, and the time to buy them gardeners can not carve out because of the complexity of leaving the outskirts of the city in the center. Popular methods that have been tested for effectiveness for years come to the rescue.
In early spring and in June, young shoots of almost every crop need weeding and loosening the soil. This agricultural rule is also used as a measure for controlling wireworm. Eggs, larvae and the beetles themselves, once on the surface, become food for birds. In addition, under the influence of the sun eggs become unviable.
As a trap, many gardeners plant corn or leaf lettuce in the aisle of vegetable crops, the roots of which are loved by wireworms. It will be necessary only to pull out growing shoots from the ground together with hordes of pests.
Before planting, it is useful to water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate( 2 grams per bucket of water).In addition to the disinfecting effect of the composition will scare the parasites.
The easiest way to combat wireworm is to dust the beds and between rows with wood ash. Impregnated with ashes, the soil becomes not interesting to insects. You can throw a little ash in the hole and protect the crop at the planting stage.
Mineral salts, sprinkled on the surface of the soil, will serve as a good fertilizer for vegetable crops and scare the wireworm.
Reduces the pest population a procedure used to neutralize acidic soils - liming.
Also helps to protect the crop ammonia, ammonium nitrate and lime. Treatment of beds with these means in the right dosages will help to defeat the pest and save the crops in the future.
You can also destroy the wireworm with eggshell, scattering it on the garden beds.
A particularly popular recipe includes a set of plants that are insecticides in nature:
dandelion( 200 g);
nettle( 500 g);
celandine( 100 g);
coltsfoot( 200 g).
Wireworm eating potatoes
The components need to be crushed, filled with warm water( 10 liters) and allowed to brew for 3-4 days. It is necessary to water the beds with a solution 2-3 times with 1 week breaks.
Preventive methods for the appearance of wireworm on potatoes and potato fields in spring and autumn
Many gardeners believe that it is impossible to completely eliminate wireworms. Therefore, the goal of preventive measures is to reduce the number of parasites, as a result of which the amount of damaged crops is reduced.
The following actions have been recognized as effective and acceptable agrotechnical measures that can reduce the larval population.
Autumn harvesting of beds with a careful selection of plant residues that can be used by pests for wintering.
Digging of the soil immediately before frost. Being close to the surface of the soil the larvae will freeze out. For the effectiveness of the method, the depth of digging should not be less than 25 cm.
The rhizomes of wheatgrass and millet attract the larvae, therefore plants should be discarded. Roots from the ground should be removed completely.
Agricultural technology of vegetables provides for the periodic loosening of the soil. In May and June, this should be done every week, so that the laid eggs of the beetle beetle find themselves under open sunlight. They die from overheating, which means that an increase in the population will be prevented.
Trapping can also help reduce the number of parasites. To do this, in different places in the garden, make small depressions in the ground, put some slightly damp grass or hay in them, moisten them and cover them with a small board or pieces of slate. Every couple of days you need to look into the traps and remove, gathered for dinner wireworms. Potatoes are often used as bait - a favorite pest treat.
Compliance with crop rotation is considered one of the most effective control methods. Landing on the same place every year should not be done, a good harvest with this method can not be removed, and attract more insects out. Especially the wireworm likes potatoes and is often found in the potato field. By the way, planting a tomato after it will not save the situation, since these two cultures are in the same group.
Systematic processing, timely weed control and careful cleaning of the garden after harvesting do not leave the larvae of the click beetle to survive. As you can see, it’s easy to get them out.
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