The harm and benefits of a moisturizer for the human body: is it worth buying a moisturizer and why

If you try to hold your breath, you will quickly want to take a breath. But, to paraphrase an old ad, not all air is equally useful. But a comfortable indoor atmosphere directly affects health.

Is it possible to change the composition of the air in the house, making it optimal? As far as possible. For example, using a device that normalizes humidity in the surrounding space. The real action, harm and benefits of a humidifier have already been well studied, but not all current and potential users are known.

In this article, we will tell you how to correctly select the most suitable humidifier model. We will show you where, how and when the equipment should be used. Our recommendations will come in handy during operation.

The content of the article:

  • How to determine the humidity of the air?
  • Why is too dry air dangerous?
  • Air humidifiers against viruses and bacteria
    • Possibility of forming a hazardous environment
    • Well-being and appearance
  • Traditional humidifiers
  • Steam humidifiers
    • Device and principle of operation
    • Danger of uncontrolled use
  • instagram viewer
  • Ultrasonic humidifiers
    • Features of work and devices
    • Real benefits and harms
  • General recommendations for the use of humidifiers
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to determine the humidity of the air?

There are many humidifiers on the market of three main types: traditional, steam and ultrasonic. The manufacturers of each guarantee that the benefits of hydration will be maximum, and the harm, on the contrary, will be minimal.

Before as purchase a humidifier, you should decide whether you need to humidify the air at all. Excess moisture suspended in it can also have negative consequences.

Humidity is measured with a hygrometer. It is better to purchase a household model of a hygrometer or any multifunctional device with a hygrometer. The humidity in the house changes depending on the season, and in high-rise apartments with the inclusion of central heating - it changes dramatically.

Clock with hydrometer and thermometer

Multifunctional electronic devices with a hygrometer allow you to control the humidity in the room. Despite their attractive appearance, they are less reliable than mechanical hygrometers.

Our lungs are accustomed to air humidity between 40% and 60%. In winter, the humidity in residential buildings is lower, in summer it is higher. It is believed that mechanical hygrometers are more reliable than electronic hygrometers, but electronic ones are more accurate.

Why is too dry air dangerous?

Too dry indoor air is contraindicated primarily for allergy sufferers and people with respiratory diseases. Dry air does not bind dust, the smallest particles of which enter the lungs with each breath.

As a result, even a healthy person has symptoms such as:

  • labored breathing;
  • sore throat;
  • constant thirst;
  • desire to clear your throat

An asthmatic person can literally start suffocating. For people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, humidifier in an apartment is as much a necessity as medicine.

Batteries dehumidify indoor air

Central heating in apartment buildings dries up the air in cold winters. In order to avoid this, you must purchase a humidifier

Dry air is especially dangerous in old houses, the ventilation system of which is far from ideal. Central heating of high-rise buildings also “dries” the air.

Closed, and sometimes still in the old-fashioned way, sealed windows and electric heaters in old apartments only worsen the situation. It literally becomes difficult to breathe in such apartments. But discomfort is only part of the problem.

Air humidifiers against viruses and bacteria

A sore throat is unpleasant, but not fatal. But the disease, even if we are talking about a common cold, can kill. If the air in the apartment is too dry, then you can get sick for two reasons at once.

Possibility of forming a hazardous environment

Firstly, some viruses and bacteria spread better in it. They are not bound by moisture, so that a guest who accidentally sneezes can put all the residents to bed.

Danger of colds

Too dry air can cause colds, even if the house is warm. It is necessary not only to take care of ventilation, but also to monitor the humidity in the rooms.

Secondly, dry air also means insufficient humidity of a person's natural defense against diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. The mucous membranes are overdried and do not retain viruses.

Bronchial tubes are less self-cleaning. In winter, in the midst of epidemics of acute respiratory infections, flu, SARS, the appropriate air humidity in the apartment is extremely important.

Well-being and appearance

The human body assimilates oxygen better if the inhaled air has normal humidity.

Simply put, it is more difficult to get enough oxygen in dry or excessively humid air, and this directly affects:

  • working capacity (chronic fatigue occurs);
  • sleep (drowsiness with inability to get enough sleep);
  • general well-being (one of the most common complaints is headaches).

And even without humidifier skin diseases and diseases of the mucous membranes of the eyes may begin or worsen. The skin begins to peel off, the eyes ache. Contact lenses become a torture tool.

How to identify a lack of moisture by dry eyes

If the drops do not help with dry eyes, you should check the humidity in the apartment. Perhaps the body reacts this way to too dry air.

Doesn't sound very attractive, does it? Even a little scary. It turns out that we urgently need to install humidifiers, the sooner the better? But humidifiers for an apartment can be both good and bad. Potential side effects depend primarily on the type of moisturizer.

Traditional humidifiers

Traditional humidifiers, aka cold-type humidifiers, are most similar in design to fans. More precisely, these are fans, only a little more complex. They push air through the humidification cartridge.

Water is poured into the humidifier tank, soaking the replaceable cartridges. It is through these cartridges that the air blown by the fan of the humidifier passes. With a traditional humidifier, the humidity in the room can be raised to 60%. The main side effect is noise.

Traditional humidifier

Traditional humidifiers are not complex machines. But it needs constant replacement of cartridges and regular cleaning. This reduces noise and increases efficiency.

Modern humidifiers of a cold type are devices whose noise level does not exceed 40-50 dB, which is much lower than the level that is harmful to health.

But in the presence of neuroses, some mental disorders, sleep problems, even this level of noise can cause a deterioration in well-being, stress. Another likely side effect is also a direct consequence of the design of a traditional humidifier.

When using it, the quality of the indoor air is directly dependent on the quality of the water that is poured into the humidifier. Water can contain anything from trivial salts to heavy metals, and dangerous bacteria and viruses can lurk in the water.

If you do not change the humidifier cartridges regularly, bacteria and viruses will accumulate there even if the water poured into the tank does not contain them. With proper operation of the device and using good water, it is almost impossible to get infected with anything through a cold-type humidifier.

Steam humidifiers

The principle of operation of steam humidifiers is already intuitive from the name: the water heats up, evaporates and humidifies the air. Bacteria and microbes that are weakly susceptible to high temperatures cannot get into the air. However, steam humidifiers can also harm human health.

Device and principle of operation

Filters and principle of operation traditional humidifiers do not allow heavier water fractions, primarily salts, to enter the atmosphere. And the hot steam of old models of steam humidifiers “lifts up” everything that is dissolved in water.

This can cause:

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. The ingestion of harmful salts or other hazardous substances into the lungs.

In addition, steam, the temperature of which at the outlet of the humidifier can be 60 degrees, is quite easy to get burned.

Steam humidifier

Steam humidifiers even outwardly somewhat resemble either a coffee maker or a kettle. Position them so that the risk of scalding from the hot steam jet is minimized.

Unlike cold humidifiers, steam humidifiers can theoretically raise air humidity to 90% or more.

At the same time, humidity even at 65% is already considered excessive and can:

  • lead to headaches;
  • cause a runny nose;
  • negatively affects the functions of the stomach.

You can control the humidity in the room using a hygrometer, which is increasingly being built into a humidifier. But even modern models of steam humidifiers with a hygrometer not only humidify, but also increase the temperature in the room.

High humidity in combination with high temperature is strictly contraindicated for both hypertensive and hypotensive patients. It can cause discomfort in healthy people, especially when combined with exercise.

Measurement of pressure with a tonometer

People with hypertension should be especially careful to control the humidity in their home. Both excess and insufficient humidity can cause a crisis.

It is no secret that the "tropical effect" contributes to dehydration: a person sweats, but due to the humid environment, the skin does not cool. The body, deceived in this way, continues to sweat. The body temperature rises, the amount of fluid in the body decreases.

The consequences of wet overheating may include:

  • nosebleeds (with a predisposition to them):
  • jumps in blood pressure (with a predisposition to them):
  • fainting (with a predisposition to them).

It is especially dangerous to turn on the steam humidifier and the heater at the same time, especially if it is winter outside and all the windows are closed. In addition to people suffering from chronic diseases, the elderly and young children are at risk. The temperature and humidity in the room should be controlled.

Danger of uncontrolled use

Excess moisture does not disappear without a trace. It settles on walls, floors and ceilings. And promotes the emergence of dangerous bacteria and mold. Their colonies, thriving in a warm, humid environment, are not the best neighborhoods.

Typically, black mold first appears in the corners of the room, under furniture and flooring. That is, without a hygrometer, you may not even notice a potential threat to health. This environment is an ideal breeding ground for woodlice, cockroaches and other insects.

Black mold on the walls of the room

Black mold caused by too much moisture is very difficult to remove. Reproducing, it eats into building structures and finishes, as a result destroying everything on which it lives.

At the same time, it does not matter to the fungus and bacteria how expensive renovation is in the apartment: colonies microorganisms feel great on Italian tiles, and mold can develop under French skirting boards.

But only mold can cause:

  • muscle pain;
  • nausea, diarrhea:
  • vision problems.

Mold spores can even die under certain circumstances. Of course, we are mainly talking about its exotic types, but it is better not to use old models of steam humidifiers.

A number of models of steam humidifiers can be used alternatively - as an inhaler. Moreover, some models even have special attachments. This is not just good for your health, it is a complete healing procedure.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

The most modern equipment in this group is ultrasonic models. Humidify the air with cold steam, into which water splits when exposed to ultrasound. However, a number of models can heat water to kill microorganisms in them.

Features of work and devices

As a rule, they have both manual and automatic humidity regulators. Quiet, the volume is only 25 dB. It is only necessary to periodically change the cartridges, which, among other things, soften the water and clean it of impurities.

Ultrasonic Air Humidifier

The modern ultrasonic humidifier seems to be devoid of all the drawbacks. However, treating disease symptoms with it is a very bad idea.

All the obvious health risks associated with traditional and steam humidifiers have been corrected. Unless you can get stress from the high cost of such a device. Just remember that at full power, certain models of ultrasonic humidifiers may slightly lower the room temperature.

However, it would be wrong not to mention the myths associated with the harm of ultrasound. Probably, not a month goes by without information on the Internet that an ultrasound scan can irradiate a person to death, and that ultrasound itself is a very dangerous thing.

Household climatic complex

Climatic complexes not only humidify, but also purify the air. But the purchase of a climate complex should be well thought out: service centers for their maintenance are far from everywhere.

Ultrasound cannot irradiate anyone, because it is not light, but sound, high-frequency vibrations that are not audible to the human ear. Some sound waves are heard by animals, such as dogs. But such waves are not used in household appliances.

Real benefits and harms

However, even such a safe device can harm human health. Ultrasonic humidifiers, just like steam or traditional ones cannot be used uncontrollably.

Often, ultrasonic air humidifiers and climatic systems of the latest generation, combining humidifiers and air purifiers, are used for other purposes.

Humidifiers are used to relieve symptoms of disease without trying to treat what caused the disease.

These symptoms include:

  • headaches, migraines
  • the first symptoms of colds
  • the first symptoms of hypertension or hypotension

It is easier for some irresponsible buyers to turn the knob of the next “device” than to start taking care of their health. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, which can subsequently seriously affect health.

General recommendations for the use of humidifiers

Even the most modern humidifier with a cleaning function can not replace the ventilation system. It doesn't generate air. A humidifier is not very suitable for cleaning it, so the great freshness of the air during operation should not be misleading.

It is also not recommended to overuse aroma additives, which are often offered for steam humidifiers. The humidifiers should be serviced on time - clean, change cartridges, and also follow the general safety principles when working with electrical appliances.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Despite the fact that alarmists regularly appear on the Internet talking about the dangers of air humidifiers, the opinion about their benefits is currently shared by scientists and manufacturers and consumers.

The following video will acquaint you with the opinion of a famous physician:

Another interview with the popular Dr. Komarovsky:

Most of the stories about the dangers of humidifiers are myths that have long been debunked. However, no one has ever claimed that high humidity is good for health.

Tell us about your own experience in using humidifiers in your apartment / house / office. Did you feel any harm or benefit in the process of using them? Please leave comments in the block below, ask questions on points of interest and controversial points, share useful information and photos on the topic of the article.

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