How to deal with a spider mite at home


A cobweb is considered one of the most ubiquitous. It affects almost all plants, except for water only. As it is not insulting, but any room plant will eventually have to face such a problem. And if there are flowers in the room, it is recommended to prepare for a long battle with this harmful insect, because it is almost impossible to prevent his attack.

The tick is able to enter the room in any way - through windows, brought on a flower bouquet, in folds of outer clothing, with a soil for transplanting plants. And if you have already discovered the presence of an unpleasant enemy, you must take all measures to completely destroy it.


Table of contents

  • What does a spider mite look like?
  • What plants amaze at home and in the garden
  • How to deal with a spider mite in the garden
    • Use of special drugs
    • Use of folk remedies
  • Prophylactic methods for the appearance of a spider mite on plants

What does a spider mite look like?

The size of an insect is completely dependent on the level of its fatness. The length of the female reaches

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0.4 - 0.6 mm, the male is not so large - does not exceed0.45 mm. Pests may look like an ellipse, soft-bodied, the upper part of the body is convex, the bottom is even.

At the stage of the larva, the wrecker is transparent, colored inLight green or greenish-brown tinge. On the sides there is a pair of distinct dark spots formed by transparent sacs of the midgut. From August until the onset of the spring season, females differorange-redshade. The adult has eight legs, while the larva has only six.

. . Red spider mite.. Atlantic spider mite.

Among the most known pests are:

  • red spider mite;
  • red-mite;
  • spider mite of Savdzar;
  • Atlantic spider mite.

In the interlacing of the web there are several generations. Mitereproduces fairly quickly. Individuals grow up about three weeks after the female lays eggs.

The reproduction of an insect can be adversely affected by lowering the temperature regime, a high level of humidity. These same conditions can slow the development of the larvae themselves. If the climate improves, then the danger of mass infection is quite likely.

The spider mite can move quickly enough.

What plants amaze at home and in the garden

Habitat arethe upper and lower sides of foliage, stems and fruits. If the number of pests is large, then on the plants one can distinguish a web, among which pests swarm. Somewhat later the web stretches over the leaves, the stem is braided.

The most common pest inhabits the upper and lower side of the foliage

The tick is capable of infecting indoor flowers, cherries, vegetables and fruit crops, trees in the garden and at home. Most often, roses, chrysanthemums, crotones suffer from it.


How to deal with a spider mite in the garden

Unfortunately, there is no method of struggle, which is capable of destroying a spider mite from the first. In most cases,two or more treatmentsuntil the last parasite disappears from your plants. And in this struggle, all means are good.

Use of special drugs

The tick refers to arachnids, so it is not advisable to use insecticides in the fight against it.

With a pest, it is better to fightAcaricides and insectoacaricides. Of the large number of drugs identified as follows:

  • Actellik- Toxic composition. The drug is designed to fight the tick, it is recommended to treat it with mass lesions, when other drugs do not give the proper effect. When spraying plants, do not forget that the drug has a high toxicity. Treatments should be conducted outdoors or in a room with good ventilation;
  • Phytoverm- Another drug that helps to get rid of a spider pest. It is less toxic, allows you to work even in small rooms. But do not relax - treat quickly, then wash your face and hands, change your outer clothing. In order to get rid of the mite, up to four procedures with a weekly interval should be performed;
  • Neoron- With the help of such a chemical, you can kill not only adults, but their eggs. It is necessary to sew a couple of treatments, and the plants will be saved .;
  • In addition to the listed compounds, it is possible to apply sammayt, actophyte, acarin, vermitik and others. Many claim that it works well for the pest of Aktar. This means it is enough to shed the soil around the plant to get rid of the problem.
. . Aktellik.. Fitoverm.. Neoron.

Use of folk remedies

  • Ultraviolet- the tick can not stand it, and in the daytime tries to hide from the sunlight under the foliage. It is enough to light up the plants once a week for a couple of minutes to improve their resistance to many diseases. Such a procedure does not pose a danger to plants if one uses special ultraviolet lamps;
  • Alcohol treatment- gives excellent results. Wadding or a small sprayer wet the surface of the leaves, after which the alcohol needs a little time to completely evaporate. Use alcohol in pure form, water is not diluted, otherwise on the surface of the foliage during its evaporation may remain burn spots. After about seven days, the treatment is recommended to be repeated;
  • Bleached black- the plant is poisonous. Collect it should be in autumn or with the onset of spring. Use it in the form of infusions, powders and broths. To prepare the infusion, take a kilogram of crushed dry plant, pour a bucket of water, insist for twelve hours. Then everything is filtered, a few dozen grams of soap is added. The broth is made from dried grass. It is boiled for several hours, cooled, filtered, diluted with water to a ten-liter volume.
  • Garlic- five hundred grams of garlic must be crushed, pour three liters of water, insist in the dark room for five days, drain. 60 ml of infusion is diluted in a bucket of water, a little liquid soap is added, and spraying can be performed;
  • Gray alder- water in the amount of ten liters is heated, add two to four hundred grams of the crushed plant, insist for three hours. Infusion recommended immediately. Plants are treated for the first time after the foliage dissolves. Repeated procedure is performed after flowering. If necessary, the treatment is performed again, waiting for two weeks.
. . Belen black - use a decoction to control the pest.. Infusion of garlic.

Prophylactic methods for the appearance of a spider mite on plants

The main prerequisite for pest attack is dryness of air, low level of its humidity. Therefore it is recommendedair a room, humidify the air, carry out watering.

Spraying plants, you should be careful - water should not remain in the axils of leaves for a long time, so as not to cause rotting. Especially one should be careful in the winter, when after the treatment the water evaporates longer than usual.

Do not completely immerse the flower in water. A spider mite can protect itself by an air bubble, which it is covered by contact with water.

To reliably protect your plants from harmful parasites, it is recommended that you periodically inspect them carefully for the appearance of cobwebs and insects. Timely measures will help you save your culture by driving out an unwanted enemy forever. And not only chemical preparations will help, but simple folk methods that remain always reliable.

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