Rinnai gas boiler errors: error codes and solutions

The Japanese corporation Rinnai has established itself as a global manufacturer of reliable gas boilers. But like any gas-using devices, for some reason they can malfunction. To identify possible malfunctions, errors of the Rinnai gas boiler are displayed on the display in the form indicators or numbers and make it possible to accurately identify the reasons for quick elimination malfunctions.

If you think that all this is very difficult, then you are mistaken. In fact, there is nothing complicated in automatic diagnostics, and thanks to these numbers, if you have at least a little technical knowledge base on heating units, you can eliminate many faults yourself without calling master.

And we will help you - we will describe the most common errors of the boilers of this company, possible ways of them elimination, as well as post some manuals for the convenience of determining those codes that are not in our article.

The content of the article:

  • Installation of gas boilers Rinnai
    • How is the error displayed?
    • Troubleshooting and preventive diagnostics
  • instagram viewer
  • Rinnai boiler error codes
  • Safe operation rules
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Installation of gas boilers Rinnai

Typical device of double-circuit devices this company, for all its functionality, is quite simple. If you are at least a little versed in the design of heating boilers, it will not be difficult for you to find one or another element for its diagnosis.

So, 2 branches extend from the upper part of the device body. One is the exhaust pipe and the other is the intake pipe. Both elements go out to chimney coaxial type. Accordingly, through it, both oxygen intake for combustion and combustion products are removed.

2 pipes also come out of the lower part - gas and water supply.

Rinnai gas boiler device

There is nothing superfluous in the gas boilers of this Japanese company. A simple yet reliable device and high quality parts, and the availability of spare parts in stores, ensure the possibility of easy repair

The closed combustion chamber has a three-stage burner.

Above the nozzle is the main heat exchanger with copper plates. The secondary, consisting of copper and stainless plates, is located below, it is used to heat the hot water supply system, and a three-way valve is attached to it.

An expansion tank is located at the top, and a circulation pump at the bottom, which usually works universally for open and sealed systems.

Now comes the fun part. This is a remote control with display. Thanks to this technological device, the temperature control is carried out for both heating and hot water supply. And in addition, self-diagnostic indicators are displayed on its high-contrast display.

How is the error displayed?

As already mentioned, error identification occurs with the display of the remote control panel.

The first and second digits are the error code. For example, 16. The third number (separated by a space from the first two) is the boiler power.

It is denoted by numbers from 2 to 6, and reads something like this:

  • 2 = 167;
  • 3 = 207;
  • 4 = 257;
  • 5 = 307;
  • 6 = 367.

And the last, fourth digit, the type of chimney: 2 - ME, 3 - MF.

Rinnai error codes

If an error occurs on the display with a characteristic sound signal, you must immediately start troubleshooting. It is strongly not recommended to repeatedly try to start the boiler again, whatever the digital indicator is. One reboot is usually sufficient to prevent temporary control module failure.

In the event of a malfunction, the remote control starts signaling (beeping) to the owner about difficulties in the system and displays an error code on the screen.

The most common errors of instruments in the series RB RMF, we will now consider with you, and start with prevention, so that you rarely encounter such problems.

Troubleshooting and preventive diagnostics

If you have any malfunctions with the heating and hot water supply of Rinnai boilers or if you want to check the operation of this system, you will need to perform several diganotic actions.

Here is a quick overview of the general work on this procedure:

  1. Necessary inspect the gas valveGSA VALVE and the state of its operability. Usually, with such malfunctions, error 11 is displayed.
  2. Check the opening status of 1 and 2 electronic valves.
  3. Measure the voltage at the piezo source (AC 220V).
  4. Pay attention to the connection of the proportional valve. When doing this, error 52 occurs.

Another valve that should be inspected relates to warm water. By the way, its minimum working amount is approximately 1.7 l / min and this parameter is also recommended to be checked.

Rinnai diagnostics

Diagnostics of the gas boiler operation system is the prerogative of the masters from the service organization. If a malfunction is suspected or during prophylaxis, a complete inspection and control of the operation of each element is carried out

IN errors 15 and 16 we will look at the options for boiling and overheating.

To diagnose such problems, you must:

  • inspect the electronic valve and water supply for operability. Their working voltage is 220 Volts, when stopped, it is zero;
  • pay attention to the pump. It may stop due to contamination, also in the case of this element, a breakdown of the relay and the contact of the capacitor wires can be considered;
  • check the heat exchanger for blockages and rinse it out if necessary;
  • if the temperature rises sharply, pay attention to the malfunction of the thermistor.

It should be noted that these recommendations do not apply to those boiler owners who have a very poor understanding of the structure and principles of operation of gas-powered equipment.

And now we will analyze the most common error codes and options for their elimination.

Rinnai boiler error codes

A blinking heating light indicates a blockage in the system, in which it is necessary to clean the filters.

Hot water

If you see that your burner indicator is blinking, a possible reason is that hot water has been used continuously for an hour.

Error 7 in hot water supply mode. The boiler thinks or really is that hot water is being used continuously for 8 hours.

If you don't, first of all:

  • pay attention to the water flow sensor - is there PULSE mode, is the "water drop" indicator on the remote control lit when hot water is used;
  • check if the taps are closed;
  • inspect hoses and pipes for water leaks;
  • in case of a positive answer, eliminate the leak;
  • restart the boiler via the control panel.

Error 11 associated with ignition problems. Its symptoms include the absence of a flame on the burner or its short burning, that is, the inability to ignite the gas boiler.

The reason may be the low pressure of the supplied gas, in which case, you just need to light the gas stove to check.

Gas supply valve

Ironically enough, quite often the problem with firing up the boiler is due to the fact that forgetful owners do not open the gas supply valve on the pipeline leading to the device. In this case, error 11 can also appear

If everything is in order with the gas pressure and the valves leading to the unit are not closed on the main pipe, then it is necessary to carry out diagnostics and repairs of the Rinnai gas heating boiler, which should be entrusted professionals.

For diagnostics, the equipment will have to be checked:

  • the presence of all boiler connections, which include proportional control valves and electromagnetic (operating voltage: 220 V, stop - 0 V) ​​fan, ignition electrode, and so on;
  • check ignition loads in order;
  • find out if the heat exchanger plates are clogged.
  • check the bimetal thermal fuse;
  • be sure to inspect the chimney connection and its condition.

There is also a possibility of a problem with the electronics box.

Error 12 occurs when the boiler is extinguished more than 20 times. Symptom - the flame ignites and immediately goes out. Possible reasons - leakage of "blue fuel", blockages in the filtration system, insufficient pressure. It is necessary to check the primary pressure and whether the filters are clogged.

Gasman and boiler Rinnai

In general, if error 12 occurs, you need to turn off the gas and call the emergency dispatch service, if there is no experience in eliminating such malfunctions, since a dangerous leak is possible

Error 14 indicates that you have problems with the temperature sensor, for some reason, the connection with the temperature fuse or the electronic safety module has been cut off.

From what a person with experience with gas boilers can do is check the connection at the terminal and the fuse for a short circuit. But in most cases, a specialist visit is required to replace the electronic module.

Error 15 associated with malfunctions arising from the overheating sensor, the absence or problem of the circulation movement of the coolant in the heating system.

What do we have to do:

  1. Check whether there are leaks in the device or the system as a whole and, in case of shortage, fill them up (in particular, low pressure on the pressure gauge).
  2. Inspect the filter.
  3. Check the mains voltage and the condition of the thermistor.
  4. Restart the boiler after all actions.
  5. Check if there is a problem after restarting.

Error 16 characterizes overheating in the system when the coolant temperature is more than 95 degrees held for 3 seconds or more.

In this situation, it is necessary:

  • check if the heating system taps are closed - valves for opening and distribution;
  • if there are any air locks in the pipeline;
  • eliminate the possibility of blockages on the line and return filter;
  • check the presence and level of the coolant;
  • inspect the condition of the three-way valve and thermistor, measure the resistance at the thermistor terminals;
  • it is imperative to check the performance of the pump.

Error 17 indicates a water leak and occurs after 3 make-up signals.

Rinnai heat exchanger

Wall-hung boilers from such popular manufacturers as Rinnai, Celtic, Bosch are equipped with high-quality copper heat exchangers. It is positive that they do not corrode in the event of a leak and most often, the fistula can be eliminated without replacing the entire element.

Occurs in the period from 24 to 64 hours after the start of heating. Eliminate the error after diagnostics - checking for water leaks in the device itself, the pipeline system, inspection for the presence of airing in the system.

Error 18 connected directly with the power supply of the device. A ground fault is detected. It is necessary to diagnose the voltage in the network between the third pin of the electronics module and "ground", inspect boiler wiring for bare insulation, short circuit on the line of the device, the state of the control panel management

Error 20 - Dip SW switches set incorrectly or not detected. For reference, this is a manual type control. To eliminate the malfunction, it is recommended to check the correct location according to the instructions.

Error 28 signals that a problem has occurred in the control panel. And in this case, you just need to check its communication, the state of the connections.

Error 31 - these are thermistor malfunctions that occur when it breaks down or short circuit.

Error 32 typical for problems with the freezing thermistor, which occurs when it breaks down or short circuit.

Rinnai thermistor

Problems with boiler thermistors are eliminated in approximately the same ways. It is necessary to measure the voltage, if everything is in order, restart the boiler. If these steps do not help or a malfunction in the thermistor itself, it must be replaced, preferably with the help of a service technician.

Error 34 for the thermistor at the DHW inlet.

Error 35 and again the thermistor, only this time the one that scans the room temperature. This occurs when the contact circuit is broken or short-circuited.

Error 43 appears in sealed boilers and occurs when the electrodes see a lack or complete absence of a coolant for 43 seconds. Of course, you need to check the coolant level right away.

And then:

  • determine the contact of the wiring with the sensor electrodes;
  • inspect the system for clogging;
  • find out if there are any problems with the functionality of the make-up solenoid valve;
  • see if the make-up system works as a whole.

Also, to eliminate the malfunction, if the coolant level is low, open the water supply tap, turn on the make-up, and then close the DHW valve. When the pressure equals 0.5-1.5, turn off the make-up.

Error 44. These are problems with the level gauge when it starts to "glitch". That is, when there is water, but there is not much of it and he fixes that there is no water at all, when there is too much of it and he determines it continuously for 30 seconds (in a leaky type system).

It is necessary to check the condition of the connection of the electrodes of the level gauge and whether the water separator at the top is not clogged. If it is impossible to eliminate it on your own, call a specialist from the service or gas service.

Error 52 suitable for problems with modulating gas valve, proportional valve. For more information on how to repair a gas valve, see this material.

Modulating gas valve

Here you need to measure the voltage in the mains, try to restart the boiler and if you cannot fix the error yourself, call the wizard

Error 56 in open systems, it shows problems with the solenoid valve water make-up when it does not complete the cycle 5 minutes after the start of the supply. In this case, it is recommended to check the voltage, water sensor and call a wizard to troubleshoot the valve if you cannot do this yourself.

Error 61 indicates a problem with the fan. As the official representative of the manufacturer of boilers Rinnai in Russia assures, it is necessary to check correct installation of the chimney, remove if there is a blockage, measure the voltage and try to restart the boiler. If the error is not eliminated, be sure to call the wizard.

Fan Rinnai

The error occurs during ignition, when the motor could not spin up the fan or there is not enough speed

Error 71. If these numbers appear on the display, be aware that they indicate a problem with the solenoid valve, its displacement or mismatch with the gas outlet point. If the problem persists when restarting the boiler, turn off the gas supply and call the foreman.

Error 72 indicates problems with the solenoid valve, as well as difficulties in recognizing the ionization sensor. In this situation, gas is not supplied to the burner during the ignition attempt, and the flame is fixed.

Experts advise to check whether the valve on the gas supply is open and if everything is in order with this, immediately shut off the flow and call a professional diagnostician from the service center or from a company with which is concluded service contract gas equipment.

Error 89 signals that the sensors have recognized the freezing of the system. This problem also requires a specialist to resolve.

Error 90 recognized as a defect during the initial fan current, during the pre-purge. The reason may be a blockage in the chimney, voltage problems.

If after restarting, if it is not detected and it is impossible to eliminate it yourself, the problem recurs - call the wizard.

Installation of Rinnai boilers

The malfunction by error 96 is eliminated as the cause is found, after checking the access of water to the DHW pipes (valve on the pipe), measuring its pressure

Error 96 connected to DHW. It is recognized during a test run of DHW and is characterized as unfinished venting after 10 minutes.

Error 97 refers to heating functions. Again, when during test run, the air output is longer than 120 minutes after turning on the heating. What to do - check the access of the coolant, measure the pressure and try to restart your gas-using device.

Error 99 - chimney and related malfunctions. This error refers to security features. This can be a depressurization of the chimney, blockages in it or a fan, and so on. If an error occurs, it is necessary to check the functionality of the fan, the heat exchanger for blockages and the chimney.

Safe operation rules

Any gas boiler is used for the processing of fuel that is dangerous to the life and health of consumers in the event of a leak, the outlets of its utilization products and a leak of the coolant heated by it.

Rinnai gas boiler

The boilers of the Japanese manufacturer Rinnai are known for the highest reliability and excellent performance. Basically, a factory defect is extremely rare on these devices and technical errors are associated with improper operation and an untimely preventive inspection.

All work on the repair and replacement of gas-using equipment should be carried out by specialists from the service department or gas distribution company. Otherwise, you may face a gas cut-off at best, and at worst - a threat to health and life.

Moreover, the cost of such devices, especially from well-known manufacturers, is not always budgetary, and the warranty is long. An intrusion into the gas boiler system can be regarded as a violation of the warranty inviolability and, accordingly, wait from the service department for the free repair and replacement of individual elements, do not costs.

But again, it is quite possible to eliminate some points in boiler faults on your own or knowing them, you can determine what kind of work to call the master and ask how much it will cost repair.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Read more about error 99, fan cleaning:

Basically, malfunctions of most Rinnai gas boiler models are easy to fix. Knowing the decoding of error codes and having a manual for the operation of a specific device in your hands, you can easily diagnose, if not even the breakdown itself, then at least the area in which it manifested itself.

Have you had any problems with Rinnai heating units? Maybe you have highlighted a code that is not in our article? Share your experience and ask questions in the comments.

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