How to reduce the power of a gas boiler: methods to reduce gas consumption by a boiler

The cost of energy carriers is growing with enviable regularity, so whether you like it or not, you have to think about how to reduce the power of the gas boiler in order to save money. After all, overpaying for "blue" fuel is impractical, unprofitable, and simply unreasonable. Do you agree?

Moreover, in many cases it is not difficult to save gas, and with it money. Read on how to do this in our publication.

The content of the article:

  • Simplest ways to reduce power
    • Method # 1 - adjustment in manual mode
    • Method # 2 - adjustment in automatic mode
  • Effective methods to reduce gas consumption
    • Method # 1 - elimination of the causes of chemical underburning
    • Method # 2 - eliminating the causes of mechanical underburning
    • Method # 3 - cleaning the heat exchanger and coolant
    • Method # 4 - reducing overall heat loss
  • The importance of boiler maintenance
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Simplest ways to reduce power

The simplest and most effective, as well as operative, methods to help save gas and reduce power include adjusting the boiler settings. Using them, you can reduce the consumption by a quarter.

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These methods of reducing power include:

  • adjust settings in manual mode;
  • power control in automatic mode.

Both options can be used separately or together. That will help to improve the energy efficiency of any heating device to the optimum value.

How the power of the boilers decreases

A huge number of gas boilers are supplied to the market, but the principle of their operation is the same. As a result, the same reasons lead to an increase in energy consumption. And, accordingly, they can be eliminated by the same methods.

Method # 1 - adjustment in manual mode

This is the most inexpensive and quickest method of making adjustments to the operating mode of your gas boiler. Since the whole procedure is similar to decreasing the volume of the TV sound.

After all, all you need to do is perform 2 simple steps:

  1. Enter boiler service menu (not to be confused with a regular custom one). What can be done after the introduction of a special code. You can find out it from the manufacturer, supplier, seller, service centers and in many other ways;
  2. By pressing the "-" button set the required power value.

An important advantage of the described method for reducing gas consumption is simplicity. Since almost any boiler user can cope with the task. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with gas flow measurement methods.

The disadvantage is that when the power of the boiler decreases, its efficiency decreases. As a result, if the adjustments are changed downward by a moderate amount, this is a reasonable compromise. Which will help you get the benefit of fuel economy.

Reasons for excessive consumption of gas

Modern gas boilers are distinguished by their spectacular appearance, high efficiency and it is hard to believe that they, like 100 years ago, can be covered with carbon deposits and clog chimneys. But this is so, therefore, from the first day of operation, you need to tune in to systemic care of the heating device. Otherwise, it will not please with a moderate energy consumption, and in addition, the service life will be significantly reduced.

In the same way eliminate impulse work boiler (its timing). Which is a common cause of excessive energy consumption.

At the same time, if you make an excessive decrease in the productivity of gas equipment (with maximum indicators to minimum), the decrease in efficiency will be expressed in tens of percent of optimal value. Which, again, will lead to additional and unnecessary costs.

Method # 2 - adjustment in automatic mode

It is cost-effective and efficient to adjust the capacity of gas boilers using the so-called weather-dependent automation. Its peculiarity is that the delivery set includes external and internal temperature sensors. That is, when choosing the optimal operating mode, the indicators obtained during measurements on the street and inside heated rooms are taken into account, or rather compared. That allows you to change the power of the boiler even before the air in the rooms overheats.

Example: with the onset of morning, the frost on the street subsides, but at the initial stages of warming, internal sensors do not record temperature changes. Therefore, the boiler continues to operate at a constant output. But after a couple of hours, this will lead to overheating of the air in the premises, which means that some of the gas will be wasted.

Manual power adjustment

A simple but effective way to change the power of any gas boiler is manual adjustment. Which will become available after entering the service menu. But you still need to understand that this method is optimal for the so-called fine tuning. If you do not follow the measure, then such a method may well lead to an even greater overconsumption of gas.

At the same time, the use of an external temperature sensor will result in temperature rise being detected in a timely manner. This will allow to reduce the boiler output in advance. That is, it will not come to air overheating. And this will provide a more economical gas consumption.

Manufacturers produce weather-dependent automation kits for most of their modern boilers. But in most cases it is not included in the basic delivery set. That is, if necessary, the specified equipment will have to be purchased.

Automatic regulation of boiler power

Weather-dependent automation is not cheap, therefore it is an optional offer. And yet it is worth spending the required amount on a set of the specified equipment. But at the same time, it should be remembered that only certified equipment can be allowed to be used together with the boiler.

Both of the above adjustment methods are quite effective. But you should be aware that the maximum benefit from them will be only if the gas boiler, like related equipment (for example, ventilation, smoke removal, etc.) correctly selected, technically sound and working normally.

Otherwise, the use of adjustments will simply mask the existing problem. And to solve it, other ways have to be sought.

Effective methods to reduce gas consumption

Reasons that significantly affect decrease in efficiency of gas boilers, and, accordingly, to increase fuel consumption, is quite a lot. Therefore, the user should initially identify the one that negatively affects the performance of the gas equipment. In order not to experiment, using the trial and error method to reduce the power.

Moreover, often all that is needed to identify a problem that prevents the boiler from operating in optimal mode is to conduct a visual inspection. This can be done in a matter of minutes by both an employee of the gas service, a specialized company, and a person who only has a basic set of special knowledge.

And after identifying the problem, you should choose one of the appropriate solutions to fix it. Which we will consider in detail below.

Method # 1 - elimination of the causes of chemical underburning

Such important structural elements of any heating device as a heat exchanger, a burner are often covered with soot, caked dust and other types of contamination.

As a result, there is a decrease in the efficiency of heat transfer. Therefore, in order to reach the set temperatures, the gas boiler has to work for a longer time. Which leads to an increase in energy consumption.

Permit to work

If almost any user can handle the adjustments of the boiler settings, then everything is not so simple with the rest of the work. Actually, no one forbids them to be performed on their own, but you should remember about quality and safety.

The reason for the clogging of the structural elements of the gas boiler is the underburning of the "blue" fuel. This phenomenon occurs when an insufficient amount of air enters the combustion chamber of the heater. The result is incomplete combustion of the gas.

The elimination of the problem occurs in several stages:

  1. Removing carbon deposits from heat exchanger surfaces, gas burner and other elements of the boiler structure.
  2. Cleaning the ventilation duct ducts. Moreover, this is a mandatory procedure. Since it is the inefficiency of the ventilation system that often leads to the fact that insufficient air is supplied to the gas burner.
  3. Cleaning the smoke exhaust ducts. Such a procedure is necessary due to the fact that an ineffective removal of combustion products can lead to a lack of oxygen.

These manipulations can be performed by specialists of the gas service, specialized companies, as well as the owner of the boiler himself. But provided that he has sufficient knowledge and skills.

Chimney soot

The photo shows soot in the chimney. The more it is, the less efficient any gas boiler becomes. Since a contaminated smoke exhaust system is always one of the most important reasons for such a phenomenon as chemical underburning and the subsequent waste of energy

If the structural elements of the boiler and the air ducts are cleaned, and carbon deposits continue to form, and very quickly, then the problem of underfilling and inefficiency can be solved with the help of:

  • commissioning works;
  • arrangement of ventilation systems, smoke removal.

Since the adjustment work is simpler and less costly, then you need to start with them. Why do you need to invite a specialist from a gas company or a company that has the necessary license.

Arrangement ventilation systems, smoke exhaust begins with calculations. They make it possible to understand how much air is needed to eradicate such a phenomenon as underfloor heating with subsequent excessive consumption of gas.

For a stable supply of the boiler with the required amount of air, it is better to use modern equipment (coaxial or sandwich ducts).

Method # 2 - eliminating the causes of mechanical underburning

This phenomenon is formed when part of the gas simply does not have time to burn due to excess oxygen, while the boiler surfaces remain clean.

That is, the situation is opposite to that which occurs with chemical underburning. And it is caused by the excessive performance of the smoke exhaust system, which leads to high draft. Which should be adjusted to eliminate the causes of incomplete combustion of "blue" fuel. Which, with a thrust limiter, can be done in seconds.

Cleaning ventilation ducts

If the owners are more or less successfully struggling with the problems that dirty chimney channels create, then the same shortcomings of ventilation systems ducts are often forgotten. But they need to be cleaned, and regularly, if there is a desire to make your heating device effective.

If the specified device is not provided, then when using modern modular smoke removal systems, this drawback is easy to correct.

To solve problems with excessive draft, you can think about changing the type of smoke exhaust system, for example, to modern ones. coaxial ducts with the desired diameter. It will be a practical solution - the optimal dimensions and the absence of a restrictor, which is a transverse partition, will make the air flow more stable. What will affect the quality of gas combustion.

In addition, the reasons for mechanical underburning, and, consequently, excessive gas consumption, can be:

  • incorrect power setting;
  • incorrect choice gas boiler by capacity.

In the first case, the problem can be eliminated by setting the heater in manual mode. How to do this is described at the beginning of the article.

Making boiler settings

It should always be remembered that the boiler power settings are correct. Failure to heed this warning may result in impulse operation. And until the problem is solved, economical gas consumption can be ignored

Method # 3 - cleaning the heat exchanger and coolant

On the inner surfaces of the channels of the specified element of the boiler structure, a deposit consisting of ferric iron, salt deposits and other foreign particles is deposited. This, after a few months from the start of operation, can lead to the fact that more heat energy will have to be spent to heat the coolant to the desired temperature. For the production of which an increased gas consumption will be required.

Mechanical burnout

Even when installing a gas boiler, you should take care of the correct implementation of commissioning work. Since a poorly tuned fuel valve, injector or electronics will not give the expected result. Moreover, from the first day of using the heater To eliminate the indicated drawback, the internal cavities of the heat exchanger must be regularly cleaned.

What can be done in different ways:

  • mechanical, that is, cleaning by hand;
  • chemical, for which special solutions are used;
  • hydrodynamic, which is done with ordinary water (under pressure).

Mechanicalcleaning the heat exchanger is made using various brushes, scrapers. That is, with certain skills, the specified procedure can be performed independently, although it is labor-intensive.

Chemicalway cleaning is that a special device called a booster is connected to the dismantled heat exchanger. And it repeatedly spills the internal channels with special fluids (acids). Which cope with even the most persistent plaque.

Hydrodynamicway is the least labor intensive. Since all that is required when using it is to connect a special pump to the heating system. After that, clean water is pumped into its channels, the pressure of which gradually increases. Which leads to delamination and subsequent plaque removal.

Dirty heat exchanger

The photo shows a dirty heat exchanger with a layer of carbon deposits, consisting of gas combustion products and melted dust. Since this is the usual state of the surface of any heat exchanger after a few months after use. And this should be remembered, because carbon deposits lead to a gradual decrease in heat transfer.

The heat exchanger channels must be cleaned at least once every 2 years. It is possible to reduce the frequency of this procedure only when using filters that are used to clean the coolant from all kinds of dirt particles. That allows you to clean the heat exchanger 2 times less often, that is, once every 4 years.

Filters can be used to clean the coolant:

  • rough cleaning;
  • fine cleaning;
  • magnetic.

All listed products can be used both together and separately. But it will be possible to establish the optimal combination of filters only after laboratory analysis of water, which will be used as a heat carrier.

Method # 4 - reducing overall heat loss

If a gas boiler consumes a disproportionate amount of gas, and there are no external signs of a problem and it is correctly configured, then it can be assumed that the problem is not in the unit itself. And the fault is general heat lossthat will have to be eliminated. Otherwise, energy overruns cannot be avoided.

Clogged heat exchanger ducts

The arrows in the photo indicate the heat exchanger channels. As you can see, they are rather narrow, which is done to improve heat transfer. But this same feature leads to the fact that the channels are quickly clogged. Which is a direct road to a significant increase in gas consumption

The reasons for general heat loss are:

  • improper installation of radiators;
  • suboptimal total heat output of radiators;
  • poor thermal insulation of doors, windows;
  • lack of insulation of floors, roofs, walls of the building;
  • insufficient thermal insulation of ventilation ducts, smoke removal, etc.

You should know that the efficiency of any gas boiler directly depends on the correct operation of the radiators. And the worst news is that it will not work to reduce the energy consumption by any manipulations with the heating boiler, if the radiators are installed incorrectly.

Therefore, it is necessary to proceed to the specified question as soon as it is found out that the boiler is in good working order and correctly configured.

When checking the correct installation of radiators, make sure that:

  • There are no distortions. This is an important point, since a tilt of the radiator of more than 1 ° begins to affect the efficiency of the heating system. And significant inaccuracies made during the installation of several products will lead to a significant loss of efficiency, and by tens of percent;
  • Batteries are located in areas where heat loss is usually greatest (for example, near windows). And they are placed 12 cm from the floor, 2 cm from the wall and 10 cm from the window sill, which should overlap the radiator by 2/3.

And also you should pay attention to the absence of excessive bends at the turning points of the pipes through which the coolant flows, correct installation air release valves.

Cleaning the heat exchanger

Although cleaning the heat exchanger channels with acids requires a special device (booster), it is less labor-intensive than the same procedure performed manually. Moreover, it is of higher quality. And most importantly, there is less chance of damaging the product design.

As already mentioned, the total heat output of the radiators and the gas boiler used should be approximately equal.

If you do not follow this rule, then at a low total power, the gas boiler will heat the coolant to a critical 75 ° C. At which the rapid wear of the resource of all structural elements of the heating system, made of polymer plastics, will begin. What threatens leaks.

In addition, at the specified temperature, dust particles are massively burnt, which does not contribute to the comfort of living.

And the worst thing is that the difference in the performance of the equipment that is used as part of the heating system will lead to clocking (frequent on / off). In which a considerable part of the gas will simply fly out into the pipe without burning out. The reason is that the electronics of all boilers are programmed so that gas is first supplied, and after a while a spark is produced.

General heat loss

The main reason for the inefficiency of boilers is traditionally general heat loss. That is, without eliminating heat loss, there can be no talk of any reduction in gas consumption.

In addition, when switched on, the performance of gas boilers traditionally reaches peak values, which is designed to eliminate problems during their ignition. And this feature, with frequent launches, leads to even greater losses.

It should also be remembered that there can be no efficient operation of gas boilers in a room equipped with windows, doors with cracks, cracks and not insulated walls, floors, ceilings. That is, the listed disadvantages should also be eliminated.

The importance of boiler maintenance

Above were listed effective methods that allow you to solve such a problem as reducing gas consumption by the boiler. But they all have an unpleasant feature. The reason is that the described procedures are used when the heating unit, and with it the entire heating system, has become less efficient. This leads to an increase in fuel (gas) consumption and a decrease in the comfort of living.

And such a disadvantage can only be eliminated through maintenance. The main feature of which is the ability to prevent an increase in gas consumption, as well as prevent premature wear of structural elements of any gas boiler. Which allows you to save even more.

Administrative Code and Criminal Code

You should not reduce gas consumption using illegal methods. Since, as a punishment, you can get a fine of up to a million rubles and with a possible restriction of freedom (Art. 158 of the Criminal Code). And this, if there are no consequences in the form of harm to health, the lives of other people

This procedure is a complex of different works, namely:

  • control;
  • verification.

Which allow you to identify in time the signs of all problems leading to a decrease in the efficiency of boilers. The only exception is the clogging of the heat exchanger channels, since it cannot be visually identified. Therefore, in this case, you just need to combine cleaning work with maintenance (with the required frequency).

Maintenance must be performed at least once a year before the start of the heating season. But it is more practical to carry out maintenance up to 3 times every 12 months:

  • before the start of seasonal operation;
  • during its operation;
  • after the end of the heating season.

An important advantage of boiler maintenance is that a significant part of the work can be performed by the owner himself. Since all that is needed for this is to have a certain set of knowledge and practical experience.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The first video will allow you to better understand the reasons that lead to the overspending of the energy carrier by the boiler.

The following video will show you how to keep your natural gas consumption to a minimum.

It is quite possible to reduce gas consumption by a household boiler, and in many cases this can be done quickly and without financial costs. But remember that the most effective method is regular maintenance.

In addition, when performing any work on gas equipment, one should not forget about security measures.

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