Humic fertilizers - what is it and how to apply it

Humic fertilizers are natural organic fertilizers that do not change the ecological purity for the worse, as well as the taste qualities of our harvest. Any representative of the flora needs proper care, quality. And if you want your pets to please you with even greater beauty or a higher yield, then it's worth taking care of quality nutrition. Best of all, of course, will suit natural organic. That's about this and talk.

  • Humic fertilizers theory and practice of their application
  • Composition of humic fertilizers
  • Types of humic fertilizers
  • Liquid humic fertilizers
  • Peat-humic fertilizers
  • Effectiveness of humic fertilizers

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Humic fertilizers theory and practice of their application

This type of fertilizer has a wide range of applications, high efficiency, tested by many agricultural production, which began to use humates in the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, to improve the quantity, as well as quality their products.

It is worthwhile to think about the use of this type of fertilizing on personal part-time farms, orchards, orchards.

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Humic fertilizers can be used:

  1. When growing flowers, ornamental plants:
  • for rooting cuttings, processing tubers, bulbs, as a stimulant for the development of the root system;

  • to relieve stress in plants, their nutrition after transplant;
    for top dressing of adult specimens during growth, flowering.
  1. When growing seedlings:
  • for soaking seeds before sowing;

  • for foliar, as well as root dressing of seedlings.
  1. When growing vegetables, berry crops:
  • for root and foliar top dressing of plants in all periods of development;
  • to relieve stress after unfavorable weather conditions (frost, drought);
  • for the protection of plants from bacterial, fungal diseases.
  1. When caring for a fruit garden:
  • for fertilizing or relieving stress in seedlings during transplantation;
  • to improve the quality of soils in the near-barren circles.
  1. When processing the soil after harvest, when preparing for a new crop.
  2. As an accelerator of compost maturation.

Thus, it becomes clear that the use of humic fertilizers is possible at all stages of the formation, development, growth of plants. This makes them unique, fully in demand when growing almost any crops in gardens, orchards.

During the dilution of the concentrate, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions that are necessarily indicated on the packages or in the enclosed instructions. Never exceed the dosage: an increase in the permissible standards may inhibit growth or fruiting. Depending on the type of plant and the necessary manipulation with it, the concentration of the solution varies greatly. It should be remembered that the finished drug solution is stored for no more than a week.

The use of humic fertilizers is particularly appropriate in areas with sharp temperature changes, a change in meteorological conditions, since the drug increases the resistance of plants to environmental factors, and also makes perennials, shrubs, young trees more winter hardy.

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Composition of humic fertilizers

Most of the gummy concentrates are available in liquid form, which is very convenient when used. Typically, it is a slightly viscous liquid, dark brown in color, with a mildly pronounced odor. The balanced composition of the preparation contains nutrients of natural origin. Humates are produced on the basis of organic raw materials. This is manure or vegetable compost, sapropel, brown coal, silt.

Natural organic compounds - humic acids (humic and fulvic acids) are distinguished from the above products of plant, microbial or animal origin by the action of solutions on them alkalis.

The main unique composition of humic fertilizers is:

  • humic acids,
  • fulvic acids,
  • amino acids (Arginine, Histidine, B-phenylalonine, Proline, etc.).

Many useful microorganisms (amonifiers), fungi, as well as a complex of macroelements (magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen, zinc, etc.) have been added to many formulations.

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Types of humic fertilizers

The classification of humic fertilizers is quite extensive, among the products there are growth stimulants, fertilizing, composting accelerators, soil enrichers. For example, Gumiomi Compostin helps to accelerate the maturation of compost, enrich it with nutrient-rich substances, improve the microflora, which accelerates compost maturation. This organomineral humic fertilizer is based on chicken litter with a high nitrogen content. With the help of beneficial bacteria it treats compost or soil from fungal diseases, destroys harmful bacteria, reduces the content of heavy metals or toxic substances.

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Liquid humic fertilizers

Liquid humic fertilizer is a natural immunomodulator, a stimulant for the formation, growth, development of a plant, an antistress agent, as well as a complementary fertilizing. Example: Edogum SM, Living Force, Garden of Miracles, Ecorost, Delight, etc. It is used at all stages of growth, starting with seed treatment before sowing, finishing with tillage after harvest. Suitable for organic farming.


Soft humic potash fertilizers effectively act as stimulators for the formation and growth of roots. They are used for the presowing treatment of seeds, tubers, bulbs, and cuttings. For example, an organo-mineral fertilizer with microelements GUMI-OMI for bulbous, tuberous flowers can be introduced when planted in a hole, and can be used for fertilizing.

Gumi-omi on the basis of chicken manure

Any humic potassium fertilizer has a similarly broad spectrum of action, if its composition includes trace elements. In addition to stimulating the growth of the root system, the product of agrochemistry enhances the immunity of the plant.


Very well-known Gumi-20 Potassium, Gumi-20M Potash, Gumat Potassium liquid peat, Gumat Kaliya +7 as well as others.

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Peat-humic fertilizers

Peat-humic fertilizers are produced on the basis of peat raw materials.

One of them, Flora-C, is used in the processing of seed (seeds, bulbs, root crops, roots of seedlings, herbaceous plants), for root or foliar top dressing of vegetable crops, fruit trees, shrubs, vineyards.

Peat-humic drug Humimax - an excellent tool for caring for indoor floral, decorative plants. It contains folic and humic acids. Stimulates the growth of the root system, aboveground part of plants, rejuvenates old plants, promotes lush, long flowering.

The renewed preparation of Phytop-Flora-C (dry peat-humic fertilizer) fights with putrefactive, pathogenic microflora in the soil, is used in the processing of cellars, storages, even harvested crops. It is believed that humic fertilizer, based on peat, is the most useful, effective in agricultural production.

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Effectiveness of humic fertilizers

Humic fertilizerthisorganic product of agrochemistry, which not only nourishes plants, stimulates their growth. The effectiveness of humic fertilizers is that they improve the composition, structure of the soil, making the heavy soils do not eaten poorly in processing, and light soils get an improved moisture capacity.

Improving the microbiological composition of the soil is due to a large number of amino acids, vitamins, beneficial microorganisms. The earth after application is saturated with nitrogen, phosphorus. With regular application, the growth of humus in the soil is noticeable, which makes it possible to reduce its density, to improve air permeability, increase photosynthesis, facilitate the respiration of plant cells cultures.

The greatest influence of humic fertilizers on root crops (beets, carrots, radishes, onions, etc.). Well respond to the preparation tomatoes, cabbage, eggplant, peppers, pumpkin, cereals. When applied, there is an acceleration of growth, the maturation period of the fruit, an increase in their size, taste, a decrease in the amount of nitrates, and a rise in the sugars in the composition.

Weak effect of the drug is on sunflower, bean, bean species because of the strong protein content in them, as well as rape, flax.
Whereas melons (watermelons, melons) do not need humus nutrients at all.

When using gummy complexes in orchards in fruit, the content of vitamin C increases, the resistance of trees, bushes to pathogenic bacteria, including fungal diseases, increases.

All this happens because the mixture of constituents of the drug converts the elements of food, which are already in the soil, into substances easily assimilated by plants.

It should be noted that annuals respond better to the humi top dressing at the onset of development (seedlings age), during fruiting, and trees and shrubs - when transplanting, when the root is injured system. The same applies to perennial decorative, as well as fruit crops.

For better efficiencyMineral-humic fertilizers are used approximately 3 times per season, alternating spraying or root feeding.

Gumi concentrates can be used together with other compounds (nitrogen, potassium or organic).

But it must be remembered that mixing with phosphorus forms of top dressing is not allowed, with potassium nitrate! It is possible to form difficult-soluble compounds, which will harm the representatives of the flora.

It would be desirable to notice, that at hothouse conditions gumi structures are more effective, than at processing of an open ground.

A lot of advantages have this wonderful organic concentrate. But there is also a minus or a disadvantage in the use of the drug. The preparation does not affect fertile black earth soils. At the same time, its use is not denied, as humic agrochemical products help such lands to maintain their fertility.

As for the harmful effects on human health, it does not exist. It's not for nothing that humates are called organic. Rather, the benefit, which is that the products that receive the necessary storage of microelements, acids, grow more ecological. This reduces the content of nitrates, increases the useful properties of the product, saturating, for example, fruit with vitamin C.


Humic fertilizers do not harm humans. This is the most important plus in caring for planting!

Author: Anna Pasechnik

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