Detailed description and characteristics of a grade of cabbage June

June is one of the old, time-tested varieties of cabbage Belokochannaya. Breeding work on the creation of an ultra early variety, which is particularly resistant to spring frosts, was carried out in 1967 by employees of the All-Russian Research Institute for Vegetable Breeding.

Contentscrop and storage rules

Characteristics and botanical description of the variety

June Cabbage belongs to the early varieties. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 92-100 days.

The plant has a compact sheet rosette that is raised and has a diameter of 40-50 cm. The leaves are green, solid, with a slight waxy coating, the edges of the leaf plates are slightly undulating.

Powerful and large plant forms heads of spherical shape of medium density. Outside the color is light green, on the cut has a light green tint. Internal stalk of moderate length. Cobers are characterized by richness, uniformity and weight from 1.2 to 2.5 kg. The product contains solids in the amount of 8.1%, sugars - up to 3.8% and ascorbic acid - 45 mg%.

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June head cabbage

Advantages and disadvantages of the

variety The advantages that the variety enjoys in good demand among gardeners include:

  • stable and high yields, up to 6 kg per 1 square meter;
  • harmonious ripening of fruits, allowing to grow a culture for early marketable products;
  • good consumer taste and delicate structure of vegetables;
  • seedling ability to tolerate low temperatures;
  • source of nutrients, especially vitamin C.

In addition to the positive characteristics, there are shortcomings of the variety, namely;

  • prone to cracking heads, therefore, requires cleaning in a timely manner;
  • low rates of keeping quality, which are typical for all early varieties;
  • vegetables are intended only for fresh consumption and are not suitable for ferment.

Terms of planting vegetables on seedlings

Cabbage seed does not require special preparation. Choosing time for sowing, it is required to calculate when to plant cabbage on seedlings so that in June it would be possible to cut off the first forks. Cabbage should be planted at a certain time, but depending on the climate conditions of the region: from the beginning of March to May. If you sow cabbage in the first days of March, then plant it in a permanent place at the end of April, otherwise the seedlings will outgrow, which will negatively affect its fruiting.

The main thing is that when planting the age of seedlings does not exceed 50 days.

In order to obtain an early harvest with the least effort, knowledgeable gardeners recommend sowing a crop at the end of March. Then planting seedlings can be carried out in the first decade of May. This period is considered traditional for planting seedlings in the ground in regions with a temperate climate.

Seedlings of cabbage

Growth conditions for June cabbage

Planting crops begins with the selection of the site, which must be well lit by the rays of the sun throughout the day. The best option would be to take a flat or with small slopes to the south and south-east place.

Culture prefers fertile, loamy soil. If the soil is acidic, then it must be subjected to liming, because at pH less than 6.0 cabbage is not capable of tying cabbages, and is highly susceptible to keel.

Legacy crops, grains, onions, and cucumbers are suitable as precursors. It is not recommended to plant a crop for 2-3 years in a row at the same place.

Soil preparation for growing

When growing cabbage, you need to bear in mind that in order to get a generous guaranteed yield, the preparation of the soil is of great importance. The plant is demanding on soil structure and fertility. Therefore, for planting it is necessary to use only fertilized soil and this should be done in advance.

For these purposes, the area set aside for landing needs to be re-digged the bayonet with a shovel from the fall and equipped with humus and ash, which is considered to be a good antiseptic to prevent the development of rotting. We should not forget about mineral fertilizers, and add superphosphate and potassium chloride to the soil. With the onset of spring, loosen the area and also introduce a complex of nutrients.

Planting cabbage seedlings

Basic aspects of cabbage planting in open ground

When the weather is good, you can plant seedlings. Before planting, the plants should have four true leaves. Close up the seedlings in the wells should not be very deep on the first true leaf, and trying not to damage the root system. You can not fall asleep growth point. The soil around the cabbage is slightly compacted and watered thoroughly.

It is better to plant a 40x60 cm planting scheme.

Proper care after planting

The plant requires a lot of attention from the gardener, constant care and providing favorable conditions for growth. For full development and obtaining a decent crop of cabbage, you must perform the following set of measures:

  • fragile seedlings to protect from direct sunlight, as the variety does not tolerate extreme heat;
  • during the week after planting young plants to spray water three times a day, using a watering can;
  • keep cabbage beds clean, removing weeds and spuding growing plants;
  • on time to carry out high-quality watering, since the culture is very much in need of moisture, and the slightest drying of the earthy coma leads to stiffening of the stalk and the termination of the growth of the root system;
  • to provide growing cabbage with nutritious elements, by applying complex organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • inspect the plant for the appearance of insects, not losing the moment when their population begins to actively develop, and in the event of a problem, do not use chemistry, but give preference to the popular or biological means.

Competent care guarantees early receipt of high quality vegetables.

Feed cabbage during planting

seedlings Diseases and their prevention

Cabbage, like any vegetable crop, is subjected to a huge number of pests and diseases and requires appropriate control measures.

name Description Control measures
Qila presence on the root system growths, which do not give small roots develop Ill remove copies and burn, disinfect the soil disinfecting agents and

for 4 years at this point not to plant cabbage.

Fusarium wilt Yellowing and wilting of the leaves, which subsequently disappear, and left a bare trunk with a rosette of leaves at the crown. As a result, under the influence of an infection, plant growth stops . The disease cannot be treated. To prevent the infection from spreading, diseased plants should be removed from the beds together with the earth clod.
Black Leg Thin root collar and stem base turn black and begin to rot, causing the plant to stop developing and then dies. The infected plant is not subject to treatment.pierce the skin of the culture and suck the juice from the leaves, while the leaves curl and the plant dies If the culture is affected in the initial stages, you need to fight, useyn-tested folk remedies time. When parasites multiply strongly, it is necessary to fight them with chemicals
. Cabbage aphid A green insect attacks a plant, weakens it, and disrupts metabolic processes

Compliance with all norms of agricultural culture to growing conditions, allows plants to actively and successfully resist pathogens and dangerous insects.

Harvesting and storage rules

According to the description, varieties of shredded ripening

harvesting and harvesting

are subject to the value of the ripening grain, and can be used for the ripening of the ripening cushion, to the value of the ripening of the cluts, the of the clumps of the grats of the grains of the clan, and the grats of the ripening of the grains, and the grains of the

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.It is possible to determine the readiness of a crop for harvesting by external signs. If the vegetable head is solid and has reached the required size, then you can begin to harvest. Also, the signal for harvesting is the yellowing of the outer lower leaves in mature vegetables, which indicates the completion of the process of growth and storage of nutrients.

To collect preferably in the morning in dry cool weather. Cut vegetables carefully, using a sharp knife. At the same time, it is necessary to leave three sheets and a cob 2 cm long.

Harvesting should not be delayed, since those who had sat down to the head start to crack and deteriorate quickly.

Long stored cabbage June is not capable. It is intended to be eaten no later than 2 weeks after cleaning.

To obtain quality products, you need to make some efforts, as well as know certain features of this culture. It is important to provide cabbage with comfortable conditions and in June enjoy the excellent taste of healthy and fresh vegetables.

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