The main thing about the medicinal properties of sandalwood

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Sandalwood (pterocarpus) is an evergreen plant that belongs to the family of legumes. In the people it is also called sandal or yellow sandalwood. The native land of the plant is the land of India, Australia, Africa and many islands of the Pacific Ocean. Has sandalwood a number of useful properties. It is rich in essential oils, which are used both in medicine and in cosmetology.

Unique abilities of the plant

Sandalwood has antibacterial, soothing properties. The plant is rich in tannins, santalic acid, pterocarpins. Also in the composition of wood there are coloring components.

Sandalwood properties:

  • provides a sound and healthy sleep;
  • suppresses aggression;
  • causes sympathy;
  • leads to clear thinking;
  • stops bleeding;
  • accelerates the healing of wounds.
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Together with lavender and bergamot, the remedy has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

Mixtures based on these components relieve stress and improve the overall well-being of a person. The aroma of sandalwood belongs to the group of stimulants. The smell of this plant stimulates the work of the seventh chakra.

For the production of sandalwood trees are used a dark shade. They contain more useful micronutrients.

A mixture based on this plant is used to treat:

  • urogenital system;
  • hypertension;
  • scabies;
  • arthritis;
  • bronchitis;
  • cough.

Frequent inhalation of the fragrance of sandalwood can increase the production of gastric juice and help get rid of nausea and colic.

Feature of essential sandalwood oil

This plant was popular for another 4 thousand. years ago. Due to its unique properties, it was used for embalming. Sandalwood essential oil is extracted from the shavings of roots or trunk.

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For this, the water-steam distillation method is used. To get quality sandalwood, it will take 48 to 72 hours. When choosing a tree, its age is taken into account. He must be at least 30 years old.

Inhalation of the aroma of oil helps to get rid of headaches.

Essential oils in cosmetology are used for:

  1. Smoothing wrinkles in the eye area.
  2. Rejuvenation and skin color restoration.
  3. Improve and accelerate hair growth.

Essential oil consists of 90% of Santalol. The liquid has a yellow tint and a viscous consistency. "What smells like the smell of sandalwood?" - almost everybody is asking this question. In fact, the plant has a pronounced herbaceous and wax flavor. Oil is an indispensable tool for meditation. Substances that get into the air not only cause relaxation, but also give vivacity, help to discover creative abilities.

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Sandalwood in folk medicine

The oil of the plant is used for different types of skin. It is used in the manufacture of trays, ointments and aroma lamps.

Essential oils of pterocarpus are not recommended for people who have kidney problems.

Face cream

This agent helps to restore the tissues around the eyes, and also tightens and moisturizes the skin of the face.

To prepare this cream you will need to take:

  • 10 ml of neutral cream;
  • 2-3 drops of sandalwood oil;
  • 1-2 drops of rosewood;
  • 2 drops of chamomile.

To restore sagging skin, it is recommended to add one drop of mint juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Withstand the agent for three days. Apply as a regular cream.

Trays for face

One of the most effective methods of rejuvenation. Use steam baths for dry, flabby and tired skin.

To prepare this product, you need to combine a liter of pure water, 2 drops of sandalwood oil, one drop of mint, two drops of chamomile, one drop of orange juice. Make steam baths every day before going to bed. A few minutes before the procedure, you need to clean your skin of makeup with a tonic.

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Aroma lamps

On 15 square meters of the room you will need to connect two drops of rose, one drop of incense and two drops of sandalwood. Such a mixture will help to calm both adults and children from overexcitement.

For relaxation and restful sleep, it is recommended to add two drops of neroli to this mixture. Keep this aroma lamp in a place inaccessible to children.

Means for restoring the structure of hair

Sandalwood extract is able to have a beneficial effect on hair follicles. To the hair stopped cutting and acquired a natural shine, you need to add a few drops of oil to the shampoo bottle. The optimal proportions are 4 drops per 100 grams of detergent. Shampoo thoroughly mix. Use once every two to three days. Also, the oil can be added to the hair balm.

The correct use of sandalwood aether helps in a short time to cope with acne, eczema and even psoriasis. But despite all the useful properties, before you start treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Sandalwood Sandals - video

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