How to grow ginger from the root at home - planting, care

Today, ginger root can be purchased without problems. And how to grow ginger from the root at home? Did you never think of this question? It turns out, you can. You can on the windowsill, but you can in the garden.



  • How to plant the root of ginger?
  • How to grow ginger from the root - care

Thanks to the medicinal qualities and fat burning effect, this useful spicy-spicy tuber became incredibly popular, by the way, quite deservedly.

At home, ginger is planted in winter or early spring. The planting soil should be soft and loose, so that the shoots unobstructedly pierce their way through it. At the initial stage of cultivation, it is possible to feed the soil with potassium fertilizers.

A pot for ginger should have a wide bottom, because the growth of the tuber is mainly produced in breadth. At the bottom of the tank it is necessary to pour claydite drainage (4-5 cm), and then the soil. You can purchase a special primer for growing vegetable crops in advance, or you can mix the soil, turf, deciduous humus and sand in equal parts.

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How to plant the root of ginger?

First, you need to choose a quality planting material - smooth and healthy, not over-dried root. Since ginger reproduces by dividing the tuber, the planting root must have many buds ("eyes") on its surface. These sprouts are somewhat like potato "eyes" and perform a similar function.


Choose for planting plump roots, without wrinkles, with a few "fingers with visible eyes at the end of the "fingers". It would be ideal for these eyes to turn green, but, in general, it is not necessary.

Before you buy the root of the ginger for planting, make sure that he did not go to the freezer.

In order for the buds to "wake up" and activate, it is possible to soak the root in warm water for 3-4 hours, and then cut (cut along the lintels) into separate fragments. Some gardeners recommend to soak the tubers in a not very strong solution of potassium permanganate. The cutting area can be sprinkled with pounded coal (activated pharmacy or ash).

As already mentioned above, the root of ginger is planted in early spring.

Ginger prefers penumbra or areas on which the sun is from morning to noon. The landing site should be protected from the wind, the soil moist and warm - somewhere from 22 ° to 25 ° C.

In the tropics in their homeland, ginger grows in full shade, but, for example, in a mid-strip environment, a shady place may be too cold for him.

Ginger grows slowly, especially outside the tropics. If you are lucky, the sprout may appear in a few days. But usually takes at least two weeks.

To fully ripen, it should take 8-10 months, so by the onset of winter you can already reap the fruits of your own harvest.Under natural conditions of growth, ginger is a perennial plant, but in the domesticated version it will be a one-year-old.


Ginger root should be cut about 3 cm, while the sprouts (eyes) should look up. After planting, sprinkle the tubers with soil and pour water. The pot itself is better placed where it will be cool, no more than + 15 ° C, where it will be dry, there will be no access to direct sunlight.


The first shoots usually appear after 12-14 days, until this time it is not too active to fill the ground with water (so that the roots do not rot) - it should be slightly moist.

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How to grow ginger from the root - care

Care of the root of ginger during cultivation is a regular but moderate watering. Do not allow the soil to dry out, nor is too much moisture. During the growing season, ginger can be fertilized with a mullein, diluted in water (1 to 10), approximately 1 time in 3 weeks. After each watering, it is recommended to loosen the upper layer of the soil, and if you daily irrigate the stem from the spray, ginger will say thank you to you.

By the end of September, when the stems and leaves of the plant will turn yellow, dry out, the frequency of watering should be minimized, and irrigation should be stopped altogether.By the time the ground portion of ginger finally wither, you can dig up the tubers. After extraction from the ground, ginger is cleaned of soil debris, removes the accessory roots, dried on an open sunny spot for several days.

If you have the opportunity to take pots with ginger on the street (cottage, courtyard of a private house), then the best place for the plant will be a shaded area, for example, the shadow of a tree or a spreading bush. Ginger - a plant photophilous, but, at the same time, direct rays of the sun for him are fatal.

When growing ginger in the manner described above, you will not see it blooming. It blooms for the second year, if at least part of the root was left in the ground for the winter. It is unlikely that he will survive in the middle latitudes. I think that to see ginger blooming can only residents of southern regions, for example, the Black Sea coast. But even they should hide the roots of ginger, left for the winter, mulch.

Below you can see the video from the photo of the blossoming ginger.


Special cultivation of this crop will not bring you. Like any plant, ginger needs care and attention. Therefore, any gardener, both beginner and experienced, can grow ginger from the root. If you love this spicy and curative tuber, then do not miss this opportunity.

Video: How to plant and care for ginger.

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