To whom are tomatoes useful, and to whom are harmful and why

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She recently leafed through her short (and not very) notes in a virtual notebook. Found that a lot of interesting information about tomatoes accumulated. Decided to systematize them. So it all took shape in a note on the useful properties of tomatoes. I think that it will be interesting for you, too.


  • On the useful properties of tomatoes
  • About harm and contraindications

I start with the history... It turns out that at different times, in different countries, tomatoes were referred to vegetables, then to fruits. At the end of the XIX century, the Supreme Court of the United States, tomatoes were assigned to vegetables, apparently, before that they were considered fruits. And at the beginning of the first decade of the present (XXI) century, the European Union, setting the rules from which to make jam, jam, decided that the tomato is still not a vegetable, but a fruit. And here in Russia in special literature and in people the tomato is still considered a vegetable.

Such confusion may seem insignificant in comparison with the fact that for a long time the fruits of tomato were considered not only inedible, but even poisonous.

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On the useful properties of tomatoes

Tomatoes have a well-balanced vitamin-mineral composition: vitamin E (25-30 mg per 100 g of edible part), vitamins B1, B2, PP, carotene, rich in organic acids (malic, lemon, oxalic), pectin, which reduces cholesterol and removes toxins, potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, as well as trace elements - copper, chromium, fluorine, titanium, molybdenum, germanium.

But there are other vegetables that are no less rich in composition. What is the difference between tomato and tomato?


First of all, high in lycopene. It is this pigment that makes the tomatoes red. Our body does not synthesize lycopene. He can enter into it only with food, primarily with tomatoes. Carotenoid pigment - lycopene - refers to antioxidants, has the ability to capture, neutralize aggressive oxygen radicals. Its activity is twice as high as that of beta-carotene. Its use is associated with a decrease in the risk of prostate cancer.

Likopin, according to scientists, along with olive oil, fish, seafood has the ability to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The combination of these products has been called the Mediterranean diet, which is popular all over the world.

For those who lament over the lack of the sale of high-quality fresh tomatoes in winter, there is great news. It turns out that the thermal treatment concentrates lycopene in the final product - ketchup, marinated tomatoes, tomato paste, juice, other tomato products.


So, if in fresh fruits it contains up to 50 mg / kg, then in ketchup already up to 140 mg / kg, and in tomato paste - up to 1500 mg / g. In Finland, similar to us in a harsh climate, a study that lasted 12 years and covered 1000 men aged 46 to 60 years, controlled the level of lycopene in the blood of the subjects. During this period, 67 men had a stroke. It was found that people with the highest levels of lycopene in the blood were 59% less likely to have a stroke compared to those who did not have this substance in their blood.

So in winter in place of summer fresh tomato will come a worthy replacement: lecho, tomato paste, ketchup. Of course, it's better if all this is cooked at home. Moreover, the cultivation of tomatoes is almost a national hobby of our gardeners.

Pay attention to the following varieties or hybrids - Viagra, Bedouin F1, Metis F1, Mulatto F1. They are characterized by a high content of lycopene antioxidant.

Listing above the minerals that are part of the tomatoes, was mentioned a rare element - germanium. If we know what iron or iodine mean to our body, then there is not much information about the usefulness of germanium. It turns out that when studying the biological properties of germanium it was revealed that it can provide oxygen transfer in the tissues of the body, increase its immune status and antitumor activity.

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About harm and contraindications

Unfortunately, some useful properties of tomatoes can harm - there are those to whom their use is contraindicated.

First of all, these are people who are allergic to red-orange vegetables or fruits, as well as to solanaceous (eggplant, sweet pepper, etc.).


Tomatoes are harmful to people prone to the formation of oxalates in the kidneys or those suffering from gout. They should refrain from eating tomatoes in large quantities, especially during the exacerbation of the disease.

If you have gastritis with high acidity or a stomach ulcer or 12 duodenum, alas, tomatoes are not for you.

Gallstones in the gall bladder from the use of tomatoes can come into motion, so with calculous cholecystitis choose another vegetable for salad.

Well, to everyone else, a glass of tomato juice will bring great benefits: a complex of anti-cancer substances, plus vitamins, pectin, etc. Of course, fresh tomatoes will not replace any food additives.


The materials of the journal "Family. Earth. Harvest № 11. - 2014

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