Is it possible to hang a microwave oven over a gas stove: rules and safety requirements

A large kitchen in a standard apartment is a rarity, so the issue of saving space is always relevant. Photos of interior projects are full of interesting ideas on this topic: zoning, redevelopment, corner furniture and others. In some pictures, we see an ambiguous solution - placing the microwave over the hob. But can a microwave oven be hung over a gas stove?

This tendency came to us from the American side. Many microwaves in the US, and in Europe too, are mounted this way. In this article, we will consider what is written about this in the Russian technical documentation. We will deal with the accepted norms and requirements, the consequences of hanging the microwave over the stove, the options for the location of the device.

The content of the article:

  • General rules for placing the microwave
  • Features of the ventilation system in the kitchen
  • The consequences of hanging a microwave over the stove
  • Organization of safe operation
    • Choice of material for the protective shield
    • Which models are suitable for installation
  • instagram viewer
  • Alternative locations for device installation
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

General rules for placing the microwave

You cannot put the device in any free corner. The ventilation openings must not be blocked, therefore free space must be left between the device and other equipment or cabinet walls.

To ensure the accessibility and ease of use of the microwave, it must be installed at a distance of 0.6-1.5 m from the floor.

If the appliance is placed higher, the user may burn himself when removing hot food. If it is lower, there is a risk of spilling liquid when straightening the body. But do not forget about the growth of all family members.

Features of placing the microwave over the stove

The most suitable places for a microwave oven: on a work surface, in a niche in a kitchen unit, or suspended. Installation above the hob has its own nuances.

It is practical when there is a tabletop at arm's length from the device. It is convenient to put dishes on it right away without scalding.

It is permissible to install the oven near the refrigerator. But make sure that both household appliances do not touch each other.

Rules for placing a microwave in the kitchen

Some housewives use the stove surface as an additional shelf. But there are models with an upper ventilation strip and the ingress of liquids inside the structure, crumbs can lead to a fire

Do not place a kettle or coffee maker on the top panel of the machine. And the last - it is necessary to provide space around the device for free opening of the door. If you are not sure, immediately choose a model with the ability to hang the door on either side.

Features of the ventilation system in the kitchen

In addition to the correct location of the microwave, the owners of the gas stove need to take care of ventilation. It is vital for the health of all family members: frying food is accompanied by the release of carcinogenic substances, cooking provokes the release of steam, which leads to increased humidity.

According to SNiP, the ventilation system must provide an exhaust hood of about 100 m3/ч. In this case, the air exchange rate should be equivalent to 12. These indicators can be achieved by installing hoods above the stove.

Cooker hood above the stove

Such indicators in most cases are achieved by the organization of ventilation of a combined type, when the natural channel is supplemented by an exhaust hood installed above the stove.

So, it is forbidden to completely block the natural ventilation channel with the hood, since this can affect the entire system. Natural channel inhibits education reverse thrust and works with the hood turned off.

It turns out that if the hood is excluded from the ventilation scheme, the organization of a forced channel is still necessary.

The consequences of hanging a microwave over the stove

The instructions for the microwave oven prescribe a recommendation not to install the device in a hot or damp place. For example, next to a stove, a heating radiator.

If you contact the gas service, the masters will begin to dissuade you from this installation option.

And that's why:

  1. Combustion. Constant exposure to high temperatures on the surface of the stove is fraught with ignition and full-scale fire.
  2. Deformation. The same reason as in the first point can lead to melting and curvature of the bottom of the device.
  3. Corrosion. In addition to hot air, steam will also get into the microwave, which can provoke the appearance of rusty spots on the surface of the apparatus.

Exposure to moisture also negatively affects the internal mechanisms of technology. This significantly shortens its service life.

Installing a hood in the kitchen

An extractor hood is also needed in the kitchen. There will be no space left for it after the installation of the microwave oven, so there will be high humidity in the room. This will negatively affect furniture, appliances, wall decoration, ceiling

Warranty service is also lost, because the instructions from the instructions were violated when installing the microwave.

Organization of safe operation

If the above precautions do not outweigh the need to install a microwave oven above the stove, the equipment will have to be separated by a protective screen, and the appropriate model of the device must be selected.

Choice of material for the protective shield

The material for the manufacture of the protective gasket can be a laminated chipboard, MDF - a budget option, but short-lived and unsafe. The durability of the film is low; such a layer will last about 5 years.

Chipboard protective screen

Refractory chipboard, MDF are also on sale. If it is not possible to buy such a material, you can contact a door manufacturing company to apply a special fire-resistant coating. In addition to its main property, it is also easy to clean with abrasive agents, scrapers

Metal will not work as a screen. It is too thin, heats up, it is difficult to wash off water, greasy drops, although it protects from fire. Porcelain stoneware or artificial stone are problematic to install due to their weight.

A good material for a protective layer will be triplex (tempered laminated glass). It can be ordered for individual sizes or you can pick up a standard version from the store already with fasteners.

But you can't just mount the substrate between the gas stove and the microwave. It is important to provide adequate ventilation in the room.

Which models are suitable for installation

If you look at the foreign experience of installing microwaves over kitchen stoves, we will see that this is possible only if you purchase an Over-The-Range microwave model.

The whole problem rests on ventilation. All microwave units have a built-in recirculation fan, but for microwave units, the blower can be positioned to direct the exhaust air up and out through a roof or wall. How this is done in practice is shown in the video below.

Some suitable models:

  • GE JVM7195DKWW;
  • LG LGHM2237BD Diamond Collection;
  • Sharp R1874T;
  • LG LMV2031ST;
  • GE MICROWAVES 1029481.

It is these models, placed above the stove, that we see in foreign interior catalogs. Their average price ranges from 19-42 thousand. rubles, to which the cost of delivery from an American or European store is added.

There are high-frequency devices in the Russian retail network, but the features of their design (namely, the parameters of the ventilation unit) need to be clarified with consultants.

According to safety rules, the microwave ovens themselves do not need enhanced ventilation, but such a design should be provided if the device is to be installed above the stove.

Microwave ventilation over the stove

Good ventilation prevents grease from mixing with dust and moisture, which keeps surfaces from getting dirty. But the power of the hood is greater than that of the microwave air vent, so the latter will not work as efficiently.

The distance between the bottom and the hob is from 75 cm. But here you need to take into account the growth of users: it should be comfortable for them to cook in dishes of different heights and see the microwave panel.

Before installing the microwave, it is necessary to calculate the sufficient distance between the wall elements of the kitchen set. There should be a cabinet above the device, a shelf, if the device is to be suspended.

Installation diagram of a microwave oven over a stove

Most models do not exceed 76 cm in width, 25-45 cm in height, 30-45 cm in depth, so the minimum parameters of a niche are exactly the same. We choose the device so that there are gaps and at the same time there is a comfortable installation height

If there is a large space between the walls of the cabinets and the microwave, it is permissible to close it with additive strips.

Alternative locations for device installation

The classic place is the countertop. Convenient, but the microwave takes up a lot of space. It is practical to place the device in a corner wall or on a low cabinet. So the technical standards are respected, and it looks neat.

Microwave in the corner of the countertop

Please note that a minimum distance of 15 cm is left from the back of the appliance to the wall. The presence of a TV nearby is also possible, but if there are no prohibitive instructions in the instructions for both devices

If you plan to hang the device, use special brackets or a stand. The most ergonomic places for such an installation are above the work table or near the dining area.

Do not hang the microwave over a multicooker or double boiler. This technique can be placed on top of the microwave, if the latter does not have upper ventilation holes and provided that the simultaneous operation of two devices is excluded.

Some models can be used as inline elements. The stove can be placed in a wall cabinet or side by side with the cabinet. In this case, everything depends on the design features: where the ventilation outlets are located and what is the density of the metal frame. It is also worth paying attention to the location of the doors of equipment and furniture.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Analysis of an incorrectly installed microwave over the stove: mistakes of the performers.

The nuances of installing a microwave over a household stove:

Installing a microwave hood over the stove.

So can you hang a microwave over a gas stove? The instructions for microwave ovens do not recommend this installation method. Reasons: the lack of a full-fledged hood, violation of safety standards, the creation of far from optimal conditions for the operation of the device itself. But if other options are not considered, it is permissible, based on foreign experience, to select the appropriate model and, according to the safety rules, install it above the hob.

Do you have any questions about installing the microwave? Or would you like to share your experience in operating a microwave oven mounted directly above the stove? Tell us whether it is convenient for you to use the device and what disadvantages you found - write your comments in the block below, add a photo of your microwave, ask questions to our experts.

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