Dill - medicinal properties and contraindications for the organism

Many of us love and often use fragrant spicy seasoning - dill, medicinal properties and contraindications which are well known to adherents of traditional medicine. This green plant has long been used in cooking, gives dishes a peculiar flavor and taste of summer. The first dishes, all kinds of salads, pickles, sauces, marinades and side dishes rarely do without the addition of fragrant greens.

  • Dill - health benefits and harm
  • What is useful for dill for men?
  • What is useful for dill for women?
  • Dill for weight loss
  • Dill in Pregnancy

Photo of dill:

He is sometimes confused with a pharmacy "relative" - ​​fennel and sometimes with cumin, but, despite some similarities, these are absolutely different seasonings. Despite the undeniable taste, today we are talking about the therapeutic characteristics of this plant.


What is the use of dill for the human body? Its chemical composition includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, essential oils, flavonoids, carotenoids, phosphorus. There is a wide list of B vitamins, as well as calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, selenium, copper, zinc, magnesium. There are dill in acid: nicotinic, linolenic, folic. Undoubtedly, this plant is useful for health, but there are some limitations to its use, which you need to know about. Let's consider in detail all the nuances.

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Dill - health benefits and harm

This aromatic culture has a useful feature for the gastrointestinal tract - cleansing from food residues, improving digestion. To eat and treat all parts of the plant are used, fruits (seeds) are of particular value. They have a diuretic, bactericidal, soothing, antispasmodic effect. Noteworthy is the fact that when using a decoction or infusion of dill, the therapeutic effect covers all areas of the body, and not just a specific area.

Than the dill for an organism is useful:

  1. With bronchitis, colds, coughing has a calming, expectorant effect. With infectious diseases, such as influenza, ARD the plant shows its anti-inflammatory properties. Rich in essential oil fruits, seeds can be brewed and drunk, used for inhalations, even simply chewed. You can also periodically use a decoction of seeds or herbs for preventive purposes to strengthen immunity.
  2. The use of dill is caused by a pronounced choleretic effect, it activates the production of gastric juice, has a general beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. With constipation, flatulence is very recommended to use "dill water a decoction of seeds or fresh herbs. From time immemorial, colic has been successfully treated with this drug. It is favorable for the treatment and prevention of duodenal diseases.
  3. Regular use of spices in food positively affects the work of the heart muscle, blood vessels. In this case, you should carefully consider the contraindications to the application, so as not to aggravate the situation. About the contraindications will be told later.
  4. Properties of dill are manifested in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Symptoms of cystitis are successfully stopped by a decoction of seeds, which it is desirable to grind beforehand on a coffee grinder. When urinary incontinence (in people of any age) is also recommended to use dill decoction for quite some time.
  5. Hot infusion is able to relieve even the headache, from regular use (a couple of months) long-term prophylactic effect will be preserved. This is an excellent natural remedy, comparable in effectiveness to the action of strong medications. With increased pressure and spasm of blood vessels, this broth also has a healing effect.
  6. Useful properties of dill have a soft but steady effect on the body. A permanent broth is recommended for people with excessive irritability, nervous system disruptions. To do this, you can also take a bath with a steeply brewed infusion of herbs or plant seeds, about 20 minutes before bedtime will be enough. Good dill broth for young children, in addition to getting rid of colic, it soothingly affects them, promotes a calm sleep.

There is also a radical but no less effective method for calming the nerves - wine with dill fruits. Take 10 teaspoons of seeds and pour a bottle (500 ml) of good red wine, insist for about 10 days, filter and take 50 ml at bedtime.

Dill, photo:

Now let's consider the contraindications to the use of this green healer:

  1. Remember that this plant can significantly lower the pressure. If it is mostly low (hypotension), then it is better to stop using dill infusions. Even if you eat a salad seasoned with a fair amount of greens, the effect of lowering the pressure will take place. The general weakness of the body is also an occasion to use fragrant spice with extreme caution.
  2. Individual intolerance and allergy is a good argument not to use dill at all. This plant is rich in essential oils, so busting with "treatment" can cause quite the opposite effect (stress, increased palpitation, difficulty breathing). To this point, we should add an overdose - eating grass in large quantities (for example, with a "green" diet) can lead to intestinal atony and even to a decrease in vision.
  3. Women during critical days should limit the use of dill, because it has the ability to thin the blood and thereby increase its loss to the body.

An important detail that should be taken into account is the place where dill grows. For treatment, as well as for food should be taken only those plants that have grown in an environmentally clean place, away from dust and roads. When this culture grows, it intensively absorbs all kinds of elements in the air, including harmful ones. So remember that you will use it inside.

Fruits (seeds) photo:


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What is useful for dill for men?

This plant, of course, has a positive effect on the human body, but you should know that it can have different effects on men and women. Dill has a vasodilator effect, which also positively affects the power of male potency, increases its duration. In dill, what vitamins? As already mentioned above, this plant has a rich vitamin composition: PP, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, but most of all in this spice of vitamin C.

In a complex, these organic, biologically active substances bear undeniable benefits to the body, increase immunity, give strength. Therefore, for men's health is highly recommended to regularly eat green sprigs of dill. In ancient times this plant was considered an aphrodisiac - and not without reason, since it is really capable of provoking sexual desire. This factor is very important for men, especially the elderly, the well-known medieval doctor Ibn Sina (Avicenna) in his works took the dill a big niche and, apparently, not just.

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What is useful for dill for women?

Useful elements that make up the plant (flavonoids and B-spectrum vitamins), normalize the female cycle and reduce pain during critical days. But here it is necessary to observe the measure, since excessive consumption of grass or seeds can provoke increased bleeding. For those women who breastfeed kids, dill is also very important - it's a natural harmless drug that can increase milk production.

Healing decoction of seeds, photo:

What is useful for dill for appearance? An infusion or a decoction from this plant is used to improve the condition of the facial skin. The anti-inflammatory effect is also good for external use: acne, redness, various irritations are cleaned well with lotion or even simple, but regular rubbing. Grass is also often added to various rejuvenating masks, used for steam baths. In addition, freshly sap juice cleans pores, reduces pigmentation spots, freckles. It is noticed that the broth optimizes the growth of hair, improves the condition of the nails.

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Dill for weight loss

Considering that dill is a low-calorie greens, and seeds are a storehouse of useful ingredients, it is quite reasonable to use it for getting rid of excess weight. As already mentioned above, this plant improves the functions of the digestive tract - and this is an important factor for comfortable weight loss. Moreover - this spice stops manifestations of flatulence, which inevitably accompany the transition to a vegetable, fruit or cereal diet, vegetable nutrition.

Caloric content of greenery is 38 kcal per 100 g, and caloric content of seeds is 305 kcal per 100 g. But this indicator does not mean that it is possible to use the grass uncontrollably with beams. Remember the supersaturation of the body with substances that contain it! But chew a little seeds is very useful - they are caloric, so they relieve hunger, reduce fermentation in the digestive tract. Do not forget that this plant has a calming effect, and this factor is also important for nervous overeating, which often accompanies the transition to a diet.

Is dill useful at losing weight? This spice promotes better digestibility of food, easy digestion, elimination of excess fluid, slag, toxins and salts. Especially noticeable is the effect of loss of fluid at the beginning of the use of herbal decoctions and infusions from seeds. If you regularly drink these beneficial "teas the accumulation of harmful components in the body will come to naught, and the weight that has left will not return back. Remember that in the struggle for the harmony of the figure one should not rely only on dill, the useful properties of which are only a supplement to working on oneself. Properly organized nutrition, exercise along with the use of herbs and fruits of this plant will lead you to the desired result. To make infusions or broths you can use fresh and dried herbs, seeds.

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Dill in Pregnancy

The use of this plant for pregnant women is due to its ability to stimulate lactation - that is, to prepare a woman's body for normal milk production after childbirth. Seed broth should be consumed with extreme caution and always after consultation with your doctor. Remember that excessive infatuation with dill tea can provoke miscarriage at an early stage of pregnancy.

Dill in pregnancy (reasonable use of decoctions and infusions) helps to cope with toxemia, especially in the early stages. Constipation or stool disorders, swelling, cystitis, mood swings - if not completely docked, are substantially corrected by ingestion of infusions, infusions based on dill. They should be taken no more than 3 times a day, be sure after meals.

To maximize the extraction of useful ingredients from dill, use freshly grown plants, preferably grown on their own beds or in an ecologically clean place. The best qualities are shown by the grass that was torn down at least 20 minutes ago. Slightly podvyadshaya or dried herbs can also be used for the intended purpose, but it will already be deprived of a significant part of its useful components. Do not forget, before using dill, the medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant should be agreed with your doctor, taking into account the characteristics of your body. Be healthy!

Green healer in the garden, photo:


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