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I have long wanted to decorate my kitchen with decorative topiary. This is the name of a small flower or fruit tree. Topiary is used for interior decoration and is also called the “tree of happiness”. I think such a craft will add a touch of romance to the interior of your kitchen, it will be appropriate on the window and it is quite possible to serve the table with it. However, such a decoration can be placed in any room.

We will need:
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- Foam forms;
- Organza (1m x 1m);
- Silk ribbons;
- Scissors;
- Hot glue, pins;
- Scotch;
- Wire;
- Decor elements.
- In order to make a topiary, we need a base - a foam ball. I bought a small diameter ball, only 7 cm. Also, from the satin ribbon, I have a foam cylindrical base, which I will use as a pot for my tree.
- The material for my tree will be organza - a translucent fabric. You can use any fabric, but organza is the most convenient - it is light, weightless, looks like an air cloud.
- We will attach the patches with pins. This will speed up and simplify our work. The pins fit easily into the foam. And a lot of glue will go away and it can be seen.
- We take the fabric, approximately 1m by 1m. I have such a large enough piece of a bouquet of flowers. The more fabric you use, the fluffier your tree will be, so be guided by your preference. Cut into small squares from the fabric, about 6 cm x 6 cm.
- We begin to form our crown. We take one or two squares, pierce it with a pin in the middle and then stick the pin into our foam ball.
- Each next element is pinned at a distance of 1 cm.
- In this case, the fabric rises as much as possible, such beams are obtained.
- Thus, we decorate the entire ball. Our crown is ready.
- We make the trunk. We take the wire and fold it in four. We twist into a tourniquet. A tree trunk can be made from a simple wooden stick or an unnecessary pencil. But in our case, a wire is needed, since I want to make the trunk curved.
- Next, we use ordinary white paper napkins or handkerchiefs, in which we wrap our wire to seal and decorate the barrel.
- We take a glue gun or tape for fastening parts.
- We use satin ribbons for decoration.
- You can also wrap the trunk with regular thread or rope. I wrapped a yellow satin ribbon around the barrel. We wrap the foam cylinder with a pink satin ribbon.
- Instead of weed, I use a net from a bouquet of flowers. You can use green threads or replace with some kind of beads.
- Next, we insert the barrel into the pot and bend it. When you fold over the trunk and set up the crown, you need to try placing your tree on a table and check for stability. If the craft tilts and falls, adjust the wire to stabilize it.
- It remains for us to decorate our craft. small bows made of multi-colored ribbons are great for.
- Since the tree turned out to be a pale pink color, I decided to decorate it with strawberries - it will be a strawberry tree.
I add a few strawberries to the pot, as if the berries fell on the grass. I place the rest with a leaf on the crown of the tree and attach several multi-colored bows around the perimeter with hot glue.

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