Peas have valuable properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. thereforeculture is grown on almost every vegetable garden. Despite the unpretentiousness of the care to get a good harvest is not always possible. This article reveals the basic rules of farming, which should be taken into account by the beginners, especially how to prepare the seeds, whether it is necessary to germinate and when to plant.
.Table of contents
- Terms for sowing peas in Ukraine, the Moscow region, the Urals and Siberia
- Preparation of seeds before planting at home
- Preparation of beds and proper cultivation
- The scheme of landing in the open ground in the country
Terms for sowing peas in Ukraine, the Moscow region, the Urals and Siberia
Pea refers to cold-resistant plants, young shoots withstand night frosts to minus 5-6 ° C. But this fact does not mean that you can start sowing in March.Resistance to cold is short, shoot will not develop at low temperatures. Therefore, you need to wait until the night indicators fall below 5-8 ° C.
When is it better to plant peas at home? There is no specific seeding time, but many gardeners are guided by the lunar calendar and weather conditions. In Ukraine and Moscow, planting works in the open ground begin in late April - early May, when the soil still retains moisture accumulated over the winter. In the Urals and Siberia, time is shifted by 10-15 days, depending on climatic features. But anywayexperts recommend to complete the sowing of legumes before the end of May. The plant develops better, blossoms and fructifies during a long day of light.
.Preparation of seeds before planting at home
Germination of seeds directly depends on the correctness of their preparation for disembarkation.In the beginning, the pea should be calibrated- to select from the total number of the most high-quality specimens, on which there are no traces of damage, black spots and other flaws. Spoiled seed material will not give healthy shoots, and weak shoots are exposed to diseases and pest attack in the first place.
The further preparation depends on the chosen method of sowing. They are isolated only two: dry and with a preliminary soaking. Sprouting peas and beans is not accepted.
Stages of seed preparation for planting:
- soakin a solution of boric acid (1 g. powder for 5 liters of water, heated to 40 °) for 5-8 minutes;
- removal of excess moisturedry napkin;
- dryingfor 1-2 hours at room temperature;
- landing.
With a dry method it is important to first water the groove with water and cover the bed with a film to create a greenhouse effect. This accelerates the sprouting process.
As preparation of peas for cutting, one can use the old grandfather's method. For this, the seeds are immersed in a container with warm water (soaked) for 1-2 days, previously wrapped in a cotton napkin. For swelling and germination, a temperature regime of at least 20-23 ° will be required. As the tissue dries, it is wetted. Seeds can germinate in 3-5 days.
In order not to worry about the timing of germination, it is possible to treat the inoculum in a growth stimulant. How much to soak the seeds? In such a solution, it is sufficient to soak the planting material for 2 hours, putting it on your home balcony or window sill.
..Preparation of beds and proper cultivation
Begin preparation of beds from the choice of a place in the country or garden.Give preference to well-lit areas on the hill. The roots of the plant penetrate deeply into the ground, with a high level of ground water there is a danger of rotting. Therefore flooded lands are not suitable for planting legumes. Where better to plant peas?
It is not recommended to organize a pea garden where perennial grasses, leguminous plants that could cause disease or invasion of pests grew.
What kind of soil does pea love?Ideal soils for peas are non-acidic loam and sandy loam of light structure. Also suitable are chernozems, cultivated sod-podzolic and other types of soil. Sour, salty and raw are excluded. If the site is acidified, then neutralize the environment will help the introduction of dolomite flour or chopped lime.
Experienced gardener advise in the preparation of beds to well fertilize the soil, so that, with intensive development, the plant does not feel a deficiency of nutrients. However, it is not necessary to feed it, you can provoke a buildup of green mass.In autumn, during the digging, organic(compost, humus, reparted manure). In spring, when preparing a place, the soil is enriched with potassium (30 grams) and double superphosphate (20 grams), calculated per 1 m2.
The scheme of landing in the open ground in the country
When choosing a planting scheme, one should focus on the characteristics of the adult plant bush.If these are short and medium-sized crops, the bed is planned with the following parameters:
- width between rows is 15-20 cm;
- interval between seeds - 5-6 cm;
- depth of immersion - 3-5 cm (if you make a powder for 1-2 cm, then increases the risk of eating birds with birds).
For tall plants (at a height of more than 80 cm) it is recommended to apply the scheme:30x10 cm in two rows with a spacing of 50 cm.
The process itself involves seeding seeds in prepared grooves and then falling asleep. Before you drop seeds into the ground, you need to water it generously with warm water.The first shoots will appear a week and a half after sowing.For tall shrubs it's time to build a support. It will not be good to bear fruit planted on the ground.
Summarizing the above information, it can be concluded that, with proper selection of the variety and fulfillment of growing requirements, a good harvest of peas is provided. The main obligatory tasks: to feed the soil, to prepare beds, to germinate and sow seeds, to care for seedlings - a good harvest is provided.Generous gifts of nature are suitable for both fresh consumption and harvesting for the winter.Their valuable qualities are preserved even when frozen.