Small garden secrets and tricks for gardeners and truck farmers

A few years of work in the suburban area have changed my life very much. Most importantly, they brought joy and satisfaction. And what inventors are my colleagues in the garden! I do not cease to be surprised! I learned a lot from them and, I hope, will learn a lot. I decided all the garden secrets and tricks, the advice of truck farmers to gather in one place. I'm sure that little tricks for gardeners and truck farmersa great variety and the page will be constantly updated.

  • 1. Bottle of tomatoes from pests
  • 2. Than to water onions, sown seeds, so that it was healthy
  • 3. How to keep carrots until spring?
  • 4.How to get rid of moles - the secrets and advice of gardeners
  • 5. The inclusions of parsley will appear in three hours
  • 6. Iodine for the garden
  • 7. Sosnovye needles in the fight against pests
  • 8. To preserve strawberries, strawberries from birds
  • 9. How to use the bird's (chicken, pigeon) droppings?
  • 10. We burn garbage
  • 11. How to plant carrots without hassle?
  • 12. About tool sharpening
  • instagram viewer
  • 13. Seed treatment before sowing
  • 14. How to protect trees in winter from hares and mice

1. Bottle of tomatoes from pests

Cut the stripped tops of tomatoes (stepchildren, lower leaves) with water. Insist for 24 hours. It is possible to spray cruciferous (for example, cabbage, radish, radish, etc.) and pumpkin (cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin) from various pests. Another secret - if the leaves give sour, then you will get a wonderful feeding for any crops.

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2. Than to water onions, sown seeds, so that it was healthy

Onions should be watered not only with water, but alternately, with a weak ash solution (1 glass of ash on bucket of water), then a very weak solution of potassium permanganate - all pests disappear - the onion becomes strong, healthy.

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3. How to keep carrots until spring?

Just leave one carrot bed not dug up. Gently tear off the entire tops, fill the bed in the palm of your hand above the ground. In the spring rake the ground - dig out the carrots. It will be fresh, juicy, tasty!

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4.How to get rid of moles - the secrets and advice of gardeners

  • In moleholes pour balls from fresh goat or pig litter, as well as pour brine from the herring or a mixture of kerosene and water.
  • Cut the branches of gooseberries to grind, bury them in the ground along with the manure.
  • Stakes of bird cherry sticks in moles or near them.
  • The noise from the rattles (metal turntables), transmitted to the soil along a stick on which they are fixed, will drive moles.
  • Moles do not like the smell of onions and garlic. Cut them finely and place them in moleholes. The more molehills you fill with this mixture, the faster the moles will leave your site.
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5. The inclusions of parsley will appear in three hours

Many of us grow greenery to a table on a window or balcony. It is very convenient. Parsley seeds germinate very slowly, but there is one trick to "make" them to germinate very quickly. Prepare a container with earth, moisten it, sprinkle the ground with quicklime three times every 10-15 minutes. Sow, previously soaked in milk, parsley seeds. Seeds will ascend in three hours. The room should be warm, at least 20 ° C.

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6. Iodine for the garden

a) If, when growing seedlings, tomatoes are once poured with a weak iodine solution (one drop of iodine per three liters of water), flower brushes will form more quickly, will be more branched, the number of ovaries will increase. Fruits on such tomatoes will be 10-15% larger, ripen earlier for several days. When the seedlings are planted in the soil, then a week through two plants, you can again pour iodine water 1 liter for each root (three drops of iodine per bucket of water).

b) To protect strawberry berries from gray rot it is useful to sprinkle bushes with iodine solution (10 ml per 10 l of water) 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days.

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7. Sosnovye needles in the fight against pests

Pine needles can be effectively used in the fight against pests in the garden and garden. To do this, take 1 kg of needles for 5 liters of water, put in a dark place for a week. Daily stir the infusion, in order to extract the necessary substances from pine needles. Then filter the infusion. Before sprinkling add water to the original volume. Adding 20 g of liquid soap to 5 liters of infusion increases its effectiveness. Apply infusion of pine needles should be against aphids, meds.


When you need to quickly prepare the infusion, you can take pine needles, pour them with boiling water in the proportion insist a day. Strain, add liquid soap - the preparation is ready. Such a strong infusion should be diluted with water before use:. The experience of truck farmers showed that spraying should be carried out later in the evening. The effect increases many times.

According to the norms, the advice is: for a bush of currant l, for a gooseberry bush - 1 l, for a raspberry bush - 2 liters, for a square meter of strawberry l, for an adult tree - 10 liters. Currant and gooseberry sprayed at the very beginning of flowering, in order to prevent the appearance of fire. Repeat the operation with an interval of 5 days.

Infusion of pine needles helps strawberries against gray rot - this is very important for preserving the crop. Pine suppresses gray rot during the ripening of berries, so it's a good idea to mulch the planting of strawberry pine needles.

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8. To preserve strawberries, strawberries from birds


immediately after flowering, place various small colored objects, similar to ripe berries (for example, walnuts, round pebbles) painted in bright red color between the plants. By the time the berries are ripe, the curious birds will already understand that they have nothing to do here.

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9. How to use the bird's (chicken, pigeon) droppings?

It should be remembered that bird droppings are a very concentrated fertilizer, it is impossible to overestimate the doses of its application. When digging the soil for 1 square. m make 500 g of dry bird droppings. When planting plants, it is introduced into the holes, nests no more than 8-10 g per plant. Effective liquid fertilizing: fresh bird droppings diluted with water in this ratio - if the bird droppings are fresh - then 1 kg per 10 liters of water, and if dry - then 1 kg per 20 liters of water. As soon as the bird droppings get wet, it is well mixed and brought under the plants, without leaving to ferment. A solution of bird droppings is used for 2 liters per 1 sq. Km. m. After pouring the soil around the plant with this solution, it should be covered with a layer of dry soil of 1 cm and poured with clean water.

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10. We burn garbage

Burn garden garbage in spring or late autumn - a difficult task for many truck farmers. Wet remains do not want to flare up. In this difficult matter will help... brick. First remove it in a dry place so that it will dry well. Fully immerse the dry brick in kerosene for three hours. When it is impregnated, wrap it in a plastic wrap. Firstly, in order that it does not "aromatize" the air, and secondly, so it will retain its combustible properties longer. When it will be necessary to burn rubbish, it is put inside the prepared heap and set on fire. It burns for a long time and evenly. Then to extinguish the flame, the brick is pulled out with a stick with a stick from the fire, covered with a wet, dense rag.

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11. How to plant carrots without hassle?

Carrots have very small seeds. Sowing them is very inconvenient - it is a lot, then falls a little into the groove of the garden. There is an exit! Take a small bottle of medicine. Make in the lid a small hole the size of a little more than a seed of carrots. Pour the seeds into a bottle and, closing the lid, sow on a patch, like salt. Very economical option to receive.

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12. About tool sharpening

We, gardeners and truck farmers, need a good cutting tool: garden knives, shovels, pruners, axes, choppers, flat cutters, saws. But, alas, very rarely now you can buy a quality tool. Chopping quickly dull and serrated. Shovels bend and break. Not all modern instruments withstand our heavy black earth. But these shortcomings can easily be eliminated by treating them with a weak solution of table salt.

Hardening and the point of the cutting tool in a solution of table salt were used by gardeners long ago. I learned about such a cunning, about this method of sharpening from my father.

The solution is prepared simply: 1 glass of water + 1 tablespoon of salt. The water temperature matters. If the tool is made of hard and brittle (brittle) steel, then it should be a little warm - + 28-35 ° C. And if the steel is soft, then the water of the salted solution should be even warmer + 35-40 ° С. Of course, the volume of the solution depends on the size of the instrument, which you will prepare for sharpening. The tool must be completely immersed in water.

If you are going to harden salt with a new tool, you first have to sharpen it, and then put it in salted solution for half an hour. After that, it can already be finished and straightened. Periodically rinse the tool in salt water during grinding. Father is sure that with such sharpening the tool will not break - fragility will disappear, hard steel will become more elastic. Moreover, this tool is no longer dull and does not grind off as quickly as when sharpened without the use of salt water.

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13. Seed treatment before sowing

Treating seeds with hydrogen peroxide is not a completely new, but promising approach to disinfection and the preparation of seed for sowing, especially in the absence of the market, familiar to us, potassium permanganate. In this case, hydrogen peroxide increases seed quality of seeds, plant immunity, growth and development rates, and yields increase.

To increase the seeding capacity and stimulation of germination, the seeds are soaked in a per cent solution of hydrogen peroxide for 12 hours, and hard to germinate, for example, beet seeds, parsley - 24 hours.

For decontamination, the inoculum is treated in a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes at a ratio of the weight of the seeds to the solution:. The seeds are then washed with water and dried to flowability, necessary for seeding.

Soaking seeds in a% solution of hydrogen peroxide increases the germination energy, accelerates the emergence of shoots for 2-4 days, increases yield, helps reduce the content of nitrates in products. Seed treatment with a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide reduces seed contamination with pathogens.

Do not be lazy! Carry out processing and disinfection of seeds before sowing with hydrogen peroxide, and the result will not take long to wait.

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14. How to protect trees in winter from hares and mice


It turns out that it is possible to do without such laborious work as binding the boles of young trees with film, lapnik and other materials. The trick is that hares do not tolerate some odors. For example, the smell of fish oil or stale fat. Lubricate one of these "drugs" trunks. There is another way: to hang bags on the lower branches of the tree with mothballs.

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