Description and characteristics of pumpkin varieties Sweetie
The history of pumpkin is more than 7 thousand years old, and culture came to Europe from America in the 16th century. Fell in love with a pleasant sweetish taste, unpretentiousness, the ability for a long time( up to 6 months) to be stored in normal conditions and at the same time preserve the taste and healthy qualities. Pumpkin pulp Sweetie contains a lot of useful minerals, vitamins, and pumpkin seeds - a unique product in its chemical composition and benefits to the body.
Contents:breeding variety intended for cultivation in large areas of the non-chernozem zone of Russia.
The most important distinguishing feature of the fruit is the . The sugar content is very high. is very high. It is widely cultivated for industrial production of juices and baby food, as well as in home gardens, summer residences. Used for cooking first and second courses, sweet desserts and pastries.
Due to its high sugar content, Sweetie was awarded the highest mark by the Institute of Canning Industry and is the standard for making baby food without added sugar.
According to the description, in mature form it acquires a beautiful bright orange color, the bark is divided into segments, very dense, thanks to which it is stored for a long time, it is easily transported. The flesh is thick, juicy, sugary, red, soft and very sweet.
The pulp of the variety is very sweet, and the rind has a hardness of
The main characteristics of the
Pumpkin Candy belongs to the large-fruited middle-ripening varieties. Scourge grows up to one and a half meters long, on them 6-8 ovaries are formed. The plant is unpretentious, but with good agricultural technology can achieve very high rates.
High yield .On lashes grows from 6 to 8 fruits, the average weight of which is 1.5-3.0 kg, but there are cases when pumpkins grow to 20, 50 and even 100 kg.
Nutrition Facts .Candy contains up to 20% of dry matter, 8% of sugar, a large amount of ascorbic acid and carotene.
Meaty pulp .She filled almost the entire cavity of the pumpkin. The seed nest is small, the seeds are large, have excellent taste.
With long-term storage, the fruit ripens, the flesh becomes even softer, sweeter and tastier. The variety is considered to be cold-resistant, so it is grown in various regions.
The time from germination to harvest is about 120 days.
The time from the appearance of the first germination to full technical ripening is from 120 to 130 days.
Agrotechnical features of growing pumpkins
Although pumpkin is an unpretentious plant, but still, in order to grow a rich harvest, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work before sowing seeds.
Preparing the SoilBefore sowing, they dig up the ground well, adding organic fertilizer.
If the soil is not fertile enough, 50 g of superphosphate and 1-2 cups of ash are added to each well.
In warm climatic conditions, where the earth warms up early enough, the candy can be planted as seeds in open ground. In colder conditions, with the late onset of spring, it is better to sprout seedlings in advance.
Seed preparation
For planting material, selects especially high-quality, coarse and full grains.
Pumpkin Seeds Sweet
At first they are checked for germination: the selected seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth and cleaned for a day in a warm place. Seeds with the best germination rate during this time have time to hatch. They are then quenched for quenching for several days.
Planting seeds for seedlings
For seedlings, seeds are planted in a separate container, or in wooden boxes, in a prepared soil. Sawdust should be poured into the boxes as drainage, so that when transplanting to a permanent place, the root system is not damaged.
It is better to take Tara without bottom and install on pallets. During the landing in open ground, it will be possible to drop the seedlings directly into the hole with a cup, avoiding injury to the roots.
Sowing seeds produce approximately for 22-24 days before planting on a permanent place ( taking into account the local climatic features of the region) + 5 days to shoot, observing the following rules:
pumpkin seeds are embedded to a depth of 3-4 cm, filled with soil, slightlymoisturized;
in the box the distance between the grains must be at least 5x5 cm;
container covered with a transparent film and put in a well-lit warm place until the first shoots, then remove the film;
with the appearance of 2-3 true leaves of the seedlings are planted in open ground, the temperature of which by this time should be at least 13 degrees.
Seedlings are planted in the ground with the appearance of 2-3 true leaflets.
. Planting seeds directly into the ground.
. The optimal timing of embedding seeds directly into the ground is the second half of May.
The land is already warming up sufficiently, the shoots of frost are not threatened. In the prepared soil, the wells are made, they are moistened and in each are placed 3-4 grains to a depth of about 8 cm .
After the seeds have sprouted, 1 sprout should be left in each well, and the rest should not be pulled out, but carefully cut. This is done because the root system of seedlings is rapidly developing and intertwined with each other, so the sprouts are cut so as not to damage the root of the remaining shoot.
Pumpkin loves free, warm, well-lit and sun-warmed places. Planted in a permanent place need at the rate of 1 plant per 1 sq. M.
Leaving and feeding
Plants develop very quickly, so the main care - loosening the soil, weeding, feeding, removing weeds - is carried out before the pumpkin leaves join.
Pumpkin responds very well to fertilizing with chicken manure or mullein, diluted with water at a ratio of 1:20 and 1:10, respectively.
To obtain large-sized fruits, the lash is clamped, leaving the required number of ovaries.
Water the plants with warm water - 20-22 degrees .To obtain large-sized fruits, the lash is clamped, leaving the necessary number of ovaries.
Pumpkin diseases and their prevention
Pumpkin Sweetie, like all pumpkin crops, is prone to diseases:
white rot;
root rot;
powdery mildew.
They manifest themselves mainly during the formation of ovaries and fruits.
Affected plants must be treated with appropriate preparations and the basic rule for the prevention of various diseases - crop rotation .For pumpkin, it is 3-4 years.
Pumpkin Sweetie - a tasty, healthy, unpretentious, easily cultivated vegetable. Excellent taste with low calorie content and weight of nutrients in the composition make it a very popular product in the diet and baby food. That is why the sweet Yummy is the favorite of many gardeners.
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