Proper soaking of cucumber seeds before planting

Cucumbers are one of the popular vegetables cultivated by almost every gardener. A lot of annoyance is experienced by the owners when the time and effort invested did not bring the expected results. The main factor for the successful cultivation of greens is the proper preparation of cucumber seeds for planting, including soaking.

Table of Contents

  • Compulsory testing of cucumber seeds for germination, whether
  • will grow in the hearthards of the tinges. Faster
  • Cucumber Seeds Faster Folk recipes for processing material for seedlings
    • Recipe # 1 - allows you to sprout
    • in 6 hours Recipe # 2 - prnear the landing
    • Recipe №3 - soaked in ash
    • Recipe №4 - handle aloe
  • Mandatory verification of cucumber seeds germination, whether calibrated seeds germinate

    cucumbers before screenings need to be sure to check the seeds germination. It is not known how long the old or low-quality seed material has in its life stock; therefore, one can not wait for sprouts on the soil surface.

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    To save time and money, it is recommended to make testing procedures for the seeds for germination. This gives hope that the seedlings will be viable. During the soaking process, attention is paid to important factors:

    • seed modification in a moist environment;
    • germination rate;
    • the number of suitable grains from the selected number.
    The easiest way to check the quality is considered to be wrapping the material for planting in a damp cloth( flax, cotton).Practically all gardeners use this method.

    The process is as follows: 10-15 pieces are taken from the total mass of seeds, and then laid out on a cloth moistened with warm water, laid out on a saucer. The top should be covered with plastic film and put the saucer in a warm place, protected from drafts( temperature range from 20 to 23 degrees).Several times a day you need to check the condition of the seeds, so as not to miss when the sprouts begin to bite. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the cloth; in case of drying, you will need to moisten it with again. To do this, just spray warm water from a spray bottle so as not to disturb the seeds.

    Sprouted seeds of cucumber
    Considered suitable for sowing seeds that sprouted in 60%( that is, out of 10 grains, 6 specimens formed keys).The faster the process, the more vitality the seed has.

    How to soak correctly: carry out the

    • procedure only after disinfecting seeds;
    • used liquid should be enough, there is no danger in the complete immersion of the grains;
    • when immersing the seed in the solution should be mixed several times with your hand or spatula;
    • after soaking the seed should be immediately planted in the ground or deposited for germination;
    • treatment time depends on the solution used.

    The correct methods of home germination for planting in the ground.

    Seeds are soaked for 15-20 minutes in a weak solution of manganese

    In the process of preparing for sowing one of the known methods of germination is used. The most popular and effective methods to germinate seeds are as follows.

    Soak in saline solution for the time

    Saline solution is considered universal, it allows you to determine germination and show which specimens will sprout and which ones will not practically for any culture. The working solution is prepared from 6-10 g of common salt and an incomplete glass of warm water. The process itself involves filling the bowl first with seed, then filling the tank with the prepared liquid. After 6-8 minutes, the emerged seeds are collected, as they become unsuitable for planting. Those that have lasted all the time at the bottom have a good life potential. This process also allows you to disinfect the seed. After that, can be planted seeds safely.

    After soaking the seeds, rinse with clean water and dry under natural conditions at a temperature of at least 20 ° C.

    Soak it in biologically active preparations for rapid germination.

    It is considered multifunctional to soak seeds in a liquid enriched with biologically active preparations. The most famous are:

    • Zircon;
    • Humate potassium or sodium solution;
    • Ivin;
    • Epin-Extra.

    The method of treating seed with Zircon provides for the preparation of a working solution from 300 ml of water and 2 drops of the preparation and takes time. Soaking the grain in it lasts for 8-18 hours, during which time the sprouts should roll. The tool acts in areas such as stimulation of germination, strengthening the immune system.

    A good result is obtained if you process the material Gumat. When used, a powder( 1 gram) and 100 ml of water at room temperature are taken to prepare the mother liquor. Store the product in a cool place( for example, in the refrigerator on the door).Before use, 1 ml of the solution is diluted with 100 ml of water. Seeds are soaked in the resulting liquid for 24 hours.
    Ivin has an excellent stimulant and anti-stress effect. For soaking preparing a solution of 2 drops of funds and 2 liters of water at room temperature. Processing time is 18-24 hours. Which drug to choose depends on you.

    Soda solutions will help the sprout to slip faster

    Baking soda is useful not only in the kitchen, but also for garden work. It has an antimicrobial effect, helps to prolong the period of fruiting. For soaking a working solution is prepared from 1 liter of warm water and 1 teaspoon of soda. Defend the seeds in this solution need at least a day.
    Disputes over the advisability of using soda have been going on for more than one year. The only thing that does not cause any doubt is that is the ability to soften the surface of the grains, allowing moisture to easily penetrate into the seed of the .To enhance the effect, various recipes have been developed that provide for the addition of other biostimulants:

    • aloe juice( 200 ml water, 5 ml aloe juice, 1/4 tsp. Soda);
    • Cytovita( 5 drops of water, 1/5 tsp. Of soda, 350 ml of water).
    Preparing soda solution
    Comprehensive exposure provides fast germination, resistance to various infections and high yields with proper care.

    Soaking in Epin will allow sprouting cucumber seeds to be faster

    Epin has a wide spectrum of action. It is a regulator and adaptogen capable of controlling the balance of substances in the plant. The active ingredients of the product provide rapid germination of seeds, strengthen the culture immunity, resistance to a moist environment, which occurs as a result of heavy rainfall or flooding.
    To germinate the seeds of cucumbers, prepare a solution of 100 ml of water and 1-2 drops of the preparation. It is necessary to maintain them in the biostimulator for at least 18-20 hours at a temperature of 20-23 ° C, that is, the process is rather long.

    Folk recipes for processing material for seedlings

    From time immemorial, before planting, seeds were also germinated for fast germination. From generation to generation, perennial proven popular recipes are transmitted, which are used to this day. Carrots, pumpkins, beets, radishes, squash - this is only part of the plants, the seeds of which can be soaked in these solutions before planting. Here are some simple and effective options.

    Recipe number 1 - allows you to sprout

    in 6 hours

    An excellent stimulant is water dissolved honey. For preparation use a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of a sweet component. The procedure is performed by filling the bowl with honey solution and immersing seed in it for 6 hours.

    Recipe number 2 - will bring closer the

    planting Cucumber kernels sprout well in pure potato juice. To obtain it, you need to select several root crops and put them in the freezer for freezing. After being removed from the refrigerator, the potatoes should be thawed. Squeeze the juice you need to manually, it is quite simple. Soaked seeds in the juice settled for at least 8 hours.

    Recipe # 3 - soak in ashThis component can also be used for the germination of cucumber seeds. Initially preparing the infusion of boiled water( 1 liter) and ash( 2 tablespoons).The liquid must infuse for at least 2 days, after which the seeds are immersed in it for 6 hours.

    Recipe number 4 - process aloe juice

    Soaking seed material in aloe juice not only stimulates growth, but also strengthens the immune system of the plant. After this treatment, it will be easier to resist various diseases and pests of the young shoot. To get the juice from the home plant you need to cut off the mature leaves from the bottom of the stem. Wrapping them in paper( preferably parchment), should be put in the fridge for two weeks. After that, the juice is very easily squeezed out manually. The extracted liquid is diluted with a small amount of water and seeds are poured into the solution for a day.

    For soaking cucumber seeds take the settled water. However, experienced gardeners noticed that the use of rainwater or thawed fluid is much more efficient.
    Aloe juice is easily available - there is almost in every home.

    The preparation process is not really complicated. It is not necessary when planting cucumbers to be guided only by information on the shelf life indicated on the package. Spending no more than a few minutes, you can verify the quality of the purchased material.

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