Pump for watering from the barrel, which is better for giving?

For gardeners, the issue of water supply is always one of the most urgent, which is why a watering pump from a barrel can solve many problems. All horticultural crops need timely saturation with vital moisture, because without water there can not exist any living organism on our planet.

  • What is a drum pump?
  • How to choose a pump for irrigation from a barrel?
  • Pump for drip irrigation from a barrel
  • User feedback from the drum pump

What is a drum pump?

As is known, for irrigation it is undesirable to use very cold water, because vegetable and fruit crops can react poorly to a low temperature. That's why summer residents use different tanks to store water and then heat it to an acceptable level. Previously, gardeners scooped up water with buckets or watering cans directly from the cistern, and thus watered beds and other plantations. This process required a lot of time and effort. Today, technical advances have moved far ahead, and such a thing as a drum pump for watering the garden, made it easy for many owners of summer cottages. This practical device is a kind of water pump that can pump water from a barrel or tank. The pump is compact in size, well supplied with water, easy to operate (unlike high-power units for pumping surface or submerged water).

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Pump for irrigation from a barrel, photo:



This option is an excellent solution for suburban areas that are not connected to centralized water supply. The principle of operation of the device is simple: a pump is installed on the water tank with water, which picks up (pumps) water - thus watering is performed.

The unit has a light weight (usually up to 4 kg), it is easy to reinstall from one container to another, it does not produce strong noise during operation.

pressure regulator. Also, it can be used to make irrigation - add fertilizers dissolved in water directly into the tank. To be safe and secure the device from clogging by "slipping" into the system with solid particles, you can additionally install a homemade filter on the tank.

For these purposes, tulle or dense gauze fabric, which by its size should be larger than the volume of the tank with water, is quite suitable. It is put in a container, the free edges securely fixed around the edges of the barrel, then directly into the tissue box immerse the pump. You do not need to worry that in the process of working the unit will pull the fabric into itself, because the "heart" of the system is equipped with a "native" filter at the output. Often, seasoned summer residents are going to additional tricks - put on top of the capacity of a solid board, which is suspended from the pump for irrigation from the barrel. However, it should not reach to the bottom about 10 cm. At the bottom of a variety of garbage, sediment, always accumulates, but after such manipulations, the probability that the sor does not enter the system significantly increases. The devices of such a plan are designed to work with tanks, the depth of which does not exceed a meter.

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How to choose a pump for irrigation from a barrel?

To begin with, you need to estimate the scale of the proposed work, namely, the area of ​​the garden / garden. If maintenance of a large area is planned, it is better to choose the unit with a two-stage machine, which is designed for long-term operation, so it will not overheat. If you have a small garden and flower garden, you can take a pump with a small capacity. The most popular and well-proven models are the brands Gardena, Sterwins, a pump for irrigation from the barrel of Körher (Kercher), as well as Belarusian ZUBR units. The famous German quality of the brands Körcher and Gardena presents your attention and expensive systems, and quite budgetary (from, 00-3000 rubles). The so-called "inexpensive" pump is able to pump approximately , 00 liters of water in 1 hour, for a small or medium section this is quite enough. Well, if your garden or garden has impressive dimensions, then you will need a more powerful device. Keep in mind that the maximum indicator of the efficiency of the pumps of the brands Körcher and Gardena is 4000 liters of water per hour.

Compact pump for irrigation from the barrel of Körcher (Kercher), photo:


When choosing a model, also pay attention to the presence of a float switch - this is a very convenient function, in which you do not have to control the water level in the tank. Thus, protection against "dry running" is provided, the risk of accompanying breakages is minimized. According to reviews of summer residents, the pump for watering the garden from a container from the Belarusian ZUBR brand has proved to be a good one. The entire range of these units is equipped with a float, has a warranty period of 5 years, technical characteristics in many ways similar to representatives of the brand Gardena, while their cost is lower than the German equivalent in, -2 times. Some models are already supplied with a watering hose, nozzles, as well as with a nozzle and nozzles for spraying.

More budgetary options require additional equipment.

Also, submersible and surface pumps can be used to extract water from drums (large tanks). Submersible, as it becomes clear from the name, is immersed in a water tank. Surface devices draw water through suction hoses.

What should I look for when choosing the unit:

  • tightness of the body (sealing rubber);
  • impact resistance of the body (of what material it is made);
  • fastening on the body (to make it convenient to fix the device on the barrel), the bracket for fixing the hose on the edge of the barrel;
  • a float for determining the water level, which was mentioned above;
  • guarantee from the manufacturer.

As practice shows, as well as numerous reviews of owners of drum pumps, for garden and garden needs the most optimal in terms of capacity ispump for irrigation from a barrel of 200 liters.The irrigation of one square meter of land uses on average about 5 liters of water - based on this indicator, you can roughly calculate the pump's output. The required capacity of the unit (and also the water head) can be determined based on the distance to which the irrigation hose will be pulled.

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Pump for drip irrigation from a barrel

Pump for irrigation from a barrel for drip irrigation in a greenhouse - Akva Dusia


Separately it is worth mentioning a convenient and rational way of watering - a drop. This method allows you to save not only water supplies, but also your time. For the organization of drip irrigation, it is recommended to use a submersible pump with automatic regulation of the water supply. Of course, this unit is more intended for pumping water from a well or a well, but for barrels and water tanks it is also suitable. You manually set the required mode on the pressure switch (device to maintain certain pressure parameters), in this case - the minimum. Also with the help of a timer, the periodicity of watering is set, the rest is the work of the system. If you study the information in the relevant forums and listen to the advice of experienced summer residents, it becomes It is clear that the centrifugal submersible pump is the most optimal option for the organization of a drop glaze.

The pump for drip irrigation from the barrel can supply water for a long time (under the required pressure) without the danger of overheating of the pump motor. Of course, the matter should be approached seriously - scrupulously calculate the water flow by time, draw a drawing of the drip tapes taking into account the total length of the water pipe. It is also necessary to take into account the number of holes (droppers) per 1 running meter. For an example, I will cite the calculation: you are laying 100 m of hose (tape), for each meter there are 6 droppers, and as a result we get 600 droppers, each of which gives 1 liter of water for 1 hour. Therefore, you need a pump with a capacity of 600 liters / hour.

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User feedback from the drum pump

I have a relatively expensive, Körcher, a special barrel pump, works from the network, has an auto shutdown when the water in the barrel is over (or when it reaches the level you set). To the pump is attached a special fastener to the edge of the barrel. The power cord is 10 meters, the pump has been bought with a hose for 15 meters, couplings, a nozzle-bowl and a sprinkler oscillating. all came out for 5 thousand, gave to my mother for her birthday. But she still runs around with the watering can, and when I or my nephew in the country, we turn on the pump for irrigation. Although, I think, she will gradually get used to.
We have an ordinary pump, the easiest bought for 1.5 or 2 thousand, "Baby" is called. He has a long wire, about 20 meters, probably. We put the pump in the barrel, pull the wire to the nearest outlet, and that's it. If the outlet is far away, then use the carry. Insert the hose into the pump and water it).
Good pump GRINDA. Take - you will not regret! I loaded it into the barrel with rainwater (250 liters) to the bottom, attached a 25 m hose, at the end - a slotted nozzle (the other was not at hand. "Beats" for 30 meters. Works quietly. In general, the watering cans are now thrown into the far corner of the shed.
About the pump KARCHER.
Advantages. Quiet. Not very heavy. Almost thoughtful design. For use with barrels up to 227 liters. A long quality cord. The most important thing for the organization of the irrigation system in the country.
Disadvantages. A loose attachment of the bottom filter. With an awkward movement when the pump is lowered to the concrete, the fastener may break (cracked immediately, but not critical). After a year of work, the overflow valve on the outlet fell off. I cut off this whole structure and put an ordinary quick-connect connector on the end of the hose from a half-inch garden hose with aquastope ...
Medvedev Artem
https://market.yandex.ru/product/10776545/review? id = 91664 & amp; irstReviewId = 63752281 & amp; rack = partner & amp; p = 1001 & amp; lid = 2288648 & amp; istr_type = 7
About the pump KARCHER.
Pluses: Very convenient. If you have blue plastic barrels - then this is straight for you!! Works VERY quietly. Very handy gun (you need to get used to it and it becomes perfect) It can be 5-7 minutes, that the pump would work and not pump water - nothing in the pump will not burn!
Disadvantages: they simply do not exist. Comment: I took for my parents. Since it is impossible to water from a well (cold water, poor in oxygen), the water was first collected in barrels, and then watered with watering cans. Which is hard and long. Now watering 18 beds takes a maximum of 40 minutes and almost effortlessly (you only need to move the unit itself, which weighs only 5 kg)!!! I bought 3 hoses of 20 meters, that would not pull the hoses. It turned out to be very long and uncomfortable to carry. I bought the connecting pieces from the kerher. Cut the hoses so that the whole perimeter is provided with hoses. And all!
https://market.yandex.ru/product/10776545/review? id = 91664 & amp; irstReviewId = 62538202 & amp; rack = partner & amp; p = 1001 & amp; lid = 2288648 & amp; istr_type = 7

Conclusions: this device will do you a good service: it will ensure regular watering of the site, will save time, comfortably carry out procedures for fertilizing and irrigation of orchard crops. The pump for watering from the barrel is easy to operate and does not take up much space, most importantly - choose the model whose power and technical characteristics are right for your requirements.


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