Features of LED TV: how to choose the right model

Features of LED TV: how to choose the right model


Having planned the purchase of a new TV with LED lighting for the house, we are moving decisively to the hardware store. But when we meet there a huge choice, to stop your view of a suitable model becomes very it is difficult, and sometimes even the seller-consultant finds it difficult to answer our question about how to choose LED TV. Often, you can only learn about the diagonal, hear general words about high quality and many additional functions.

Due to the high quality and the general decline in prices over the past few years, such TVs are becoming increasingly popular among consumers. However, a rare buyer can make his choice reasonably, relying on dry facts, and not on advertising slogans, met on big-boards on the way to the store. In this article, we will endeavor to put an end to this confusion and help you choose your LED TV so that it will please you more than one year.

Since you are on this page, you probably know how the LED TV differs from the rest. No? Then read on.

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LED (with English. "Light-emitting diode") - light-emitting diodes. They are also used in lanterns, traffic lights, car headlights and in many other areas far from home appliances. However, in TVs they have found their application.


LEDs serve as the main light source (backlight), directed to liquid crystals, which create an image. Yes, yes, the same crystals as in the panels. The only difference between LCD and LED TV (as they are called) is the backlight. In the first case, lamps are used, in the second case - diodes. But this insignificant, at first glance, change introduces a number of design differences and features of both types of TVs.


Having dealt with the theory, we turn to practice, namely to specific advice on choosing a LED TV.

The basic list of criteria, having become acquainted with which, you will understand how to choose LED TV:

  • The screen size (diagonal) and its proportions;
  • The resolution of the TV display;
  • Type of illumination (which of two to choose);
  • Frequency of scanning;
  • Screen coverage;
  • Availability of functional connectors;
  • Additional functions (3D, Smart TV and others).


  • 1Screen size
  • 2Display Resolution
  • 3Backlight type
  • 4Frequency of sweep
  • 5Screen Coverage
  • 6A set of functional connectors
  • 7Additional features
    • 7.13D
    • 7.2Smart Tv

Screen size

When choosing a TV, we are used to looking first and foremost at its physical size. And to be more precise, on the screen diagonal. This parameter is measured in inches (the unit of measurement unusual for the Russian ear is 4 cm) and shows the distance between two opposite corners of the screen. On what kind of diagonal will be on your TV, depends not only the optimal location of its location, but also the minimum allowable distance from the viewer to the screen.

So, having a TV with a screen of 32-42 inches is enough, -3 meters to ensure the best quality images (come closer - and see a slight graininess, which all models have in different degree). Buying a device frankly large (the diagonal of which is more than 50-60 inches), make sure that there is enough space in the house where such a "giant" can manifest itself to the fullest.

Buy LED TV, whose diagonal is less than 30 inches just does not make sense. In this case, you will not feel all the charms and possibilities of technology, which are revealed only on large screens.

Of course, the price for a miniature version will be lower, but not significantly. In any case, LED technology today is expensive, as it has recently entered TVs.

We have considered only one aspect, characterizing the screen size - its diagonal. It remains to say that TVs come in different formats. Surely, you've heard about "widescreen" models. These are those in which the ratio of width to height is 1:. This format is ideal for digital and satellite TV. Another - the usual (with the ratio:) - is used in cable television. It is recommended to choose a "wide" format, as it is widely predicted in the future.

Having discussed the diagonal, we go further.

Display Resolution

Another parameter among the main ones is the resolution (or resolution) of the display. This is the number of pixels for the width and height of the screen (or the number of "lines" and "columns" of the smallest components of the image - dots). The degree of detail of the picture depends on the resolution: the higher it is, the more small details and special effects you will be able to see when watching a movie at home.

Low resolution can cause sharp transitions between colors, "angularity" and other errors caused by a lack of functional pixels.

If the purse allows, we recommend choosing a TV with the so-called "Full HD" (1920 * 1080px, which may also be called "1080p"). In this case, you can enjoy all the delights of LED technology and never regret buying.

Backlight type

LED TV for home can have either side (Edge), or back (Direct) backlight (regardless of the company, what it produced).

The first option involves placing LEDs at the edges of the screen, which makes it possible to make the model incredibly thin (the "elite" of modern flat TVs).


The second option uses the location of the diodes directly behind the screen, so that the backlight is more uniform (the entire diagonal, and not just the edges will get the required amount of light). This makes it possible to provide an excellent contrast level (with a saturated black color instead of its gray similarity). The underside of the medal will be a general thickening of the TV, caused by its "multilayered" (a layer of diodes> a diffuser> a screen with liquid crystals).

But in practice, there is no difference between the two types of backlighting. How, then, decide? Just appreciate the features of the image with different types of lighting. It will be right to choose the one that more corresponds to your expectations and wishes.

Frequency of sweep

From this parameter depends the frequency of updating (unfolding) the frames on the screen. He is familiar to users since the time of televisions with large kinescope. What then, that today, to indicate the frequency of changing pictures, the physical quantity - Hertz (Hz) is used. 1 Hz 1 or one hundredth of a second. Thus, a value of 60 Hz informs us that every second the TV will be able to "update" the image only 60 times. Modern TVs must have 100 or more Hertzs. Otherwise, you will observe the braking and lubrication, especially manifested in dynamic scenes.


Many LED TVs are equipped with a clever mechanism, allowing without much effort from 60 Hz to get 120 or even 240. The principle of its operation is based on the addition of intermediate frames that can stabilize the image even in the most moving scenes. When you add 1 such "assistant" the frequency in 60 Hz will turn to 120 Hz, at three - to 240 Hz.


There is another way to achieve the same goal. For this, a scanning backlight is used, which quickly detects the necessary moment for changing the brightness of the entire screen.

We recommend choosing a model that has both these technologies, which make it possible to obtain 800-900 Hz of high-quality scanning. Pay attention to this parameter when choosing a TV. You can even bring your video materials to the store in order to make sure on the spot in the quality work of the device when displaying dynamic scenes.

Screen Coverage

The choice of matt or glossy screen depends on the type of room in which the LED TV will be installed. Glossy version allows you to get high contrast and excellent brightness of the image. But because of its mirror image, it can turn into a source of annoying spectator glare.

Matte screen slightly reduces the clarity of the image, but 100% avoid the appearance of glints of light. So, to properly choose the type of coverage, rely on your personal preferences and the features of the house (apartment).

A set of functional connectors

Try to choose the LED TV, which has maximum compatibility with different types of signal and devices. Provide this can be different connectors on the back (and also on the front). It is mandatory today to have several HDMI-connectors (to receive a signal in digital form). Also, such connectors as SCART and RCA (for connecting to devices using analog type of data transmission) will not be superfluous.

Modern TV is difficult to imagine without a USB port, which allows you to play media files from external storage media (flash drives, cameras, players, etc.).

Additional features

In addition to the main features, the LED TV functionality for the home can be expanded with many additional options. The main ones are "3D" and "Smart TV". If you want to choose a model equipped with them - read on.


3D lovers will have this option to their liking. Today, TVs can offer two options for this feature: "active" and "passive" 3D. The first option involves the use of glasses with an active shutter, closing and opening the eyes in turn (each of which sees a slightly modified image). It happens very quickly, thanks to which we see a three-dimensional picture. Companies such as Panasonic, Samsung, Sony and Sharp have advanced in this area.


The disadvantage of an active 3D can be a high price of glasses and the need for frequent replacement of batteries. In addition, you can observe some flicker when the speed of glasses works at the frequency of the TV.


"Passive" 3D - technology, using all the usual glasses with green and red lenses, allowing the eyes to see the image in different factions. This principle is cheaper, but it requires a reduction in the quality of the picture. If this suits you, LG and Philips will be the best solution.

In either case, you will need to compare the two methods yourself, then choose the one that is most suitable for you.


Continuing the theme: how to choose a 3D TV

Smart Tv

The presence of such a function makes it possible to access the Internet directly from the TV. The network is connected to the device by either a normal network cable or via wi-fi. In the case of a wireless connection, make sure you have an integrated router on the TV. Otherwise, you will have to purchase the router separately (or simply use the existing one).

In addition, you can read information from USB storage devices. But we must remember that the TV is not a full-fledged computer, and with many formats of media files there can be difficulties. It will be correct to clarify all the nuances of working smart tv before you make a purchase.

Take note: how to choose a TV SMART-TV

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