Plant the annual dahlias on the flower garden cheerful guys

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To give the garden area a delightful appearance, summer residents choose quite a variety of types of flowers. The most common among them are the annual dahlias dreselye guys. The flower has a beautiful appearance, which attracts the views of others. There are a variety of colors dahlias, which makes it possible to create a beautiful design of the site. The main advantage of these plants is that they do not need strong care, and also easily suffer sharp temperature changes and a prolonged absence of rain.

Annual dahlias are funny guys: breeding

Reproduction of flowers funny guys occurs in two ways - seeds and tubers. Of course, it is better to choose the second option, because you can determine the quality of the planting material and make sure of the plant variety. However, tubers do not always take root in the open ground.

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When buying seeds, there is a great chance that the flowers that have risen will not be the same as those on the package.

To be sure that the dahlia grains are exactly what you need, it is better to collect them yourself. To do this, wait until the end of flowering, and remove from the strongest plants dried seeds. Keep them in a paper bag at a temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees.

As for breeding tubers, the main rule is to pick the right time for planting. This will allow for a good korneklubnyu form in one season.

With the correct preparation of planting material, you can get a healthy plant that will please flowers in the first year of life.

When the first frosts pass, then you can start digging dahlias. In order to keep the flowers in good condition until the next season, several procedures are necessary. First of all, to preserve the moisture, planting material is coated with clay. After this, it should be placed in boxes, preferably cardboard, and put in a dark cool room. It is best to choose a basement. On the boxes, sign the shade of the dahlia, and better glue the photo with the appearance of the plant, so that when planting you can properly plan the site in relation to the color range.

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The roots that survive in such conditions are planted in the soil in May. In general, dahlias are perennials, however, because they are unable to tolerate colds and frosts, in our climate this culture is considered one-year old.

Thus, without putting too much effort and costs, you can add to your garden an excellent appearance, thanks to the different colors of gay guys.

Dahlias are funny terry guys

Annual dahlias are common, semi-double and double. But the most common are funny guys with terry buds. Their feature from other species is that the flowering period begins later. The flowers themselves on the stems are small, and the height of the plant is quite large.

Terry dahlias funny guys look much more effective, especially in bouquets, made up of colors of different shades.

Georgians cheerful guys: planting and care

For planting dahlia, the purchased seeds are mostly used. Often in one package there are grains of colorful plants. Pay attention to the height of the stems. Ordinary gay guys reach a height of about forty centimeters. Terry varieties are slightly higher.

The soil for planting dahlia gay guys should be chosen neutral in acidity, fertile. Disembarkation is necessary at a pre-prepared land. Since dahlias grow well, you should select a territory of decent size.

The plant is thermophilic. It easily tolerates sun and heat, and is also not afraid of even a prolonged drought.

To plant a dahlia is not recommended to choose a site on which there will always be a shadow.

After waiting for the end of May, sow the seeds in a well-lit warm place. To prevent certain diseases, before planting the grain should be treated with a 10% solution of formalin, and then dried. The merry guys begin to blossom in August.


If you want to achieve an earlier budding dahlia, then use seedlings. In this case, plant the seeds in late March. It is better to use wooden boxes that need to be filled with previously prepared fertile loose soil. Put seeds in the ground, observing the distance between them. Top with clear water and sprinkle a little with sand. Cover the drawer with food film. A week later you will be able to notice the first shoots.

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When the seedlings reach a height of ten centimeters, it is necessary to make a joke of cheerful children. Transplant each bush into a separate container. Water the plants rarely to prevent waterlogging of the soil.

Beginning in May, it will be necessary to take out seedlings on the street, giving it the opportunity to temper. In late May, you can safely plant the plants in the open ground, just make sure that the frost has already passed. Otherwise, you should cover the planted dahlias with geotextile.

In nursing, the main rule is to carry out fertilizing on time. 14 days after planting, it is necessary to make ammonium nitrate or mullein. The following fertilizer should be used when the first buds appear. In this case, it is better to buy superphosphate or potassium salt. The last fertilizer is produced with organic fertilizers, when flowering begins.

Funny guys at home

At home, growing dahlias is quite simple. That the plants were healthy and well bloomed, you must follow the rules of watering. Irrigation should be carried out when absolutely necessary, otherwise the root system will begin to rot.

Dahlia grains are very afraid of frost. Therefore, it is necessary to sow them in the open ground after the soil warms up well.

An important condition for care is planting in the right place. The area should be free of drafts and shadows. When the seedlings are still very small, then watering should be done no more often than once a week. After transplanting into the open ground, you can water more abundantly, especially on very hot days. Also, dahlias like to sprinkle their leaves from the spray. Beginning in August, when the abundant flowering of merry guys continues, watering should be minimized, or, in general, dispensed with.

Read also:Choose good quality dahlia tubers

Do not forget also about the important rule of care - timely weeding and getting rid of weeds. Top dressing also plays a big role. The introduction of the necessary organic and mineral fertilizers will ensure the exuberant plush blossom of dahlias of different colors and shades for a long time.

Dwarf dahlias in pots

If you prefer to grow dahlias in pots, and not in the suburban area, then choose varieties that have a small root system. It can be, for example, dwarfish, miniature or sweat-dahlias. However, if you are attracted to tall crops, you can plant them, but for this you should choose a suitable container.

When choosing a container for planting dwarf dahlias, attention should be paid, first of all, to the size. It must necessarily be a pot of large volumes, so that the flower has a place for growth of the root system.

First of all, make as many holes as possible in the selected pot, so that all excess moisture can go out, rather than stay inside. For planting, we recommend purchasing a ready-made soil mixture, created specifically for dahlias.

Plant the plants at the end of March in case the flower is in a warm room, and at the end of May, if you plan to make pots with gay guys on the street or an unheated balcony.

When the seedlings grow, special supports should be used. That the dahlias are not broken, you should tie the stem. Care of room dahlias is not very different from street daughters. Watering should be rare and moderate. The introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers is carried out three times during the whole season. Also do not forget to keep an eye on the appearance of the flowers. If pests or diseases are detected, take all necessary measures immediately.

As you can see, dahlias are funny guys - unique plants that have many different colors. In addition, they do not require much effort in nursing. It is for these reasons that flowers are among the most loved among summer residents.

Video about growing annual dahlias from seeds

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