Planting garlic in the spring - can you plant a winter crop

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The second year torments me this question... Planting garlic in the spring - is it real or not? Will it be useful? It's about winter garlic. Well, I do not have time to put it in the garden in time! Last spring, planted garlic winter in the spring. I looked after him very diligently, felt guilty, understood that he was not comfortable. But, naturally, the harvest was unhappy - the small heads grew, the teeth were also small. But even the neighbors in the country gave the result was not better, although they manage everything and garlic was planted by them, as expected, in the fall for the winter. Why it turned out the same result - I do not know. Actually, I know about my garlic why he grew small, but about neighbor's - I will not guess.


Now I have a head of winter garlic, which I'm going to plant, in the fridge - spring is waiting. I'm worried in advance that the harvest will not be good.

And here the other day I was prompted here such a way out of the situation. Planting garlic in the spring is possible. Only prepare it will have to be planted in a special way.

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So. It is necessary to divide the heads into teeth and soak them in some stimulating solution for 7-8 hours. For myself, I decided that this would be a solution of the drug HB-101 (1 drop per 1 liter of water), which is a natural growth stimulant.

After that, take a soft rag (not gauze, as the fragile roots in it may get entangled), wet it, squeeze it and put on top of the garlic cloves. Then fold it neatly so that the teeth are inside the cloth in 1-2 layers and put it all in a plastic bag. And take the package to the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.


Open the package periodically to moisten the cloth with water. Somewhere within a month on the teeth of garlic will appear long roots (up to 5 cm).

As soon as the earth warms up, plant the sprouted teeth into the ground. Try to do it on a sunny day. Draw a furrow of 10 cm deep on the site of the next patch and leave them to bask in the sun for 2-3 hours.

Then in the heated grooves spread the cloves of garlic at a distance of 12-15 cm from each other and sprinkle with humus.

This garlic will grow longer, planted in autumn for the winter. But, they say, it will grow larger than if you planted it without preliminary treatment.

Maybe, I'm not the only one who was late to put winter garlic in time. So the advice on planting garlic in spring is useful not only for me.


Great harvests!

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