How to choose a blender: stationary, manual or universal?

How to choose a blender: stationary, manual or universal?


Any hostess knows that for most dishes, you must certainly cut something, mix or chop. It is these processes that occupy the lion's share of time in the kitchen. But with the help of a blender this is all done faster. If you decide to buy yourself such a miracle device, be sure to read how to choose a blender so that it takes an honorable and necessary place in your home.


On the shelves of shops there are quite a few varieties of such electrical appliances. At the same time, they are so different that it is difficult for an ordinary buyer to understand them. Consultants are also trying to realize as many goods as possible, so they are not always ready to answer the questions objectively. Let's try to understand together what kind of blender you need. But first, let's define the difference between him and the mixer.


  • 1What is the difference between a blender and a mixer
  • 2Varieties of blenders
  • 3Stationary Blender
    • 3.1Benefits
    • 3.2disadvantages
    • 3.3Video: which blender to choose
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Submersible blender
    • 4.1Benefits
    • 4.2disadvantages
    • 4.3Video: overview of Bosch multifunction blender
  • 5Universal models

What is the difference between a blender and a mixer

"If I have a good mixer, is it worth buying another similar device?" - this is the first question that housewives usually ask. To correctly answer it, you need to understand what distinguishes between these two kitchen mates.

The mixer is a simple "mixer" that converts different components into a homogeneous mass. It is ideal for dough and creams. It will help to turn yolks into a lush mass or whip the most delicate cream in just a few seconds.

Blender - a device with which you can not only mix, but also grind the components. He will make an excellent cream, but will not cope with the test. But on his shoulder such a painstaking work, as the preparation of useful cocktails of fresh berries and milk or puree for the baby.

Because of the ability of blenders to mix components, they are often called mixers. This is not entirely correct, as these two devices can not fully replace each other: sometimes you will need a mixer, sometimes a blender.


Therefore, even if you have a mixer at home, you can safely choose your second kitchen assistant. But first, decide on his model.

Read also: which is better: blender or mixer?


Varieties of blenders

Blenders are stationary, submersible and universal. Which of the varieties is better to choose for a home, you can only figure out. It all depends on what you intend to do with your new assistant: use it for making cocktails, make smoothies or decide that it is better to cook with it the most delicate cutlets.

Main types:

  • Submersible or manual. During work, it is held in hand and immersed in food (hence the name). Produced in the form of a handle with a small motor inside. On the body are all the control buttons, and to the handle are attached various attachments. The most useful and necessary of them is the "leg a nozzle with knives at the end. It is indispensable in the preparation of dishes for babies, since it allows to grind and mix soft ingredients in a matter of seconds.
  • A stationary mixer or shaker stands on the table. It is a bowl with sharp knives inside, which is attached to a special stand with a motor. It is ideal for cocktails and smoothies, but can not grind solid products. If you like to cook at home useful drinks and eat right, it is better to choose this mixer.
  • A universal blender combines the functions of both varieties. A sort of mini food processor. True, the price of such a model may not like everyone.

If you do not know exactly which mixer is best for your home, get to know each of the varieties better.

Stationary Blender

A stationary blender is often called a shaker. It is used for making smoothies, sauces, various cocktails and drinks. Also, if necessary, he will beat the proteins no worse than the mixer. T. e. stationary device is useful for those dishes in which liquid components are present.


  • do not need to constantly hold the device in your hands, so cooking is much easier;
  • many brands have self-cleaning function - you do not have to wash the stationary mixer by hand, risking injuring your fingers;
  • according to the observations of the housewives, smoothies and cocktails in it are more magnificent and tasty than those prepared with the help of a submersible.


  • Limited capacity: this device will not be able to grind dry solid ingredients and not cope with meat;
  • occupies more space in the kitchen than a submersible mixer.

If you want to choose a stationary blender, pay attention to the following:

  1. Volume of the bowl. The larger the family, the larger the bowl should be. Note that it can not be filled "to the eye otherwise the components mix badly. Therefore, from the original volume, you will have to subtract about 200 ml to get the real figure.
  2. Material for the bowl. Usually it is plastic or glass. The plastic does not beat, but it scratches faster and can eventually absorb the smell. Glass is more fragile material, but it can be poured in hot products and it lasts longer its original appearance. By the way, some brands offer shakers with better plastic: it is not only strong, but also rid of other drawbacks.
  3. Power. Since the appliance will only work with soft or liquid components, there is no need to overpay for powerful models. To work at home, enough 200-300 watts.

Video: which blender to choose

If cooking sauces and drinks is not all that you expect from a new assistant, pay attention to the submersible mixer.

Submersible blender

As a rule, the price of a submersible blender is slightly higher than that of a stationary blender, since it is capable of performing much more functions. It will not only grind, pile up and mix the soft components of the dish, but also chop the hard dry foods: vegetables, nuts, mushrooms and even meat. True, the forcemeat can only make expensive and powerful appliances with special knives and attachments.


With the help of a submerged nozzle, you can make soup-mash and pâté, and also cut onions, carrots and beets for borsch. It will cope with any drinks, so it can be used as a shaker. But its main purpose is the preparation of homogeneous and soft food for babies: mashed potatoes, children's soups without lumps, smoothies and cocktails.


  • compact: some models can be stored at home on kitchen hooks next to the shoulder blades and cookware;
  • multifunctionality;
  • convenience in operation: assembly - a matter of two seconds, a minimum of parts for washing after use.


  • not suitable for large volumes: you just get tired hands;
  • It can not be used for mashed potatoes - it will turn into a sticky mass;
  • a higher price for such models.

If you decide to choose a hand blender for your home, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Power. The lower this indicator, the fewer tasks your assistant can perform. It is better to choose a model with a power of 450 watts.
  2. The material from which the foot is made. Metal is considered more reliable than plastic, but they are more expensive. If you want to buy an electric appliance for a baby and plan to use it for a short time, you can choose a cheaper option.
  3. Presence of baits. Here you should not be greedy: not all nozzles are vital. Usually only the "leg" and the chopper are used (a glass with two knives inside). All other nozzles are extremely rare.
  4. The ability to regulate the speed: the liquid is better to mix at low speeds, and grind, for example, nuts - on high. Some models have a "turbo" mode - in fact, this is a fast inclusion of the maximum speed. You can do it yourself if necessary, so you should not look for a device with this function.
  5. Non-slip grip with conveniently located buttons. Take the device in hand and imagine how you will use it. Is it convenient to hold a blender? The handle does not slip? Do you get to press the buttons with one hand? Then you can go to the cashier.

Video: overview of Bosch multifunction blender


Universal models

The name of the models speaks for itself. This is not just a stationary or submersible blender, but a compact food processor that can take half your work in the kitchen. It consists of a shaker, a hand mixer, a shredder and other devices. On the one hand - it is very practical, since everything is already at hand. On the other - unnecessary attachments take up a lot of space. It is still unknown whether you will use them often. And the price for high-quality universal models is much higher.

When choosing such a mini-combine, pay attention to all the previous moments:

  • presence of a metal immersion nozzle;
  • high power;
  • a large bowl of quality material;
  • the possibility of adjusting the speed of rotation of knives;
  • the presence of several types of knives for different products.

If you still do not decide which one to choose a blender, compare the capabilities of the devices on the table:

Functions Stationary Submersible Universal
Preparation of cocktails and smoothies ++ + ++
Grind the soup-puree + ++ ++
Grind and mix the ingredients for baby puree + +++ ++
Mix ice with a drink ++ + ++
Grind dry food - + ++
Prepare forcemeat - Only powerful models ++
Beat the eggs + ++ ++
Prepare dough for pancakes - + ++
Compactness + +++ -
Easy operation + +++ -

As for specific brands, the most popular brands are Braun, Bosch and Philips. However, when buying devices from renowned manufacturers, you will have to pay extra for the brand itself, its advertising and video on TV. More modest firms produce less expensive products. True, because of the savings, quality sometimes suffers.

We hope that you will now be able to choose a suitable model that will be useful to you for a long time. Cook with pleasure and remember: the task of all electrical appliances is to make life easier for you in the kitchen. Therefore, when choosing a new assistant, do not overdo it: let him do it

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