How to prepare potatoes for planting than to treat tubers

Preparing potatoes for planting is an important agrotechnical technique, without which a good harvest can not be obtained. What should be done to speed up the emergence of seedlings? How to ensure their intensive development in the initial period of vegetation? What better use of batteries, to increase the resistance of seed to disease? How to prepare potatoes for planting? Consider that the answers to these questions, skillful use of them will help increase yield by 10-15% (and in early varieties and by as much as 50%), improve the quality of tubers.

  • Method of growing potatoes with eyes
  • Two potato crops in one plot

I advise you to apply the Dutch technology of cultivation, which uses light germination of potato tubers. For 1 a month before landing in the ground, transfer it from the cellar or storage to a room with a temperature of 15-18 degrees. At this temperature, with scattered light (but not in the open sun), the tubers will sprout for 3-4 weeks. The ideal option for germination is this: the first week to withstand seed potatoes at a temperature of 18-20 degrees, and then 2-3 weeks at a temperature of 12-15 degrees. It's best if your potatoes are in the room at this time, and not on the street.

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You can sprinkle the seed potatoes directly on the floor of the shed or the pantry. The thickness of the layer, approximately 2-3 tubers. I also think that plastic boxes for vegetables are the most convenient for these purposes. In them it is convenient then to deliver sprouted seed potatoes to the place of planting. It is best if the room for germination is daylight, but you can use electrical.


It would be nice to treat seed tubers with mineral fertilizers. Use for this purpose a solution of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer (double superphosphate, ammonium nitrate or urea). Two days before this procedure, dissolve superphosphate, and then ammonium nitrate or urea in the right proportion (see Fig. instructions). You can directly pour the seed potatoes from this watering can with this solution or, if there is a lot of it, immerse the plastic boxes with tubers in a container with a solution of mineral fertilizers.

A good addition to mineral fertilizer is wood ash. Sprinkle the seed potatoes with ashes before planting. This can be done when the tubers are already in the hole or when they are still in the box. Wood ash is a valuable fertilizer containing basic macro or microelements.

You will get a good result if 3-4 times (every time after the tubers dry completely) you will spray potatoes with a solution nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer, in which add a solution of growth regulators for plants, and after all this, powder the tubers wood ash.

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Method of growing potatoes with eyes

This method is very advantageous: they plant not tubers in the ground, but pieces of a tuber with sprouts. It provides for pre-germination of seed potatoes at a temperature of 10-12 degrees and humidity of 85-90%. If the humidity in the room is insufficient - the tubers should be periodically sprayed with water.

Plant potato sprouts followed with a small piece of tuber in a moist, well-fertilized soil, by cutting them 2/3 of the length. The distance between the plants in the row is 15-20 cm, and between the rows the distance is 60-70 cm. For a better survival, planting should be pritenit.

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Two potato crops in one plot

Probably, you, too, it happens tha, ot all the potatoes were eaten during the winter. After the young potatoes, the old one does not feel like it anymore, but it's still enough in the cellar. Surely she's already started sprouting. Do not throw away old potatoes, you can prolong the pleasure of eating young potatoes in late summer or early autumn.


You can try and do this: do not dig out the early potato bushes completely, but dig them up, that would be to select tubers larger, and small ones to grow. After such a digging, plunge the bushes properly.

Try this way of growing. After digging out the bushes of early potatoes, do not discard the tops with a good root system and small nodules on it. Plant it 3-4 cm deeper than before, pour well, fertilize with organic (mullein, for example), lightly patch the ground near the planted tops, cover it with peat, dry grass or straw. Yes, another tip: with this method of cultivation, do not add nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen will adversely affect the development of tubers.

In practice, it is noticed that in order to get tasty, boiling, friable potatoes, it is necessary that the soil be light, sandy and not too "greasy". Fertilize it with humus, and it is best to apply it to the soil not before planting the potatoes, but under the previous culture. And planting, in a hole to fill a handful of wood ash or bone meal. Many farmers say that fish meal produces very good results. Use this advice if you have the opportunity.


If the soil in your garden is clayey, lime will make it easier, but I advise you to make it also under the previous potato culture. Lighter clay soil will also be made with peat, along with manure.

Steaming or hilling the potato area should be at least two times per season.

Another agroprocess to accelerate the maturation of tubers: bending stems to the ground. When hilling, make sure that the stems are at a certain distance from each other. Gently move apart the stems, fill the ground between them. This technique will allow him to form additional tubers, of course this will increase the yield.

Correctly choose the time: to bend the tops of potatoes to the ground follows only during flowering, and not before. Potato tops, being in a horizontal position, stops its growth, directs all its strength to growth, the formation of new tubers. Tubers ripen faster. Of course, the stems will rise after a while, but you'll tilt them down again.



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