Useful properties and contraindications of clover honey


Clover, more precisely, its pollen, is present in many varieties of honey, becausein its pure form, there is not one kind of natural honey.Clover is not an exception. Therefore, this product of beekeeping, as a rule, is called by the main medonos, from which the bees received a bribe.

Clover honey is considered high-grade. Its color, aroma, taste and useful properties give the right to call it so.


Table of contents

  • Taste and color of clover honey
  • Ingredients: vitamins and minerals
  • Beneficial features
  • Contraindications and harm
  • About the
  • Storage conditions
  • What are the main diseases that heal?

Taste and color of clover honey

Clover honey is fragrant. It refers to flower varieties, which providespleasant, rich aroma, sweet taste without bitterness and astringency. The aftertaste is pronounced.

Clover honey

Honey fresh pumping is almost transparent. The color is light yellow with a greenish tinge. If bees collect nectar from red clover, honey acquires a corresponding pinkish tone.

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Crystallizes rapidly, the structure is fine-grained.

If someone offered in the autumn or winter market, through familiar clover honey in a liquid state, then this is either a fake, or it was subjected to repeated heat treatment.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

In its compositionclover honey is more suitable for diabetics than other varieties, since the amount of fructose exceeds glucose. It is easily absorbed by the body. This feature is used by nutritionists in their recommendations to patients.

The composition is as follows:

Composition %
Fructose 40
Glucose 35
Water, polysaccharides, sucrose, ashes, organic acids, other substances 25

It can also vary from the conditions of the growth of the honey, the weather, etc.

Micronutrients predominate:

  • Bor;
  • Iodine;
  • Manganese;
  • Potassium;
  • Iron;
  • Copper;
  • Zinc.

Essential amino acids are present in clover honey, which gives this variety more value. From vitaminshoney contains ascorbic acid, vitamin E, K, vitamins of group Band others.

Honey is caloric. 100 g of product contains about 315 kilocalories.

You may be interested in the composition and properties of other varieties of honey:

  • Useful properties and contraindications of honey from Kandyk
  • Benefits and harms of spray honey
  • Useful properties and contraindications for angelica honey
  • Useful properties and contraindications of honey Manuka

Beneficial features

Clover honeyimproves metabolism and circulation. It is recommended to use it to restore strength when overworked. As honey activates the digestive processes, it is eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition, it is an excellent preventive tool.

This varietyhas antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It normalizes the intestinal microflora. This is an excellent diuretic. It is capable of removing slag from the body when it is used with tea.

It is used in dietetics, cosmetology, traditional and non-traditional medicine. Besides,widely used in the confectionery industry, in particular, in cakes, other pastries.

Honey is good because it has an enveloping effect.


Contraindications and harm

Clover honey is high in calories. thereforeit can not be overeated. For an adult, it is enough to eat up to 90 grams a day, for a teenager - up to 45 g.For preventionthe norm is reduced by half. If someone has an allergy to bee products or bean plants, it is better to abandon its use.

Packed clover honey

People with diabetes can use it, but carefully. Do not interfere with consultation with a doctor. Because honey is a very sweet product, you needafter use rinse the mouth to avoid tooth decay with caries.

Do not give clover honey to children under three years old.


About the

The honey for this honey is clover - a bean herb. It grows in Ukraine, in the central part of Russia, in Europe. In some countries it is specially sown as a honey plant. In Ukraine, mow twice a year.

This plant blooms from the end of May and all June. The extension of this period to the beginning of July is not ruled out.

The bee collects the nectar from the clover flower

Clover is white, pink and red.From 1 hectare area it is possible to produce from 100 to 300 kg of honey. As a honey plant it is appreciated by the fact that the main period of nectar collection falls at a time when the early honey-plants have already faded, and the middle (summer) has not yet entered the stage of flowering.

With dew and windless weather, bees are happy to work on clover.


Storage conditions

This type of honey is candied quickly.Before crystallization it is desirable to withstand a temperature of 15-17 degrees Celsius. After - from +3 to +8 at relative humidity of air of 60%.

A dark dry room with an appropriate temperature is what you need. Do not store honey in the refrigerator or in the sun.

The best containers are glass jars or ceramic dishes.

What are the main diseases that heal?

Cardiovascular diseases, in particular, tachycardia, all colds, kidney diseases, joints are treated with medications in combination with this honey.Clover honey is recommended for cleaning the blood and restoring the intestinal microflora.

Flower clover honey in honeycombs

Those who suffer from neuroses, insomnia, honey will help calm the nervous system. is hebeneficial effect on the body and contributes to overcome some of the female diseasesth. People who are overweight will help to normalize the metabolism.

Honey cleanses and nourishes the skin of the face, safely eliminating the boils.

When using honey, it is important not to get carried away, remembering the famous phrase:"Any poison is a medicine, any medicine is poison". Given that honey can be a powerful allergen, excessive use of itis fraught with serious consequences, up to anaphylactic shock. Therefore, everything is good in moderation. With its observance, you can enjoy this product with pleasure. A pleasant taste together with its useful properties will be an invaluable service for maintaining or restoring health.

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