What to do if the mold appeared in the refrigerator

What to do if the mold appeared in the refrigerator


The problem of mold in the refrigerator is familiar to many. Often the fungus appears on the walls of the refrigerator in the cottage. You come in the spring, open the device turned off for the winter - and there has grown a whole colony of fungus. The walls are covered with spots, the nose smacks of a terrible smell. In olden times, the house in which black mold settled settled for burning - it was so difficult to get rid of this scourge.

In our time, such radical ways are no longer relevant. Modern means allow you to get rid of the defeat of the devices with spores of the fungus. True, this is often quite difficult and may require more than one treatment.


Means that excrete mold

In the store, in the department of household chemicals, you can buy special products for the destruction of molds, including in the refrigerator. Such compositions are in the assortment line of many manufacturers: Sif, Sillit, Sano, Comet, Domestos, Mister Muscle, and others. Use them strictly according to the instructions, qualitatively washing the walls in the refrigerator from chemicals after treatment.

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Some people far from chemistry and medicine people can advise you to carry out processing in the refrigerator with a solution of copper sulfate in order to be sure to get rid of the mold colonies.


Do not do this! It is easier to throw out the unit immediately. Kuporos for the body is as harmful as mold, it's poison. You can not treat them the places where your food is stored.


Much more safe and effective simple home remedies: baking soda, vinegar. Soda not only helps to cope with the mold in the refrigerator, but also prevents it from reappearing. To do this, you need to constantly keep in the fridge an open jar of soda.


For processing, you can prepare a solution of soda or simply wipe the walls with a sponge with slightly moist soda. After this, wipe the chamber with a solution of vinegar. This will help get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Do not forget to thoroughly rinse the soda solution with a rubber seal on the door, in which mold often nests. It is necessary to wash all the removable parts, grooves and shelves.


Often the mold begins to develop in the refrigerating chamber in the hole through which the condensate flows from the walls into the evaporator tray. It is necessary to clean this place, otherwise your fight with the fungus can become unsuccessful.

After processing, the inside of the refrigerator must be dried well. You can apply a fan heater for this. Mold does not like the movement of air and heat.


If you have a UV lamp at home, turn it on inside the refrigerator for 30 minutes to get rid of the slightest trace of the fungus.


It will be difficult to get rid of the fungus if all conditions are created for its development in the cells:

  • high humidity;
  • lack of ventilation;
  • hit dispute.

Do not store stale food. Mold, which appeared on one of the products, will quickly spread to others, and spores can remain on the walls of the refrigerator.

All products must be carefully wrapped in film or placed in tightly closed containers.


If something spills or flows inside the refrigerating chamber, it is necessary to wipe it immediately, so as not to create a favorable environment for the mold.


The refrigerator should be washed more often with a soda solution and dried.

To remove the smell of mold, you can use a rye bread spread on a saucer, lemon slices, soda powder.

As an absorber of excessive moisture, silica gel perfectly suits. Sachets of silica gel are put in jars with medicines, in the packaging of new shoes or inside bags. Do not dispose of these bags, but lay them on the shelves of the refrigerator or in its door. Places they do not occupy, and excess moisture will absorb very well, helping you get rid of the fungus.

Read also: than to wash the refrigerator

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