Than to feed chickens from the first days of life


Growing a bird at home is taken for three reasons:

  1. in stock there is alwaysfresh eggs, rich in nutrients;
  2. for personal usedietary meat;
  3. with the aim ofrealization of surpluseggs and meat.

Methods and methods of breedingare also different.

You can collect eggs from laying hens and lay them in an incubator, or buy eggs and incubate them. It is very common to purchase brood chicks with their subsequentgrowing. How to feed the chickens and take care of them in the first days of life, read below.


Table of contents

  • Growing and keeping chickens from an incubator at home
  • Conditions of maintenance and proper care for newborn chickens with a laying hen
  • How to feed and care what you can give
    • In the first days of life
    • At week and two weeks of age
    • Feeding the monthly chickens
    • Table of the rate of feed intake from the first week to the month
    • Table of daily ration of young animals: mixed fodder, nettle, etc.
  • Diseases and their treatment, the necessary vitamins

Growing and keeping chickens from an incubator at home

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In the first days of the newborn chickens are kept incarton box. Then transplanted into special cells. You can immediately grow chicks in cages.Requirements to the conditions of detention:air temperature in the first days of life - above 27 degrees, then gradually reduce it (monthly chickens can set the temperature 20 C);humidityair - around 70%; protect their chickens from drafts and dampness; give only qualityfeedand cleanwater(we will talk about nutrition below); increased light day (with age, it gradually decreases to a normal daylight hours); Keep the place for growing clean; it is desirable to provideventilation; The room should be sufficient for free food intake (if it is not broiler chickens, they can be kept in a more spacious room); follow up tofeederswere clean, porridge to be given in separate feeding troughs or to do in one septum;drinking bowlto select according to the age of the birds, to ensure that the chicken does not choke in it.

Chicken from the incubator in a cardboard box

If the incubation chicks are kept inpaddock, then care for them is the same as in growing in cages. A special attention should be given tobedding on the floory. To avoid illnesses, it must be dry, and the floor - necessarily warm. In connection with the fact that the total area of ​​the pen is larger than the total area of ​​the cage with an equal number of livestock, make sure that the feeders and the drinking bowl are positioned in such a way as to prevent them from turning over to the chickens.

The walls of the corral are not recommended to be made from tissue mesh, otherwise the chicken may become entangled in it.

Conditions of maintenance and proper care for newborn chickens with a laying hen

If you want to take chickens from a kvochka without planting chicks from other hens or an incubator, it must be remembered that chicks are not recommended immediately after appearance from the eggscavenge. It is necessary to give them time to dry, then transplant into a box of corrugated paper into a warm room with an ambient temperature higher27 degrees.

Sheepdog with chickens

If the situation has developed that it is necessary to plant chickens from other hens or after the incubator, then we do everything carefully and carefully. For this purpose, aa number of preliminary activities:

  1. chickensplantfrom a warm room, so that the body temperature of the chicks does not differ from that of her own brood;
  2. it is desirable to plant broods inevening time, closer to the night;
  3. paintingthe chicks attached should not differ sharply from their own;
  4. should be smallage differencechicks (up to four days);
  5. seatshould immediately all the chicks, and not one at a time.
Observe 2-4 days after the hen-hens after replanting foreign chicks to make sure that everything went well.

After the appearance of the chicks to the light, they, slightly dried, are transferred to a special poultry house (an equipped room for growing young animals).General requirements:

  • temperaturein the room on the first days should be above 23 degrees (for newly hatched chicks, this temperature air is low, but if they are kept with a hen, then there will not be hypothermia); It is necessary to watch, that was not hot;
  • air humidityshould be in the range of 67-73 percent (dry or overmoistened air adversely affects the health of the offspring);
  • complete absencedrafts;
  • floormust be wooden or covered with straw, another litter; make sure that it is not wet;
  • feed and waterChicks are preferably separate from the chicken. For this we put a separate feeder and a drinking bowl.

The temperature of the environment is lowered with increasing age of the chickens. Fortwo-week-old youngyou can lower it to 20 degrees. It is useful to release them for a short time into the street, together with an adult specimen, to a special paddock. Such a playground should befenced offon all sides and covered with a protective mesh from above. The walls of such a walk should not be made from a fabric mesh, so that the young would not get entangled in it. If necessary, ensure the possibility of free return to a warm room after a short walk of a young bird.

Sheepdog with chickens

Chicks are needed for the chicks to reach their monthly age. Then they should be grown separately.

Benefitsgrowing chickens with hen:

  • Percentcasedecreases;
  • Additionalheatingfor chicks;
  • Protectionfrom predators.

How to feed and care what you can give

This process boils down to the fact that the bird needs to be givenhigh-quality feedwith all the necessary components.Feed compositiondiffers depending on the age of the young and the weight of the young. Its amount also depends on the above factors. Make sure that you have easy access to the feeders and drinkers. Young animals can be given food dosed (several times a day), but it is possible that it was always in the feeding troughs, if necessary, popping it up.

If your goal is not to grow broiler chickens, it is better to choose a variant of dosed feeding - more often at a young age, less often - in the senior.

In the first days of life

If grownchickens not broiler breeds, then in the first days of life they can be given a crushed steeply welded egg or egg powder. If your livestock consists ofbroiler chickens, it is advisable not to give the egg in any form other than the powder. The main food in the first 3-4 days is millet.Do not recommendgive wet food, crushed grain. We make sure that the water in the drinking bowls is fresh and warm, diluted with potassium permanganate (without changing the color to a pinkish hue). You can drink a weak waterglucose solution.


At week and two weeks of age

Feed mixed feedwe begin to give from the fifth or sixth day of life. Add to the watervitamins. We accustom them to eat cottage cheese. The food is slightly moistened with milk whey.

Daily rateconsumption of food at a week-old age reaches 15 - 30 grams. Depends on the breed, the weight of the bird, other factors.

In the moistened starter feed mixgreenery(up to 7% of the total amount of feed), for example, finely chopped onions, based on: 0. It contains the necessary vitamins. In the feed, you can add back, yogurt, buttermilk, mix the crushed egg shell, fodder yeast, grated carrots in small quantities.SandYoung animals do not need to be given.

To feed the need for a little so that it does not sour, and the young were clean after eating.

Feeding the monthly chickens

At this age young growth is given by growthgranulated feed, which includes minerals, protein, cereals (wheat, barley, pea, corn), amino acids and vitamins. Finely sliced ​​green mass in the form of leaves of cabbage, onion green, lettuce, nettle. We continueadd to feedserum, meat-and-bone meal, meal or cake. You can replace the growth compound feed with crushed grain. When young animals turn a month - you can give porridge. Especially it is good to give, if the bird is grown for meat.

Not recommendedfeed the chickens with bread and pure boiled potatoes.

Table of the rate of feed intake from the first week to the month

Age, weeks. Live weight, grams Feed intake per head per day, gram Ration Note
1 80 15 Starting feed If instead of starter and growth feed is given crushed grain, porridge, the consumption rates change significantly. The transition from the starter to the growth feed is determined by the age of the young and its weight.
2 150 20 Starting feed
3 250 27 Starting feed
4 350 35 Growing food

Table of daily ration of young animals: mixed fodder, nettle, etc.

Feed, gram Age, weeks
1 2 3 4
Crushed grain (the composition may include wheat, corn, oats, barley, peas, etc.) - , 1, 2,
Millet, egg powder 1, - - -
Cake, meal , , ,
Egg hard boiled , , ,
Milk whey, whey 1, 1, 3,
Bone flour , , ,
Greens and carrots , , 1,

Diseases and their treatment, the necessary vitamins

At different age stages, chickens and young animalsget sickdifferent diseases. However, there are common diseases for all ages. After reaching the age of one month, the young can also have diseases of adults. Somediseases and ways of treatment:

  • Dyspepsia- Disease of the digestive tract of day old chickens. It is also recommended to prepare an aqueous solution of glucose separately;
  • Avitaminosis- can occur at 5-day age and later. To prevent it, you can drop "Trivitamin" into each chicken in the beak;
  • Trivitamin
  • Variousinfection. "Baytril" is added to the water at the rate of 1 gram of water per gram;
  • Baitrile
  • Coccidosis- violation of digestion and dehydration of the body. At two weeks of age, dissolve the preparation of "Baikoff" at the rate of 1 gram of water per gram;
  • Baykox
  • Rickets- Mineral-vitamin disturbance of metabolism in the body. Recommend "Trivit" "Tetravit" (dosages according to the instructions), various vitamins;
  • Trivit
  • hypovitaminosisA, D, E, B;
  • aspergillosis- an infectious disease, accompanied by a defeat of the respiratory system. It is necessary to ventilate the room well, to avoid dampness. For the prevention of food and water add a little iodine-containing drugs;
  • heterocaridosis- Worms in the intestine. Against this disease, you can use "Piperazin." Preventive measures - carefully wash the room in which the chickens are located;
  • ascites-fat accumulates in the abdomen. The bird languidly and reluctantly walks. To avoid this disease, it is necessary to give greens;
  • poisoning. To avoid this, you need to make sure that the feed is fresh and quality, and that there are no foreign objects in the feeders;
  • salmonellosismanifests itself in a disorder of the stomach. You can treat tetracycline or Ditrevit. The dosage is indicated in the instructions.

That young animals are less sick or not sick at all, there must be proper care, and also it is necessary to carry outpreventive actions, including sanitary treatment of the premises, feeders, drinking bowls and inventory.

Usinghigh-quality feedwith a proportionally selected composition - a pledge of rapid growth of young animals. If this is not a purchased feed, the composition is selectedempiricallyand depends on the breed of chickens, the purpose of growing, the presence of green mass and the possibility of walking.

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