If there was a desire to purchase a decorative rabbit for maintenance in your own apartment, that this is not only a cute and playful little creature, but also a domestic pet, which will require careful care.
To long-eared lived a long and happy life you need to take care of his health, and also know what to feed the decorative rabbit.
Table of contents
- What do home decorative rabbits eat?
- How to feed a dwarf rabbit at home?
- Roughage
- Juicy forages
- Concentrates and compound feed
- Greenery for rabbits
- Extra nutrition with vitamins and minerals
- Contraindicated food for consumption
- Mineral stones and dainties for teeth grinding
What do home decorative rabbits eat?
So, what do decorative rabbits eat? By nature, rabbits eat plant food. If the diet is not respected, the animals in question begin to lose weight, in some cases it leads to death.Overfeeding is also dangerous for the organism of eared, with excess weight they begin to suffer from various diseases, so the diet of their food should be carefully selected by the owner.
Food for decorative breeds of rabbits is very different from the food that ordinary rabbits consume. This is due to the weak immunity of pets, as well as a gentle stomach. If animals grown on a farm can consume damp vegetarian food without harm to their health, gnawing a tree, their decorative brethren are often deprived of such an opportunity. They need to give special solid feeds for teeth grinding.
Especially the diet of small decorative rabbits, which need a special diet, is different. Feed animals at least twice a day, including in the diet dried bread, quality hay, oatmeal or wheat flakes.As for carrots, this product is given in a small amount.In the trough should be present a drinking bowl with water.
In the summer of the house dwarf rabbits can be fed with clover and dandelions, green leaves also use corn leaves, grasses. Note that the collected plants are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then they are dried in the sun. Fresh, succulent grass in the diet of babies is not injected, through the possibility of indigestion, so the greens need podvyalit in the sun.
In general, the diet of a decorative rabbit should consist of the following products:
- concentrated fodder in the form of special mixed fodder, oatmeal, wheat flakes;
- vegetables;
- solid feeds (hay, branches of raspberry, lilac, willow). Such food will help to grind teeth;
- mineral additives.
How to feed a dwarf rabbit at home?
As we have already said, all breeds of ornamental rabbits need special nutrition. In the diet of these animals must include different types of food. In the animals accelerated digestion, so they should receive food constantly.
When starving pets formed stagnation in the intestines or fermentation of the remains of food, which often leads to death.According to experts, in the diet of pets should be present solid and juicy feed, greens, fiber.
So what and how to feed a decorative rabbit at home? Despite the fact that you can eat eared for the whole day, food should be limited to two times a day (in the morning and evening). First, pets are given grain feed or feed, after eating them hay.
In the afternoon the animals are given hay and fresh vegetables, at night the troughs are filled with quality hay. Now let's describe the menu of decorative rabbits in more detail.
This type of food is the basis of the eared eared. Such feed for ornamental rabbits contains tree branches such as birch, willow, acacia and alder, as well as quality hay.Branches of garden trees should be given gently in small doses, but hay from herbage can be present in the trough of animals constantly.
In winter, pets can be fed branches and needles of pine and spruce, juniper, but needles are not given often. It should also be understood that birch wood is considered a diuretic, while oak and alder are considered binding agents.
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- How correctly to look after rabbits?
- How to feed rabbits properly and with what feed?
- How to apply the preparation of solicks?
Juicy forages
Rabbits should consider the products in question throughout the year.As we have already said, eared is harmful beets and cabbage leaves, but their diet can include the following list of products:
.- Apples;
- Potatoes and radish;
- Pears;
- Courgettes;
- Carrot;
- Cucumbers.
Each of the described types of food is given in small doses. At the same time they look after the excrement of animals. For example, bananas are fed on a teaspoon once a week, and citrus fruits and plums are generally excluded from the diet.
Of citrus fruits, you can feed only Mandarin, and even one slice in two weeks.
Melons and watermelons will not appeal to all pets,although they can also be given in small doses and infrequently (with the exception of pregnant females).
Concentrates and compound feed
From concentrated fodder, the diet of rabbits includes Hercules and oats. Mixed fodders should contain vitamins and proteins in their composition, as well as vitamins necessary for normal growth of animals.
The specified food is bought in specialized stores. The detailed composition of mixed fodders for rabbits is as follows:
- 28-30% of herbal flour. It is best if clover and alfalfa are used as the main plants. It is noticed that some unscrupulous producers add weeds to feed and enrich the mixture with vitamins;
- The minimum share of cereals(where wheat or oats are used) should be 20%. It should be borne in mind that all types of grain should not be treated with pesticides;
- The amount of barley or cornin feed, too, should be at the level of 20%;
- An important component is considered to besunflower meal(up to 13% of the total mass). This ingredient is responsible for the development of the wool coat of the animal;
- The remaining 2-4% occupyfood yeast, salt, fish and meat-and-bone meal.
Greenery for rabbits
From the greenery decorative rabbits can be given the following types of grass: wheat grass, alfalfa, dandelions and clover. The animals in question are eager to eat tansy, chamomile and mouse peas, although giving such food should be limited. Note that before feeding all of these types of grass recommended to podvyalit in the sun.
Rabbit is not recommended for such varieties of greenery:
- The jel-echelon and the raven eye act negatively on the cardiovascular system of the animal;
- Belen, buttercup, dope, celandine lead to poisoning eared;
- Goldenrod and lupines contribute to impaired liver function.
Extra nutrition with vitamins and minerals
As an additional source of vitamins, you can use special feeds of factory manufacturing. In the cells for decorative rabbits lay special granules, which contain trace elements such as calcium and potassium.
As an additional supplement to the described diet use salt. This mineral substance stimulates the appetite of an animal, improves the quality of fur. Calcium in the form of chalk helps to strengthen the skeleton of young rabbits.
.Contraindicated food for consumption
As we have already said, freshly mown grass is considered harmful to a rabbit, as well as certain plant species, for example, dope, whitened, celandine, hemlock. Of vegetables, animals should not be given cabbage leaves and beets.Ushastym not to be fed sausage, chips and sweets, other confectionery.
.Mineral stones and dainties for teeth grinding
From the mineral stones to the cage of the rabbit put pieces of chalk and iodized salt, special granules containing in their composition necessary for the development of the animal microelements.Tooth grinding of ears will be promoted by the veterinary food, white bread crumbs, and also special grain sticks.Some rabbit breeders use for this purpose toys made of paper or wood.
From the above, we can conclude that ornamental rabbits are considered quite capricious animals, However, with a certain experience of work, knowledge of the nuances of feeding these pets will please you more than one year.
And finally a small video: