Which company is better to buy a meat grinder

The main thing in business - prestige. For people in the first place appearance, mannerisms, and perception of the brand consists of the historical aspect. When choosing a manufacturer grinders usually take a little more than well-known brand than a cheap little-known option. And the quality of the devices show quite the same, but the buyers do not know about it until they see the results of independent research. We need to talk.

On the quality of meat grinders

Some customers choose a company grinders for the big names. At first glance, it seems that Russia can not create simple things. Why offer to buy meat grinder Redmond, not Maiden, where Russian brands?

Domestic grinder Axion

Rare buyer heard of Axion.

We propose to make a fresh opinion about the brand Axion. Rather, whose heir is mentioned manufacturer of household appliances, including grinders model. Izhevsk Motor Plant was put into operation in 1933 on the basis of already existing weapons plant. Exactly one year before his obscure death had worked there Mozharov, the founder of the first Soviet motorcycle.

instagram viewer
Mincer Axion

Mincer Axion

Son dispossessed parents, M. Kalashnikov unsuccessfully looking for a job. We believe that the enemy of the people reported about the place of the personnel department employees ubiquitous known organization. But the young inventor did not stop. Much later, in 1941, wounded, lounging on a hospital bed groaning under the Nazis country illuminate the idea of ​​creating their own firearms. The first submachine gun out wonderful, but too expensive. However Kalashnikov gets her, in 1947, the light comes topped with a worldwide reputation AK-47. The number given of obvious reasons.

This machine, between it and the first invention in the field of small arms is a lot of ideas. These people worked at the plant today is engaged in manufacturing meat grinders under the brand Axion. Beginning in 1941, the war, the plant began to supply weapons. It remained secret until 1988. At this time, the defense industry of the USSR remained at similar companies.

What is expected of the product:

domestic mincer

domestic mincer

  1. There are authors use: techniques of creating products, experienced staff.
  2. Half of the equipment is likely to come from the USSR. But output for sale of 90 percent produced on the latest equipment.

Said moments constitute a basis. Qualified staff and equipment - most importantly, what to pay attention in the West. Authors actually have to promote domestic producers grinders themselves. And the information listed deeply zapadut memory readers.

Flowing meat from the company Axion

Flowing meat company Axion

On the official website of the manufacturer of meat grinders Axion surrounding the price of the goods cards. When the intermittent operation, performance is shown in hours. If you take the product Axion M31 Prima, it is 51 kg.

curious mode:

  • Active 15 min.
  • Rest for 15 minutes.
  • Active 15 min.
  • Rest for 45 minutes.

Cycle takes half an hour for the specified time will grind 30 x 0.85 = 25.5 kg of meat. impressive numbers. Without stopping the machine grind more than 12 kg of meat. From our point of view is not enough information about the level of acoustic noise. Inside, you may want to commutator motor, even in the first approximation can not be called quiet. Refer it to the disadvantages to the manufacturer. Assess the level of noise electric meat possible in a store.

Style of AXIOH

style AXION

Along with the quality management in the present meat grinders Aksion- various nozzles. As in Selmer. For example, for chopping vegetables and juicing. I would like at the official site of the manufacturer mincing see colorful pictures of accessory kit. Selmer does. So Axion publishes the prices, but not enough information to select the device. In addition, you can not trust the figures on the performance grinder - Product card compilers chose marginal gross figures without taking into account the operating mode. We remind readers to not disappointed then berated good grinder Axion.

I am glad that we see on YouTube demonstration grinders Breeze and Axion. video quality is simply ensures that the auger rotates. Shredder vegetables required to show a close-up, with a juicer is used to promote the site: the vegetables are weighed before and after the procedure. As a result, efficiency of the device becomes clear. In this sense, the model presented not show off high rates - maximum 60%. For comparison with the juicer Saturn vertical auger of apples will overcome to 75% by weight of the beverage.

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