Detailed description of the onion variety


Onions, the baron, refers to varieties of lettuce. It is well adapted to growing in different conditions. Excellent stored in any form.


Table of contents

  • Description and characteristics of the variety
  • Benefits of Ed Baron
  • Time for planting
  • Preparation of a place for disembarkation
  • Features of landing
  • After-plant care
  • Prevention of diseases and pests
  • Harvesting and storage of crops

Description and characteristics of the variety

Let's start with the description of the editors of the Baron.The peculiarities of this species include the beautiful, saturated red color of the bulbs. They differ in a round, slightly flattened form with a rather dense structure of the upper layer (husks). Has a fleshy, juicy pulp with violet-red veins on a white pink background.

The variety is characterized by early ripening. Collect the bulbs can be in three months, after planting. Fruits reach from 24 to 120 grams. Have a pleasant aroma, sweet taste (less acute than in normal varieties).

Bow ed a baron close-up in a cut
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Adding it to other ingredients, you can not be afraid that the dish will turn red.

Due to these qualities, the "Red Baron" is widely used in cooking and preparing vegetable dishes.


Benefits of Ed Baron

Red onions are considered an active fighter with various infections, cholesterol, diabetes. Thanks to the increased content of antioxidants, it helps the body to fight cancer diseases, slows the aging of cells. The most useful are the upper, juiciest parts of the bulb.

Vegetables contain a large number of different minerals and vitamins. For example, the amount of vitamin C can reach, mg.

The composition and percentage of vitamins and minerals depends to a large extent on the quality of the soil and the place of cultivation.

In addition to rapid maturation and a large range of useful qualities, the benefits include:

  • High stable yields (up to 3 kg per 1 m²) under any climatic conditions.
  • A beautiful presentation and pleasant taste.
  • Long-term storage.
  • Resistant to drought and disease. This is achieved through a well-developed, strong root system of this variety.
Bow ed a baron growing in a tray

Onions of the Baron Ed can also be grown in the northern regions, since it tolerates early frosts well.


Time for planting

The optimal time for disembarkation, is steady weather, absence of night frosts. Usually this happens in the last days of April or early, mid-May (southern and middle regions). In the northern strip - landing is made later, the first of June.

To plant it is necessary in fine days. You can not delay the landing time. Onions may not have time to ripen before lowering temperatures and rain. This will lead to decay of the bulbs.

You can grow onions with seedlings. This is a cheaper way, but it involves much trouble in the process of preparing for the landing. The onion grown from seedlings, does not give arrows, allows to receive turnips in the same year. They are poorly preserved until the spring, but are suitable for planting in the fall - under winter.

Disembarkation should be made at a temperature of:

  • Air: during the day 0 +5 ° C, at night - about -3 ° C.
  • Soils: the earth should not be too warm to +4 ° C

Usually this is done in October, early November. The main thing is that the sevok would take root before the frost, and the green arrows did not have time to start.

Advantages of planting in the winter:

Ripe bulb of the grade ed baron
  1. Earlier aging.
  2. The bulb is less susceptible, of various kinds, to diseases.
  3. Do not need to spend time in spring to plant and care for the shoots.

The negative factors include:

  1. Spring stagnant water in the beds.
  2. Too deep and early landing.
  3. Frequent temperature changes. The bulb freezes several times and thaws.

Preparation of a place for disembarkation

That the crop was good, it is necessary in advance will worry about a site on which there will be a landing.For this you need:

  • Select a sufficiently illuminated and dry part of the plot. The places where potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes or beans used to grow are good places.
  • The beds are made higher for low places.
  • The earth is dug and fertilized. You need to add two buckets of peat, half a bucket of humus, a glass of wood ash, a tablespoon of superphosphate. In autumn, you can two. All this is based on 1 m².

In the spring, after the earth has receded, the beds are fertilized with ammonium nitrate. A teaspoon per square meter.

Bow ed a baron in the garden plot

Features of landing

Plant the editors of the baron, you can in many ways:

  1. Bow-sekok.To accelerate the germination, bulbs are soaked in water (35 - 38 ° C) to 15 hours. In the wet, loose, cleared soil of weeds, presses are pushed in. The depth should be of the order of 4 cm. The distance between bulbs is up to 10 cm, and the beds are about 20 cm. Comfortable temperature for planting is 10 - 15 ° C. The top of the bulb is trimmed (3-4 days before sowing). This will allow more rapid and juicy shoots of green onions. This method of sowing does not require a large number of additional fertilizers. Enough pre-prepared soil.
  2. Seeds.After preparing the soil and beds, small grooves are made. The distance between them is 15 cm, the depth is, cm. Strait the place of seeding with warm water, seeds are sown (1 cm between them). After finishing sowing, the seeds are pricked with peat or earth (1 cm). At the end, the beds are closed with a film. Remove the film after the appearance of the first shoots. That they are not burnt in the sun, then (until June) they can be protected with nonwoven materials, lutrasila or spunbond.
  3. Seedlings.The seedlings are prepared at home from seeds. They are sown in special boxes or cassettes (the end of April, March). Before planting in the soil, the seedlings are divided among themselves. Each plant is 1 cm deep. Distance 5 cm from each other. After watering, each landing site is mulched with peat.

Seeds for open ground and seedlings, are prepared the same way:

  1. Soaked in manganese solution (1 gr. per liter of water), within 45 - 60 minutes.
  2. Fill with a solution of the drug "Epin" (according to the instructions) for 18 hours.
  3. Dried to a loose state.

After-plant care

Sprinkling of sprouts is necessary regularly, during the first month (in 5-7 days - 1 time). If there is a strong heat - twice every week. After heavy rains, watering - the earth must loosen and weed out.

During the formation of bulbs, fertilizing the plant with fertilizers (phosphates, potassium sulfate). Organic kinds of bait are added (mullein, chicken droppings). Better to dilute in water, according to instructions and use during watering once a month.

Care for the onion ed baron

Approximately to the middle of summer, watering and top dressing stops.This is due to the ripening of the turnips. Overabundance of moisture and fertilizers, can spoil them.

After the appearance of the first feathers, the plants must be thinned out. The weakest shoots are removed. Gradually brought the distance between each of the remaining up to 6 - 10 cm. Such activities contribute to a good harvest and large bulb sizes.

You can not leave torn plants on the beds. This will lead to the appearance of an onion fly.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Protection from the onion fly, serve:

  • Timely weeding of beds.
  • In time, the disinfection of the soil was made (sprinkling with ashes, a mixture of sand and mothball - 20 to 1).
  • Treatment of the plant with an insecticide (Medotox, Mukhoed, Aktara, etc.).

The appearance on the leaves of a fluffy greyish plaque signals that the plant is affected by peronosporosis (downy mildew). This threatens the softening of the bulbs, the death of the leaves.For prevention it is necessary:

  1. To process beds 1% by the composition of the bark (before planting).
  2. Spray the plants with Rhodomyl Gold MC (when there were 4 to 6 feathers).

You can not abuse watering.Excess of moisture will lead to damage to the root system. As a result, there will be rotting of the turnip.

Harvesting and storage of crops

Harvesting the editors of the Baron occurs after the feathers (end of summer) fall. Onions should be taken out of the beds, dried on the ground. Then, after cutting the roots, it is dried in air or in a ventilated room. Tails can be tied in bundles, plaits or cut off. You can not leave the crop under direct, scorching sunbeams.

Harvesting Ed Baron

After drying, the onion is sorted and prepared for storage.You can save it in several ways:

  • Fold in thick polyethylene bags. This type of packaging can be kept in a cellar or refrigerator.
  • Braided onion braids are hung in a cool, dry place (pantry).

The main condition for safety is good drying, health and integrity of the bulbs.

The correct approach to growing, planting and care - will rightfully assess the dignity and taste of the "Red Baron". The possibility of maintaining it for a long time will provide you with antioxidants and useful vitamins until the next harvest.

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