Experienced gardeners for the time of work on the site accumulate invaluable information regarding the cultivation of a particular crop. Simple tips help improve yields, get a fruit of high quality in taste and presentation. For many, the question of preparing onions for planting does not cause any associations at all. And only notable gardeners understand that we are talking about the fact that it should be soaked.
How many ways to process a vegetable exist in the spring? We will consider the most basic ones - what to do so that seedlings appear faster, why and how much the procedure is performed at all, how to process and water the seeds in order to protect flies from worms, and whether it is necessary to do treatment with such means as Fitosporin before sowing.
Table of contents
- Do I need to soak the onions before planting in the spring?
- Pros and cons of soaking Seva
- Like what soak the onions before planting
- How to process the salt
- solution in potassium permanganate
- Soda
- solution How do the processing birch tar
- What kind of treatment do to protect against
pests Do I need to soak the onions before planting in the spring?
Soaking is not a mandatory procedure before planting bulbous crops, especially if onions are grown commercially.
It is not worthwhile to load yourself with a preparation for planting and in cases of using quality planting material , which grew on healthy soil and was stored in proper conditions.
Since sevok is mainly purchased on wholesale markets, no one can guarantee that he has a healthy microflora. Therefore, the correct procedure for locking seeds helps protect gardeners from unpleasant surprises. This is a loss of yield, and onion rotting, and soil contamination with various diseases and pests.
Before soaking, you must incise the onions to allow the solution to penetrate between the scales and kill the pathogens. But you should not get involved in cutting, having made a too large cut, the turnip can rot or not release the feather, you can also clean the seeds from the old husk.
When using planting materials of small sizes, processing is too time consuming, so it is better to secure your future harvest at the procurement stage.
Farms that adhere to the growing technology, harvest in dry weather, have special preference, give preference. This eliminates damage or reduction of onion properties in winter.
Pros and cons of soaking a set
Set among gardeners, the debate over the effectiveness of preparing onions for planting using soaking does not abate. Everyone should make a decision for himself, and it can be based on the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.
According to the analysis of long-term experience of gardeners, the following advantages are noted: procedures:
- activation of the growth of greens and turnips;
- disinfection;
- rot prevention;
- protects the soil from pathogenic bacteria that can be transported with planting sev.
. Soaking disadvantages concern for improper preparation or temperature violation of the .Planting material may deteriorate due to improper trimming or non-compliance with the proportions in the manufacture of the solution. Therefore, before using one of the options, you should study the instructions.
How and in what soak the onions before planting
Depending on the solution used, the purpose of the treatment varies, some procedures are multifunctional. Each method has its own advantages and features.
How to process in saline
Salt baths are used more often in combination with other procedures. The easiest and most popular way to prepare the planting for planting involves 2 stages of processing: using saline and potassium permanganate.
First the onions are soaked for 3 hours in a salt bath, which is prepared in the following proportions: in 2 liters of water are mixed 2 tablespoons of with ordinary stone( table) salt.
This procedure ensures the rapid growth of the plant, the development of turnips, and protects against the aggressive soil environment. Salt disinfects onions from nematodes and other pathogens.
In potassium permanganate
In the bucket with water, you need to dilute the entire 30-35 g of potassium permanganate , mix thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved. After that, immerse the seed material in the tank and let it stand for a couple of hours.
This method is effective due to the action of potassium permanganate, which copes with many pathogens.
Soda solution
Baking soda is attributed to many qualities that it does not possess. So, for example, there is a perception that soda baths help prevent onion marksmanship when ripe. This is not true, because the release of the arrow mainly depends on the conditions of preservation of onions in the winter. Soda will not be able to influence this process and protect it, and it will be processed after processing.
But during heat treatment it can be used. To do this, sevka before planting in the garden should be soaked in hot water( no more than 45-50 degrees) with the addition of a small amount of soda( per 10 liters teaspoon ).This procedure, lasting 10-15 minutes, provides disinfection of planting material .
How to make the treatment with birch tar
For the treatment of the set-up before planting use special preparations of broad action. An alternative is the natural material - birch tar. He perfectly copes with various pests and pathogenic bacteria , in particular with an onion fly.
The use of birch product is considered environmentally friendly and safe for human health and soil microflora.
Preparation of onions with the help of tar consists of the following stages:
- drying of sevka on the battery during the day( temperature range 37-40 degrees);
- removal of the top peel from each turnip;
- trim tops;
- soaking in solution for 2-4 hours.
The solution is prepared in the following proportions: per 1 liter of water is taken 1 tablespoon of tar. Fluid temperature should be in the range of 18-22 degrees. During the procedure, it will be necessary to mix the contents of the container 2-3 times for the best impregnation of the seed.
In order not to float the seams during the soaking procedure, it is recommended to immerse it in a net and lay a brick or another weighting agent on top. But too heavy objects should not be used, they can crush the onions.
weighting agent. What treatment should be done to protect against pests
The onion fly poses the greatest threat to onions. Larvae, worms, deposited nearby plants, can destroy the entire crop. To avoid such troubles will help the treatment of planting material before sowing.
A vegetable can also be affected by pests such as a bear, wireworm, Colorado potato beetle.
The easiest and surest way is to soak the seedlings before planting in a tar solution. You can also choose two-stage treatment with salt and manganese composition.
Among the folk remedies, baths with the use of red pepper and liquid soap are well proven. Proportions: a bucket of water, a tablespoon of liquid soap, 30 gr.dry red pepper. Duration of the procedure is 1-2 hours.
Watering with specially prepared solutions will help to get rid of pests and diseases. Among the effective ways:
- saline liquid( 10 liters of water + 3 tbsp. L.);
- tobacco mixture( 3 liters of hot water + 200 g. Of tobacco dust), lasts 2 days;
- infusion on dandelions( 10 liters of boiling water + 200 g. Crushed leaves), insist 3-4 days;
- ammonia( 2 tbsp. L.) With water( 10 l).
Spray the soil should be carefully, so as not to harm the plant. should be treated 1-2 times a week. .If the methods were powerless, it is recommended to resort to the use of special drugs, such as Fitosporin.
In order to prevent plant damage from pest infestation, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:
- Before planting, the soil must be enriched with rotted manure or peat;
- for disembarking, do not use damaged and damaged turnips;
- should annually change the landing site;
- form onion beds in close proximity to spicy and strongly aromatic herbs, carrots;
- after harvesting it is necessary to deeply dig the soil.
Whatever method of treatment before planting is chosen, do not forget about proper care, which also determines the yield and quality of onions. Soaking is only an auxiliary method that promotes rapid growth and disinfection. Without timely irrigation and introduction of complementary foods, there will be no good harvest.