What do the Bosch dishwasher indicators mean

The indicators of the dishwasher "Bosch" make it possible to understand at which stage of washing the dishes are located. But on the control panel a lot of light bulbs, how to figure out what is responsible for what? In the article, we collected all the indicators so that you can quickly find answers to your questions.

Content of the material:

  • 1What do the indicators on the Bosch panel mean?
    • 1.1Decoding of bulbs

What do the indicators on the Bosch panel mean?

Depending on the type of dishwasher, the control panel is located either at the top of the door (built-in PMM) or on the outside (stand-alone models). Machines with mechanical control are equipped with these indicators:

  • The brush (1) indicates the washing stage.
  • End (2) - the end of the sink.
  • The tap (3) is on - the water supply to the system.
  • Badges in the form of arrows (4) - indicate the presence or absence of salt.
  • Snowflake (asterisk) (5) - rinse aid indication.

Models of dishwashers with a screen look like this:

The display can show numbers, the values ​​of which are in the instruction:

instagram viewer
  • 1 - temperature adjustment from 65 to 75 degrees.
  • 2 - automatic mode (Auto).
  • 3 - temperature adjustment from 35 to 45 degrees.
  • 4 - economical program at 50 ° (Eco).
  • 5 (glass with a cup) - fast program at 45 ° C.
  • 6 (shower) - pre-rinse.

Also on dishwashers "Bosch" there can be signs:

  • Painted baby bottle - hygienic mode, in which the dishes are treated with hot water.
  • Wavy lines with a plus sign - additional drying.

In some models PMM there is an indication of the end of the washing. It can be combined with a sound signal. It "Beam on the floor»: During the whole program the beam lights red, and at its end - green.

Decoding of bulbs

Some LEDs glow constantly, others do not burn at this time. The first means the modes and programs under which the washing takes place.

  • The "Brush" light is on; there is a washing of dishes.
  • The arrows of salt burned - the salt in the ion exchanger tank ends. If after the addition it does not cease to glow, try to mix the salt in the compartment.

  • A snowflake flared up, the rinse was over. As soon as you add it to the dispenser, the bulb will go out.

Some users access the wizard if one of the indicators is constantly flashing. Most often this happens with a "Crane" LED, and "End" can flash simultaneously. Why is this happening:

Do not pour water into the chamber.This can happen if the shut-off valve is closed or there is no water in the system. In addition, such elements as jellied hose, filter, inlet valve are checked for blockage and operability.

To check the membrane of the intake valve, it is enough to apply a 220 V operating voltage to the coils. If the membrane opens, it means that the workpiece is working, if not, a valve replacement is needed.

There were problems in the electronic board, contacts burned or a triac burned.Each triac on the board is responsible for the operation of one of the PMM details. As a result of a short circuit, one of them could be damaged.

The protection against leakage "Aquastop" has worked.Mechanical protection is located in the inlet hose. As soon as a leak occurs, a special sponge is impregnated with water and blocks the access of water to the system. Only complete replacement of the hose will help.

When the "Brush" indicator is on, the problem is also in "Aquastope only the electronic type - is in the pallet. When the water fills the pallet, the float floats up - as a result, a leak signal is sent to the module. But sometimes the float can stick. To get rid of the problem, tilt the dishwasher case from side to side.

The master will be able to precisely determine the cause of the blinking of the bulbs on the panel. See useful video on the topic:

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