Blackberry pests and the fight against them in the garden

Gardeners with experience, not by hearsay, know what pests of blackberry are. Fighting them in the garden or at the dacha takes a lot of time. It is interesting to note that blackberries and raspberries belong to the general species of the family - Rosaceae. Accordingly, they have much in common, including pests. Therefore, plantations of blackberries also need to be protected from them. What pests are dangerous for blackberries?



  • Khrushch Western May (Melolonthamelolontha L)
  • Raspberry beetle (Byturustomentosus F)
  • A shaggy or shaggy shaggy (Epicometishirta Poda)
  • Crested raspberry gall (Lasiopterarubi Heeg)
  • Raspberry fly (Chortophiladentiens Pand)
  • Blackberry tick (Acalitus essigi)
  • Mite Spiderweb (Tetranychusurticae Koch)

Khrushch Western May (Melolonthamelolontha L)

Blackberry in spring comes a stormy period of growth, flowering. Khrushch finds berry plants, strikes them, which can lead to a violent fall of leaves, ovaries, flowers.

Even greater damage occurs from the larvae of the May beetle, which damage the roots of the plant, biting them.

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For the winter, adult individuals hide in the soil. And in the spring for them comes the blessed time, the massive years of the May bug, especially when the plants are abundantly blooming. During this period, the main source of food for pests of blackberries are leaves. In the soil, it is also possible to find large clutches of larvae, approximately at a depth of 40 cm.


Before the full development of the pest larvae should take about three years. All this time they feed on humus, damage the roots, which causes plants to wilt very quickly and then die. By the summer of the fourth year, the larvae of the horsetail begin to pupate at a depth of 60 cm. And after 40 days of them hatching will hatch, which will be in the soil until next spring.

Control measures:

  • If you are just going to plant blackberry bushes, then a preventive measure of fighting with horsetail will be soaking for 30 minutes of roots of bushes in the 5th solution of Aktara.
  • Effective drugs Antichrusch, Confidor during the growing season. It is enough to treat the soil around the bushes with solutions, water the bushes.
  • Some gardeners successfully use iodine against horsetail. Iodine solution - 20-25 drops on a bucket of water - to pour plants under the root.
  • A great benefit is the sowing between the ranks of the blackberry of such a siderata as mustard. Allocations of the roots of mustard are not to the liking of horsemen, they leave this place.
  • Starlings help to fight against horsewhips. Do not be lazy, hang out the birdhouses in the garden. The starlings will destroy all the May beetles, so there will not be any shortcuts soon. True, starlings do not mind eating cherries, but choose what's more expensive for you.
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Raspberry beetle (Byturustomentosus F)

This pest is capable of causing large-scale damage to the entire plant, damaging everything from leaves, inflorescences to stems, roots. The insect is 4 cm in size and has a grayish-black color, densely covered with yellow-rusty, dirty-gray hairs.

For the winter, beetles go to the soil, and in spring they go outside, they begin to eat flowers of gooseberries, blackberries, currants, many fruit trees. But these wreckers give preference to raspberries and blackberries.

Beetles can strongly eat leaves, leaving behind holes on foliage, flowers, buds. The berries can also be affected, rot is quickly formed on them.

Egg laying occurs in flowers or a fresh ovary. This is an excellent nutrient medium for pest larvae. As the development of larvae fall on the soil, they remain there until pupation. In the autumn, pupae turn into beetles, which also prefer to winter in the soil, not appearing on the surface for a long time. Some of the larvae remain there until pupation until the next spring.

Control measures:

  • To prevent the spread of a raspberry beetle, digging up the soil under bushes is used in late autumn or early spring. Gardeners are advised to powder the ground with tobacco dust or ash.
  • You can not leave rotten berries on the bushes.
  • When the buds appear, about a week before the blossoming of flowers, the blackberry is sprayed with solutions of the actinic, spark, kemiphos, fugagon, kinmix. You can alternate these solutions.
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A shaggy or shaggy shaggy (Epicometishirta Poda)


The beetle looks not very noticeable. The insect has a black color with white dots on the fenders. The beetle is thickly covered with dense gray-yellow hairs.

Winter pest survives in the soil, and outwards comes early in the spring. The insect selects flowers, blackberry petals as the source of food.

The greatest activity of the pest is observed with the onset of sunny days, when the warmest time of the day comes - from 10 to 16 hours. In damp, overcast weather, at night the beetles do not remain on the plants, but go deep into the soil or burrow under a layer of plant medium.

Laying of eggs occurs in the soil at a depth of 4 cm. For the nutrient medium of the larvae, humus and plant residues are sufficient. Pupation occurs around mid-summer, and by mid-September all the pupae are out, becoming bugs.

Adult individuals wintering prefer in the soil thickness, they can be found only in the next spring.

Control measures:

  • An excellent means against the furry shaggy according to gardeners is the insecticide Calypso. The solution of this preparation effectively destroys the pest on other plants, flowers.
  • One can not ignore the physical way of destroying Olenka shaggy. The wreckers are shaken off from bushes, branches of trees, flowers on a bedding, poured with kerosene, and burned.
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Crested raspberry gall (Lasiopterarubi Heeg)


This pest of blackberry and raspberry small body - no more than 2 mm. Beetles with transparent wings are painted black, have a brown back, covered with yellowish hairs.

Massive years of insects begin in the middle of summer, just when there is an abundant bloom of blackberries. The laying of pest eggs can be found in young shoots. First, tiny, legless larvae penetrate into the bark of the shoots in order to obtain a favorable nutrient medium there.

In affected plants, the stems are covered with galls - formations in the form of blisters. There, the larvae of the beetles remain wintering, and in the spring they pupate, become bugs, which again lay eggs with the onset of the flowering period.

Because of the development of gall midges, the growth of plants considerably stops, an irreversible process begins, connected with the complete death of the plant.

Measures to control gall midges are described in detail in the article "Gall midges on raspberries, how to fight." The methods for fighting blackberries on blackberries and raspberries are the same.

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Raspberry fly (Chortophiladentiens Pand)

This is a common pest of blackberries and raspberries. Appearing, insects begin to damage the stems of young plants. Pest - with a dark color, with a characteristic protruding "forehead." Adult individuals of beetles can reach up to 7 mm in length. Larvae of the pest are white, worm-like in size up to 5 mm.

For wintering, beetles go into the soil to a depth of 6 cm, and they can be found in dense grass or under bushes. For pupation it is enough that the air warms up to +13 degrees. And in ten days the mass age of adult insects begins.

Pests settle on the stems of plants, destroying shoots. The laying of eggs occurs in the area of ​​flowers, the tips of young shoots, and also in the sinuses of leaves that do not have time to open.

Larvae, getting into the nutrient medium, begin to actively develop, gnaw through the shoots. First they arrange there moves for themselves, then descend deep into the stalk to stay there for the winter. The annual cycle is sufficient for the appearance of one generation of pests.

Control measures:

  • Chemical means for combating raspberry fly are ineffective. Experts advise to trim the drooping shoots of blackberries immediately, as soon as wilting is noticed. This is the only way to block the way for the fly to descend inside the shoot down to pupate in the ground.
  • Cut off shoots must necessarily be burned.
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Blackberry tick (Acalitus essigi)

The mite is so small that it can sometimes not be noticed immediately. The insect has an elongated shape, like a worm.

For wintering pests do not go under the soil, but remain inside the buds of plants, choosing the blackberry. With the onset of heat, the insects migrate to the shoots, and then, during the violent flowering, on the inflorescence, the berries.

It is in the berry berries that the blackberry finds itself an excellent nutrient medium, at the same time, injects into the berries substances that affect their quality. Because of this, blackberries can not fully ripen, the appearance of the plant, the taste of berries, which can no longer be suitable for realization, deteriorates.

Blackberry berries afflicted with mites do not darken when ripe, they either completely remain red, or partially.A black mite can kill up to 50 percent of the crop.

Control measures:

To prevent the introduction of ticks inside the flowers, berries should be sprinkled with blackberry shoots in the spring before the buds are dissolved by solutions of Envidor, Tivit Jet, Bi-58.

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Mite Spiderweb (Tetranychusurticae Koch)

A cobweb has a size up to, mm. The pest selects flowers, leaves, blackberry, blackberry, other fruit crops for its nutrient medium. For fertilization and wintering, the mite chooses the fallen leaves, plant remains, and also the bark of the stem trees.

When the air heats up to 12 degrees in the spring, the insects creep out of the shelters, move to the leaves, remaining on the back side of the leaves. The plant starts to become covered with a thin web.

During the flowering period, the tick can take up to 12 generations. The leaves of plants begin to fade, to turn yellow, to fall off by mid-summer.

The main damage to the mite is applied to the stems of the plants - piercing the epidermis, sucking out the cellular juice of the leaves. You can detect this process by the type of leaves, on them appear formations - white spots. Strongly damaged leaves stop photosynthesis, they disappear green pigment and moisture.

As a result of the defeat of the plant by an ordinary mite, the yield decreases, and the plant's ability to resist diseases deteriorates.


Control measures:

  • In the early spring, you should collect all of last year's leaves under the blackberry bushes, burn them, since there may be wintering mites.
  • The treatment for the spider mite is followed when the kidneys are inserted and the first green leaves appear. You can treat plants with drugs of biological origin (Phytoverm, Aktofit, others) or chemical plants - Tivit Jet, Bi-58, others. Drugs can be alternated.
  • The number of treatments - at least 3, the frequency - 7-10 days.
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