Pests of gooseberries - who can eat all the leaves - sawdust in the stage of the caterpillar

This article was written for a long time, I never returned to it. Pests of gooseberries in the garden - what are they? It is possible to enumerate, enumerate - for sure, there are many of them... But starting to write this article, I did not know what pest was on my friend's site. I was not ready for such a turn... Garden practice did not give me such problems. But the readers of our group in the social network Odnoklassniki helped me. I hope these tips will help everyone who collides with the sawmill caterpillar on their plants in the garden, the garden.


  • Pest of gooseberries - yellow gooseberry sawmill - caterpillar
  • Measures to combat the sawmill
From leaves on gooseberries there were only streaks ...

So, one day I came to a friend and gasped! She had five days ago - she was admiring the bushes of gooseberries: the berries are large, clean, and the bushes are beautiful and fine. We agreed that in the autumn she would give me a few appendages. And yesterday I received an easy shock: all the bushes of gooseberry are without leaves, only some berries on branches.

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A friend says it happened literally overnight or one day. I was at her Monday night, and on Wednesday morning she went to pickleberry to pick berries for compote... and also received a slight shock from what she saw. And all the leaves are only eaten by gooseberries.

She has three bush: two grow side by side (they are in the picture above), and one in the other corner of the plot. All three bush of gooseberries, regardless of their location, are without leaves, but with berries. Nearby grows black currant, grapes - all leaves are whole. We went around with it the whole area - no traces of such an impudent, gluttonous pest were found on any plant. Only gooseberries without leaves - leaves remained from the leaves alone.

Especially good it can be seen on the lower right side of the photo. The photo, of course, is not of a very good quality, I'm sorry - I took pictures on the phone, did not take a camera with me.


I can theoretically assume that these are caterpillars. Only they can handle a short period with a lot of leaves. But where did the caterpillars disappear? And what are their names? On the bushes of gooseberry, under them at the most careful examination, we found no one ...

Maybe someone came across this?

Do you know a pest - gooseberry leaf lover?

-... -

I finish the article one month after the problem is discovered. I asked similar questions to colleagues from our groups in Odnoklassniki, VKontakte. The answer is received.

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Pest of gooseberries - yellow gooseberry sawmill - caterpillar

There are many species of sawmill, and more precisely, more than a thousand species. Yellow gooseberries cuts not only the gooseberry, but also red and white currants.

A sawmill is a flying insect. If you look closely, it's even beautiful - the head is black, the legs are yellow. The sawmill hibernates in a pupa. Early in the spring, from the pupae, it flies out at a time when gooseberry, currant blossom. Adult flying insects are almost harmless to our garden, they even decorate it. Their main task is to lay eggs on the underside of the leaves of the plant. After that, they perish.

After 7-12 days from the testicles appear young sawmill - caterpillars. Here they are harming the garden, biting into the kidneys, leaving holes in the leaves. Growing up, the larvae of the caterpillar can eat all the leaves on the plant - they leave only stiff veins. If there are many pests, then because of their gluttony, the bush can become completely naked for 1-2 days. This, by the way, happened to my friend's gooseberry.

After such a chic dinner, the caterpillar pilasters crawl into the soil, pupate there. Two weeks later, adults leave the pupae, which lay eggs. Two more weeks later, the caterpillars hatch from the eggs. And everything repeats itself.


In the conditions of a long Kuban summer, at least three generations of sawdust caterpillars can develop.

Bushes of gooseberry or currant, left without a single leaf can dry up and die, as the process of photosynthesis is disrupted.

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Measures to combat the sawmill

There are mechanical, biological and chemical measures to control the sawmill on gooseberries or currants.

The mechanical method of fighting is simple and effective enough if it is conducted on time. Spread a piece of cloth under the bush and shake the bush a few times. This is enough for all the caterpillars to fall down. Carefully fold the tissue burn with the caterpillars.

There are many biological methods. One of the most harmless, but effective, is that. Spray the bush of gooseberries and currants with water, and then powder it with finely sifted wood ash. Sown on the leaves, the ash will make them inedible - the pest will die.

Caterpillars of the sawmill will also not eat sprinkled with bitter infusions. Such will make them infusions mustard, wormwood, tansy, yarrow. After each rain, you need to update the spraying.

There is another interesting way to fight the sawmill. But it is more suitable for pest control in the pupal stage, it will be better to use it in the early spring. Normal sludge will help. As soon as the snow comes down, dilute the river or silt from the pond to the creamy mass and pour it into the center of the bush. Il flows under the bush, it dries and forms a dense crust from under which the insects will not escape from the pupae.


From the biological remedies for protecting gooseberries or currants, experts advise using lepidocid and bitoxybacillin against young caterpillars. When preparing solutions, follow the tips of the instructions. I want to focus only on the following point: these solutions are better to spray plants in cloudy weather or after sunset, as ultraviolet rays are destructive to the biological components of these drugs. By the way, do not expect that the sawdust caterpillars will not be on the same or the next day. They will, of course, be less, but the mass death of insects usually comes in 2-3 days.

Chemicals should be used only if absolutely necessary, if other drugs do not help. There are many such preparations. Against the sawmiller of the caterpillar are those that are intended for leaf-eating insects - Iskra, INTA-VIR, Decis and many others.


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