Gardeners with experience, not by hearsay, know what pests of blackberry are. Fighting them in the garden or at the dacha takes a lot of time. It is interesting to note that blackberries and raspb...
Read MoreContent: About the apple-tree scab Scab on the apple trees - what to treat? How to deal with scab on apple trees - about fungicides and fertilizers Stable apple varieties to scab Fighting scab o...
Read MoreThere are a lot of pests that love raspberries. Different larvae, drillers, beetles, worms - creatures that feed on the foliage, fruits, stems of this plant. They can cause premature yellowing or...
Read MoreIn 2012, we, in the Novokubansky district of the Krasnodar Territory, all the apricots, not having time to blossom, dropped flowers: stood for several weeks with black dried tips of branches - loo...
Read MoreThis article was written for a long time, I never returned to it. Pests of gooseberries in the garden - what are they? It is possible to enumerate, enumerate - for sure, there are many of them... ...
Read MoreA raspberry fly is a dangerous raspberry pest that can deprive you of the main part of the crop, and if you do not take any measures, then the whole crop. What are the methods of struggle with ...
Read MoreIn each garden, damage to the trunk and skeletal branches of fruit trees. What causes wounds, various cracks in the trees? There are many reasons. This can occur during pruning, and in winter fro...
Read MoreAmong the bacterial diseases of fruit crops one of the most dangerous is bacterial burn. The causative agent is the bacterium Erwinia Amilovora. Pear suffers most from this disease: three-year-ol...
Read MoreMonilia mushroom( Monilia), which causes the disease of fruit trees - moniliosis, causes great damage to our gardens. In the people, this is the most devastating disease of stone fruit, more comm...
Read MoreFor more than one year, the white cyclone( Metcalfa pruinosa Say) has been settling in the Kuban around the edge of all plants. This is a very dangerous pest of the garden and vegetable garden, w...
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