Proper care, pruning and top dressing of raspberry in autumn


To every year, the repair raspberries pleased with the harvest, it needs good care and timely pruning. During the period of fruiting, the plant loses nutrients. Feeding in autumn should be included in the list of mandatory activities.


Table of contents

  • Rules of caring for raspberry in autumn
  • Autumn pruning of a bush
    • Usual
    • Double
    • To shorten
  • Fertilizing raspberries with fertilizers in autumn for a good harvest
    • Chicken droppings
    • How to feed mineral fertilizers
  • Cooking raspberries for the winter

Rules of caring for raspberry in autumn

Autumn care involves the stages. Start to themafter harvest. It:

  • application of fertilizers
  • pest control
  • pruning and pruning of branches and branches
  • mulching of soil
  • Garter and winter bending

Fertilizers are needed so that the plant replenishes the necessary nutrients before the winter. With the help of pruning and pruning, pests of plant and fungus that have settled on the upper parts and leaves of the plant are eliminated from insects. The main thenRemove the cut branches and foliage and burn. You can also spray from insects.

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The cut branches and foliage must be burned. Crimson ash is a good fertilizer for bushes.

Pruning remove old unnecessary shoots, limit the height of the mature plant. It is important to monitor the growth of bushes. The distance between them is 60 -70 cm and one and a half meters between the rows. Plantsshould receive a lot of light, to give a good harvest.

When mulching the soil covered with straw, peat, sawdust, foliage. You can use the purchased material. It helpskeep moisture in the soiland regulates air and water regimes.

Mulching raspberries allows you to keep moisture in the soil

Garter and bend helps to safely survive the plant winter cold. The bushes are tied into bundles and bend down to be covered with snow, and they are not frozen.


Autumn pruning of a bush

An important autumn event is pruning raspberries. itincrease yieldsin the next season.

First, it is necessary to cut unnecessary shoots, to form neat bushes. Then in winter the plant will not spend its energy on maintaining vital activity in extra stems.

Secondly, pruning helps to fight harmful insects. Pests of raspberries and fungi usually accumulate in the upper part of the stems and raspberry leaves, and pruning will help to cope with them.

Fallen leaves and cut branches followclean up. This will help get rid of the pathogenic microorganisms developing in them, which overwinter in the spring, they can ruin the whole raspberry.

On the bush are recommended to leave anynine shoots. This is the amount for which the plant has enough nutrients. Pruning is recommended before frost,in October.

In autumn they cut:

  • seeded shoots
  • branches with pests, fungus, old
  • Young sprouts, will not survive the winter
  • broken branches
  • useless shoots that thicken the bush
Pruning of raspberry shoots thickening the bush

Gardeners use several types of pruning. The main, often used, are three:

  • trimming usual
  • trimming double
  • shortening cut


Normal trimming - remove70 percentshoots. Complete removal of the stem is possible. Depends on the variety. If the variety is good vegetation, then the bush is cut entirely. By the next summer it will reach one meter in height. If growth is slow, then pruning is done by 50 to 70 percent.


Also called pruning by Sobolev. The first pruning is done when the branches - one-year-olds reach 70 - 100 cm in height. By the time this is the end of May - the beginning of June.

Cut off the tipfor 10 to 15 cm. This leads to an increase in the lateral branches. By the autumn they grow up to 50 cm. On them in the next season will grow berries. The main thing is not to be late for the time, so that new shoots do not die before winter. The second pruning is carried out for the next spring, when the leaves grow. The lateral shoots cut off the tips at 15 cm.

The buds begin to develop and before the beginning of fruiting the bush is covered with a lot of branches with berry ovaries.

If everything is done correctly, then:

  • the ripeness of raspberry will increase
  • on the bush formed more flower buds
  • the yield in summer will increase

To shorten

Pruning for shortening is easy. Bushcut off to the root. This method for varieties that do not yield a bulk crop, which have a low degree of vegetation. This accelerates the growth of biennial shoots, which increases the yield. In addition, using this method, you can fight pests by removing them from the bed, along with cut shoots.

Doing pruning you need to remember some rules.

  1. The cut branches are immediately removed and burned to avoid pest breeding.
  2. New branches are left as much as cut old.
  3. The wider the shoots grow, the better.

Fertilizing raspberries with fertilizers in autumn for a good harvest

Autumn feedingis very important for future crop yields. By the end of the summer season, raspberries draw nutritious nutrients from the earth. To make it winter and prepare for the new season, it needs to be fed.

Autumnal raspberry feeding is very important for future crop yields

If you do not make up the soil, next year raspberry growth and fruiting will get worse. Therefore, in the autumn it is obligatory to feed. There are several ways of processing. Through:

  • chicken manure or manure
  • potash fertilizers
  • nitrogen and urea
  • peat and siderates
The shortage of this or that element can be determined by the type of plant.
  1. If raspberries are not enoughphosphorus, it will have small leaves and thin stems.
  2. The appearance of yellow leaves with green veins will tell about the shortagegland.
  3. The leaves slowly grow and turn yellow, starting from the center to the edges, this indicates a lack ofmagnesium.
  4. If the raspberry has small yellow leaves that do not grow anymore - the plant does not have enoughnitrogen.
  5. The leaves darken and the shoots begin to form quickly-an excess of nitrogen.
  6. The edges of the leaves are brown, as if "scorched" - the plant lackspotassium.
Yellow raspberry leaves with green veins indicate a lack of iron

Chicken droppings

Chicken litter is an effective fertilizer. In the composition of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphoric acid, magnesium, zinc, sulfur and boron. After two weeks of use, you will see a positive result.

Litter is a highly concentrated fertilizer. In its pure form is not applied. Onlyin the form of a solution or in the compost.

First, the fertilizer mustto lie down and perepret, so that toxic ammonia goes out of it. Then the litter is bred in water in the proportion: 0 and the bushes water the solution. Fertilize the shrubbery in autumn. By the beginning of the cold, the fertilizer will perepreet and begin to supply the plants with the necessary substances. Raspberry will overwinter and in the spring will actively go into growth.

This fertilizer can also be added to the compost. In the compost pile is placed chicken litter, weeds, foliage, peat. Ready compost is brought under the root in autumn. At 1 square. m needs to be10 kg. The most important thing in using a litter is to correctly observe the proportions so as not to ruin the entire raspberry.

When feeding raspberries with chicken litter it is very important to observe the proportions

How to feed mineral fertilizers

Feeding raspberries before winter with potassium fertilizers is very important. After potassium increases the frost resistance of the plant.

At gardeners has well provedmonophosphate. It contains 52% phosphorus and 34% potassium. This fertilizer dissolves well in water and is absorbed by the plants completely. It must be added to the ground layer under the roots from the calculation of 40 grams per bush.

Another good fertilizer based on potassium -potassium magnesia. In its composition, there is magnesium. Just bring under the root. The dose is 80 grams per plant.

An excellent recipe for mineral raspberry dressing. In the bucket water is bred:

  • 60 grams of superphosphate
  • 40 grams of potassium salt
  • 30 grams of saltpeter

Stir thoroughly and bring in raspberry. Instead of salt, you can take the wood ash.

Concerning the Raspberry FertilizernitrogenIn autumn, among gardeners, there was an opinion that doing thisnot worth it. The best time for nitrogen fertilizers is spring. Nitrogen provokes strong growth and development of new branches. This will lead to their freezing, they will not have time to prepare for the winter.

Peatis needed to improve the quality of the soil. It makes a loose earth, and the roots of plants receive more oxygen. It is recommended to use peat as mulch and as a part of ready compost.

At the end of the summer it is recommended to raspberry inter-rowsow plants. It:

  • rye
  • mustard
  • oats
  • lupine
  • alfalfa

After planting and full ripening, they will be a top dressing for raspberries. After harvesting themmow down and then dig through with the ground. By spring, the mass will rot and serve as a source of trace elements for garden culture.

To bring fertilizers brought only benefits the roots of plants must be hidden. You can hide with peat, sawdust and mown grass.


Cooking raspberries for the winter

Preparation for winter also involves mulching peat, prehistoric foliage, straw to regulate air circulation and moisture in the upper soil layer.

The layer of the introduced mulch should befrom 5 to 10 cm. If less - there may be soil freezing and plant death, if more - cause fungal disease, which will reduce the immunity of raspberries.

Especially mulching is necessaryin regions with severe frosts. Before the beginning it is necessary to water well the bushes so that the plant does not leave in the winter with the overdried root system.

Raspberry bushes after pre-winter bending

The next stage of preparation involvesbending. The bushes are bundled and bent to the ground. This is done so that in winter they are completely covered by snow cover. Bunches are fixed on the ground with the help of arcs, or tied to each other. The height is needed no more than 40 cm from the ground.

If the climate is severe, then you can cover plants with nonwovens.

In winter, do not cover the material with ice cake. It is broken to allow air to pass through. The ideal time for these works is the periodafter a fall, before falling out of the snow.

Like all garden plants, raspberries need regular care. Autumn is a responsible period. Raspberry must be prepared for winter. Carry pruning branches, apply fertilizers to the soil, mulch, bend and cover plants. The future harvest will depend on the efficiency of autumn work.

If you adhere to simple rules that are understandable even to a beginning gardener, to spend a little time and effort, then raspberries will safely winter and in the spring with new forces will go into growth.

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