The important question: how to feed cucumbers? Feeding, if it is carried out in time, helps plants to resist diseases, increases their immunity. So, they will not be ill or hurt less often.
.- Top dressing of cucumbers: what to choose, mineral fertilizers or organic
- Ash, fly ash
- Nitroammophoska (azofosca)
- Organic
- How to determine what is missing cucumbers
Cucumbers are a fairly persistent culture. They have very few pests. But they do not like the cold weather, the temperature drops too. And what does this vegetable like?
He likes high, but not excessive humidity. He also likes frequent, but small, fertilizing with mineral or organic fertilizers. To water or feed cucumbers should be in the evening or in the morning, in order to avoid powdery mildew, anthracnose, bacteriosis, that is, fungal diseases that develop in a moist environment.
.To feed cucumbers it is necessary to begin with the moment of cultivation of seedlings. It should not be naive to expect that suddenly they will grow good, strong, the harvest will be huge, and all diseases will pass by. The harvest will be good if you put seedlings, adult plants on time, before or during fruiting. And illnesses will bypass them only if you do not allow them to develop from the very beginning.
↑ to the contents ↑.Top dressing of cucumbers: what to choose, mineral fertilizers or organic
↑ back to content ↑Ash, fly ash
From all the existing common diseases of cucumbers, as, indeed, other plants, wood ash protects well. This is a natural mineral fertilizer, an excellent fertilizing. The ash contains potassium, and they react very well to a sufficient amount of this element in the soil. In addition, you can not be afraid to damage your health. Ash is a natural remedy. Adult feeding with ash can be safely carried out during fruiting. You can spray plants with an ash solution, can be powdered with dry sifted ash, you can pour the ash solution under the root.
The ash solution for top dressing is prepared as follows: dilute 1 cup of ash in 10 liters of water and insist for 24 hours. If you spray, then after mixing, the ash solution is filtered so that the sprayer is not clogged with sediment. The water should be warm - no lower than 20-25 ° C. Let the bucket or other container with the solution stand in the sun. Spray you will be in the evening - by this time the ash infusion will become warm.
↑ back to content ↑Nitroammophoska (azofosca)
Cucumbers can be supplemented with azofovskoy (nitroammophoska, NPK) - a complex mineral fertilizer, in which there are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in equal parts. A solution for top dressing do this: 1 tablespoon per bucket (10 liters) of water. Azofosca is very soluble.
For example, I lack one bucket of solution to feed all the plants. I first make a concentrated solution. I raise 10 tablespoons of Azofosca in 10 liters of water. This concentrate is enough for 10 buckets of a solution of nitroammophos of the desired concentration.
I take a liter of concentrated solution and add it to another bucket (10 liters) with clean water. You can add a glass of wood ash to the bucket of the solution. And already from this bucket I feed my cucumbers - about 1 liter per plant. The soil under the plants must be moist before top dressing.
Foliar top dressing is done before the fruit is tied. As soon as the first ovaries appeared, proceed to watering under the root.
Cucumbers usually develop a large aboveground mass and a wide root system. But, despite this, they absorb the feeding on a little bit. I will repeat, but it is very important - they should be fed a little, but often - once in 7-10 days.
.When choosing a mineral fertilizer, try to ensure that the ratio of nitrogen to potassium is that is, 1 part of nitrogen + 2 parts of potassium. That is why I am adding a glass of wood ash to the solution of nitroammophoski - potassium in the first half of the vegetation needs more than nitrogen. If there is no ash, then potassium sulfate (20 g - 1 tablespoon without top) or calimagnesium (20 g - 1 tablespoon without top) can be added to the 10-liter solution of nitroammophoski.
.In general, please note that when feeding, especially when cucumbers are intensively fruiting, potassium in any organic or mineral fertilizer should be more. If you are preparing organic fertilizer on the basis of manure, then in it the ratio of nitrogen and potassium is approximately equal, so there necessarily add wood ash or potassium-containing fertilizers in the doses that I wrote higher. The presence of a larger dose of potassium (compared to nitrogen) will not allow the plants to live, increase the number of ovaries, hence, fruits.
↑ back to content ↑Organic
And I want to tell you about one additional feeding. On the organic. I do it myself, apply it to all vegetable plants - tomatoes, cabbage, eggplants. This is a "green fertilizer" made of mown grass or weeded weeds. Cooking it is very simple. I described this in great detail here: "Top dressing of tomatoes."
↑ back to content ↑How to determine what is missing cucumbers
Another situation. I think she knows you. You collected a great harvest, but until the end of the season there seems to be time, and your plants look unimportant - the leaves wither, the ovaries are small. This indicates that the root system of the plant has weakened, the plant has spent a lot of effort on the formation of the crop. But not all is lost. Simply, the plant needs to be restored. Help him. It is in the second half of the vegetation on the bushes that hook-shaped fruits may appear.
Look at the ground. If it is compacted, become too dense, then make punctures with pitchforks, retreating 10-15 cm from the stem. It is dangerous to loosen the chopper - the cucumber has a root system very close to the surface of the earth. After puncturing the forks, the roots will receive an additional influx of oxygen. Feed them with a solution of potassium humate or any stimulants of growth that contribute to the development of the root system. It can be Kornevin (Heteroauxin), Epin, Zircon. The funds listed are not really fertilizers. When I say "feed then this is not entirely correct. They will not replace mineral or organic top dressing. But they will be able to revive the tired root system perfectly. Therefore, in the second half of the vegetation period, add either of these stimulants to the mineral or organic top dressing.
I think that all truck farmers faced with this phenomenon, when on the whip appear irregularly shaped fruits.
For example, it has a narrow pedicel, and has a thickening at the opposite end. This cucumber bush gives us to understand that it lacks potassium. Therefore, the feeding should contain more potassium.
And if, on the contrary - the thickening of the fetus at the stalk, and to the opposite end the fruit narrows - you know, the plant lacks nitrogen. In these two cases, everything is elementary simply - you need to urgently feed.
.I think that the answer to the question, how to feed cucumbers, is received. They generally need to be fed more often. Every 7-10 days, cucumbers need fertilizing. But they need to be fed in small doses.