Cultivation of cucumbers - germination of seeds, conditions, formation

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Many, I, too, practice growing cucumbers in several stages, or rather, in several terms. First I plant them in a greenhouse in a seedling way to try the first cucumbers, as soon as possible. Then sow the seeds in the open ground - these eat all summer, we make preparations. Here we will consider whether it is necessary to germinate the seeds before sowing, discuss the reasons for the absence ovaries on plants, we will get acquainted with rules of formation of plants at vertical cultivation or was growing up.


  • Cultivation of cucumbers - germination of seeds
  • Why do cucumbers have little or no ovules, and they turn yellow and fall off?
  • Pinching and forming cucumbers

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Cultivation of cucumbers - germination of seeds

Many people are worried about the question: should we germinate the seeds of cucumbers before planting? I'm trying to germinate. Sometimes, of course, there is not enough time, but I try... Why? The answer is very simple - that all should rise. After all, what purpose is pursued by any gardener - everything that is planted, it is necessary to grow, but for this, everything must ascend.

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Very often on imported seeds of cucumbers it is written: processed by tyram - not to soak. But germination is not soaking. Germination - is when the seeds are placed in a moist environment - on cotton wool, gauze, filter paper. In this case, a solution of any one of the following growth stimulants can be used for moistening: Novosil, Radiance -2, HB-101, Humistar.

Solutions for germination of seeds are prepared as follows:

  • Radiance-2 - 1 teaspoon of the preparation + 1 teaspoon of sugar + 1 glass of water (standing, warm - 30 ° -35 ° С, not chlorinated) - to insist 8-12 hours;
  • НВ-101 or Novosil - 1-3 drops per 1 liter of water - can withstand a minimum of 24 hours or until the seed is pinched.

Cucumbers are heat-loving plants. When germinating seeds should be at a temperature of 25 ° -30 ° C - usually such a temperature - near the heating battery. As soon as they proklyutsya - they immediately need to sow.

Sprouted seeds of cucumbers "jump out" from the ground for a second or third day. After emergence, they need light and a temperature of 20 ° -23 ° C.

Try 2 times a week to feed cucumber seedlings. For root dressings, use, alternating, such drugs as Biohumus or Humystar, Shine-2. For foliar plants - NV-101, Novosil.

How to determine the time of planting? Usually we plant seedlings of cucumbers in a greenhouse or open soil 20 days after emergence.

When transplanting, try not to injure the roots. Therefore sprouted seeds of cucumbers should be planted in seedlings in large pots or containers - not less than 400-500 ml.

Seeds of cucumbers retain their germination capacity up to 8 years. The optimal timing of germination is 5-6 years. They say that plants obtained from old seeds bear fruit better, their yield is higher.

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Why do cucumbers have little or no ovules, and they turn yellow and fall off?

These are very painful questions for many gardeners.

  • One of the reasons for the small number of ovaries is improper storage and seed preparation. For example, the seeds are overdried, stored in a warm place. Or, conversely, the seeds were kept in a place that was too moist, moldy, and lost their germination. It may be too old seeds.
  • The second reason is the thickening of the crops. This is the main reason why the ovaries turn yellow and fall off. Cucumbers require a large area. Thickening planting is impossible. Where will the plants take strength and nutrients? The area for food is not enough. Therefore, they will lose fruit in order to survive. The minimum distance between plants is 40-50 cm. If you plant varieties with limited growth of lateral shoots (read the description on the back of the sachet of seeds), then the distance can be less than 40 cm. For varieties with unlimited growth of side shoots (Phoenix), the distance between the roots should be at least 80 cm.
  • The third is the cultivation of cucumbers without shaping. The formation is needed to increase fruiting only to bee-dusted varieties with abundant branching (for example, to the same Phoenix), since they tie fruits on second-order, third-order branches.
  • Fourth - sharp fluctuations in soil moisture - dried, then abundantly watered. Cucumbers, for example, only bloomed, ovaries appeared, and the soil was dry. Where do they get food from? The plant, saving itself from death, takes energy from leaves, ovaries. The ovaries turn yellow and crumble - there will be no harvest. If you can not systematically water your beds, then protect them from drying by mulching. The layer of mulch is 5-7 cm. How can you mulch cucumbers? The best mulch for them is nettle. Nothing will rot, no slugs or snails will get to your crop.
  • Fifth - hot dry air. Cultivation of cucumbers in a greenhouse requires its frequent airing. In addition, it is desirable to have a container with water to maintain and regulate the humidity of the air.
  • The sixth is the irregular harvesting. In time, not broken fruits do not allow young cucumbers to develop.

What do cucumbers need for development? What conditions should be created for regular and abundant fruiting?

  • Nutritious soil - cucumber is very responsive to organic.
  • Warm soil - do not dispose of them if the soil temperature is below 15 ° C. You can "warm" the greenhouse, placing between the plants, along the beds usual plastic bottles filled with water. It is better to use bottles of dark plastic, as they will better accumulate heat. In the daytime the sun will heat the water in bottles, and at night they will give their heat to the plants.
  • Loose soil - the root system of the cucumber is located close to the surface of the soil, if it is covered with a crust, then the roots can not breathe.
  • Wet soil - no plant will grow in dry soil.

There is another important feature of cucumbers. Wherever you planted seedlings, in an open ground or a greenhouse, it should be planted in the holes. That is, cucumbers must grow in the groove. Then, when watering, water will not spill, it will fall directly to the roots. In addition, such a landing will allow you to pour the land in time to the hole in order to form additional roots - this will increase not only the terms of fruiting, but also the yield.


If you planted seedlings in the open ground, then to protect it from possible frosts, a temporary shelter is needed.

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Pinching and forming cucumbers

How to form cucumber plants correctly? Do I need to pinch them?

Varietal, non-hybrid cucumbers grown in the open ground (mostly bee-dust varieties with unlimited growth) are pricked over 3-4 leaves, since their lateral whips are more fertile. Such varieties usually grow, they grow on the surface. This way of growing cucumbers has its pros and cons. Advantages - a good microclimate, the land is sheltered from the sun, the whips do not dry out, additional roots form on the shoots. Disadvantages - the inconvenience of collection, possible unintentional damage to shoots during harvesting, for beds, a lot of space is needed.

Cultivation of cucumbers on the trellis. Advantages - saving space, it is convenient to harvest, it is convenient to process, spray. Disadvantages - you need to protect the landing from the wind, you need to shade the soil - mulching is mandatory.

How to form cucumbers that grow vertically, on the trellis?

With vertical cultivation of varieties and hybrids with strong lateral branching, you must cut off the lower 4 leaves. This is necessary for better ventilation. Crop at the bottom still will not be, and the benefits of such an operation is significant.

During the growth of cucumbers, it is necessary to shorten the side whips constantly, forming a plant in the form of a pyramid standing on the top, that is, the lower lateral whips will be shorter than the upper ones. For example, the bottom 4 leaves or shoots were cut off, 5 leaves left on 2 leaves, on the next - 3 sheets, higher - four and so on, until the main shoot reaches the top of the greenhouse. Then you can lower this whip down, leaving one main sheet on the main branch. This is a professional scheme for the formation of cucumber plants. The density of planting with such a back-pyramidal formation should be 50-60 cm.


If you grow varieties or hybrids with limited lateral branching in a vertical fashion, then they do not need a formation.


I would also like to focus your attention on the preferable "neighbors" when growing cucumbers. This is onions and carrots. In addition, cucumbers are very fond of when the corn is growing near. They can trail along it and feel themselves in such conditions perfectly. Do not object to cucumbers from the neighborhood with nasturtium, radish, beets, bush beans, peas. Marigolds planted next to them will scare off the pests.

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