What to do if the dishwasher does not dry the dishes

The washing program is over, you are going to get the dishes, but see that it is wet? Why does not the dishwasher dry the appliances? If there is drying in your model, but at some point it stops performing its functions, you need to stop the work and establish the cause of the problem. We will deal with the problem in more detail, perhaps your intervention will not be needed.

Content of the material:

  • 1The reasons why the PMM stopped drying dishes
  • 2How to fix the problem
    • 2.1Heater and temperature sensor
    • 2.2Fan and control module

The reasons why the PMM stopped drying dishes

Depending on the model of the dishwasher (Bosch, Electrolux), these types of drying are distinguished:

  • condensation (natural);
  • turbosupply;
  • heat exchange.

Why does the technique dry badly? If condensation drying is built in your machine, then streaks and drops of water at the outlet are normal. It's all about the specifics of the work. After the end of the program, the dishes are treated with hot water, the chamber door is slightly opened. By mixing the hot and cold flow, the wetware dries. But if you do not immediately get the instruments from the bunker, condensation forms.

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Sticking to the surface of the instruments, the condensate leaves the stains. Therefore, before serving, the dishes need to be wiped.

Another thing is when kitchen utensils are not only wet, but also dirty. This may indicate a breakdown of one of the units of the dishwasher.

  1. Heater fault. If the water is not heated, then the dishes are washed badly, and the moisture does not evaporate. In models with turbosupply, cold air is pumped instead of hot.
  2. Thermal sensor broke.
  3. The electronic module has failed. Then PMM simply does not go to the drying cycle.
  4. The fan is out of order.

How to fix the problem

If the dishwasher "Bosch" or other brand does not perform the function of drying, you need to check all the details that could have caused the malfunction.

Heater and temperature sensor

When the control card gives a signal to heat, the heater is switched on. He brings the water to the desired temperature, which determines the temperature sensor. Once the temperature is reached, the thermistor sends a signal to the module, and it stops heating.

If the machine does not heat water, first check the heater. In most dishwashers it is flowing, it is part of the circulation unit. Replace it with your own hands:

  • Disconnect the machine from the mains and the communications.
  • Open the door and remove all the baskets from the hopper.
  • Turn the PMM on the back.
  • Remove the bottom pallet (if any).
  • In the assembly you will see a heater. He looks like this:

  • Inspect the wiring. If burnt elements are visible, they must be replaced.
  • TES is checked with a multimeter. To do this, attach the test leads to the heater contacts. Indicators from 10 to 30 Ohm indicate the serviceability of the element.
  • If broken, disconnect the wiring chips.
  • Remove the fixing screw.
  • Install a new heater.

Important! When choosing a heater, compare the marking with the old part.

If the thermal sensor malfunctions, the operation of the PMM can stop at the washing stage. There is a part in the water collecting chamber. For replacement, disconnect the wiring and install a new thermistor.

Fan and control module

In dishwashers with turbo-drying, the fan supplies heated air to the chamber. There is an element in different parts of the dishwasher: near the side, top or bottom wall. In case of a malfunction, you will not hear any noise that is heard during the drying process. To replace it, you'll have to almost completely disassemble the case.

On the control board there are triacs that control the operation of the nodes. With a voltage jump, the triac thermistor could burn. The replacement is best entrusted to the master, you will need to work with a soldering iron. If the module itself is faulty, the installation of a new element will help. But the cost of such repairs will be expensive.

If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact a specialist. Some users ask the question: do I need to dry the dishwasher after washing. Necessarily, if you want to avoid unpleasant odors.How to remove odor from the dishwasher, read the article.

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