How to choose a straightener for hair: tongs or ironing

How to choose a straightener for hair: tongs or ironing


Hair straightener is a device that at home allows you to achieve the effect of salon styling with an incredible glossy shine of hair and perfectly even texture. So, how to choose a hair iron? What are the main criteria worth exploring before buying, so that after not be disappointed in the acquisition?


  • 1How does the straightening process take place?
  • 2Plates - the main element of ironing
  • 3Ionization is a useful function
  • 4Temperature regulator
  • 5Optimum size of plates
  • 6Useful Tips for Choosing a Rectifier

How does the straightening process take place?

Under the cuticle of the hair is a special layer - cortex. Its fibers consist of hydrogen compounds, under the influence of moisture they become softer and the hair begins to actively curl. Any rectifier, thanks to high temperature, removes excess moisture from the hair, thereby giving it a perfectly even shape.

Artificial straightening can not be called a useful procedure. To minimize the negative impact of this process, experts recommend not using an iron for hair daily, choose appliances with a temperature and ionization regulator, always as an axiom to apply thermal protection means for hair.

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Plates - the main element of ironing

During the straightening procedure, the plates of the device are directly in contact with the hair, and it is from them that the final result of the work depends. Most often on the shelves of household appliances today you can find tongs with such plates:

  • metal: the most budgetary and affordable option, the rectifier with its functions copes, but metal it is heated unevenly, therefore the risk to burn the hair is great, spoiling them permanently, as happens when the use of a curling iron;
  • ceramic: the heating occurs evenly, the plates slide smoothly; a disadvantage - they can stick to them stowage, after which the rectification procedure will be less effective;
  • tourmaline: gently slip, neutralize the static stress on the hair;
  • Teflon: are relevant, such as they do not adhere to the means for styling, are convenient for careful straightening.

The most popular option today are pliers with ceramic plates, on which there is spraying from tourmaline, teflon, titanium or diamond crumb. What type of spraying is used in the device is usually indicated on the device box.


Ionization is a useful function

To the rectifier as carefully as possible cope with its functions, it is necessary to choose a model with ionization. This modern technology is aimed at generating a flow of negatively charged ions, which, getting on the hair, envelops it and thereby protect against excessive loss of moisture.

With this option, the iron is able to give the hair a perfectly smooth form. After the procedure, the hair looks shiny and healthy. Ionization also minimizes the static effect.


Temperature regulator

The most budgetary models, as a rule, as such, do not have a temperature regulator. Initially, it is better to choose where such a regulator is available. What is it for?

First, with it, the rectifier will more gently impact the hair of a certain type. For example, for attenuated and fragile hair, you can set the minimum temperature and thereby protect them from overheating.


For healthy and strongly curly hair, you can set a higher figure, at which locks can straighten up faster and longer.

Secondly, no matter what type of hair, in the area of ​​bangs and temples, hair is traditionally thinner for all people, so it is better and safer to straighten them at a lower temperature. Modern power tongs manufacturers offer with a temperature regime from 140 to 230C.

Optimum size of plates

Depending on the purposes for which the hair iron is purchased, you can choose either pliers with narrow plates (up to 25 mm), or wider models (up to 80 mm).


Rectifier with a thin plate is ideal for straightening bangs, thin and short hair. If this model has rounded edges, then it can also curl curls (how to do it, you can read the instructions to the device). Advantages: such forceps allow you to make a complex stacked stacking, a disadvantage - a long time to process each curl.

Select a rectifier with a wide plate stands for owners of long and thick hair. The advantage of such models is the rapid straightening of the hair along the entire length. Disadvantage: they can not form curls.

Useful Tips for Choosing a Rectifier

  1. Choose a better model with a heating temperature indicator.
  2. Keep in mind that different tongs are heated for different periods of time. Usually this figure does not exceed 1 minute.
  3. In some models there is a special heat-resistant unit for storing the device; if there is not one, you can store the iron in a suspended form on a special hook.
  4. A convenient option is to automatically turn off the device. With this function, the iron switches itself off automatically if, for example, you forget to turn it off.
  5. Before buying an iron for hair, think about how you will use it: only for straightening - it is worth choosing a model with wide plates, for curling - it is advisable to buy an iron with a narrow basis.

What kind of rectifier to purchase depends also on the preferences in the style of household appliances. Manufacturers offer to date a lot of options for the decorative design of forceps: prints, color inserts, etc.

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