How to clean rust in the toilet at home?

Rust in the toilet is not a very pleasant phenomenon. Even a perfectly white and new appliance is susceptible to this ailment. But you shouldn't be upset. Rust can be washed off. Moreover, so many ways have been invented today that you can experiment on the toilet and choose the most effective method for an infinitely long time, until patience runs out. In order not to get lost in all the variety of tips, we have collected in this article proven and reliable ways to remove rust at home.

Why does rust appear in the toilet

The content of the article

  • Why does rust appear in the toilet
  • Methods and means of cleaning from rusty smudges
    • Traditional methods
    • Household chemicals
      • Gels and liquids
      • Abrasive substances
  • Preventing the appearance of rust on the surface of the toilet
  • Care Tips

There are many reasons for this. Not in all cases this happens through the fault of the owners.

So, most often rust appears:

  • cleaning the toiletfrom poor water quality. The surface of the toilet quickly becomes covered with a yellow coating. By the way, other plumbing fixtures also suffer: the sink and bathtub have to be cleaned of an unpleasant shade no less often;
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  • due to the poor condition of the water pipes. For sewerage and water supply, pipes made of non-galvanized metal are used, which corrode over many years. Therefore, the water flows dirty, with admixtures of iron, which color the toilet bowl white as snow in all shades of rust;
  • due to pipe leakage, wear of components in the tank. Bright yellow strings that stretch from the cistern can be seen where the toilet or plumbing system needs repair. Even clean water flowing continuously over the same place can leave a rusty mark.;
  • with improper care, in particular, the use of aggressive agents and metal brushes for washing, which spoil the surface;
  • due to the nature of the material from which the toilet is made. Porcelain and earthenware appliances are popular these days. The latter are more democratic in price, but their quality is much lower. Faience plumbing loses its smoothness faster, cracks and chips often form on its surface, in which drops of water are constantly "held". They also lead to the appearance of unpleasant rust.

Methods and means of cleaning from rusty smudges

Our grandmothers were still able to clean earthenware and porcelain surfaces from rust. Today, the industry also does not stand still: on store shelves you can see a huge amount of gels, powders and sprays for cleaning the toilet bowl.

Conventionally, all methods of cleaning plumbing are divided into two large groups:

  1. Folk methods (tested over the years and new ones that have appeared recently);
  2. Household chemicals (abrasive, acidic, alkaline).

wipe with a ragEach housewife chooses what is familiar to her. It is recommended to focus on the budget, state of health (for example, if you are prone to allergies, you need to use household chemicals carefully), individual preferences, material, from which the toilet is made.

You will also need tools to clean the plumbing. These can be soft foam sponges, brushes and brushes with soft bristles, viscose cloths.

Important! Regardless of the means, you should follow simple rules that will help you do the job not only efficiently, but also safely:

  • if the toilet is leaking, then shut off the water before washing;
  • do not mix cocktails from plumbing detergents. The chemical reaction can be completely unpredictable;
  • to avoid burns, work is performed strictly in rubber gloves;
  • when using household chemicals, the door to the toilet must be kept open;
  • also, do not lean too low over the toilet during the cleaning process, as there is a risk inhale harmful vapors and get a burn of the mucous membrane, an allergic reaction or poisoning with household vapors chemistry.

Traditional methods

Human fantasy is capable of many things. Whatever people have come up with in the entire history of the existence of the toilet, so that it is white and shiny. We must pay tribute to: many folk methods are truly effective and are not inferior in cleansing properties to modern novelties of household chemicals.

Let's consider the most popular ways to get rid of rusty smudges:

  1. toilet soda"White". This miracle remedy has been known for a long time. It is good for its high chlorine content, which not only removes stains, but also disinfects the surface.
  2. Toothpaste. Experienced housewives say that whitening paste works best with rusty stains. It should be applied with a thin strip and left on the surface of the toilet for 15-30 minutes. Then rinse with water.
  3. Vinegar. It has been used for many years not only to remove rust, but also to remove blockages. That's why this procedure is also useful for pipes. To remove rust stains, a small cloth, abundantly moistened with vinegar, is applied to the surface of the toilet bowl and left in this form for 40-60 minutes. After that, the vinegar is washed off with water; in case of heavy dirt, the surface of the toilet can be additionally rubbed with a foam rubber sponge.
  4. Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. They are mixed in a ratio of 1:20. A cloth moistened with the resulting solution is applied to the rust, leaving the toilet in this form for several hours (ideally, if at night). After the procedure, the treated surface is washed with water.
  5. Soda. A safe remedy, you can even use it for housewives who suffer from all kinds of allergic reactions. In addition, soda does not harm the delicate skin of the hands, which, of course, pleases. To remove rust, soda is mixed with hydrogen peroxide or water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Using a toothbrush or your own fingers, the composition is applied to the surface of the toilet bowl and left to dry completely. When the baking soda turns into a powdery solidified crust, it is washed off with a soft brush.
  6. Carbonated drinks like Coca-Cola. The method is relatively young, but popular. Cola removes even stubborn dirt. To do this, it is enough to moisten a rag in a drink and attach it to the toilet. After 30-60 minutes, there will be no trace of the stains.

Household chemicals

It is customary to separate household chemicals abrasive and liquid. In turn, liquids are alkaline and acidic. All these products of the chemical industry have one goal - to clean the toilet bowl efficiently and quickly from any stains and dirt. I must say that household chemicals in most cases do an excellent job. It is important to use them correctly and follow the instructions clearly.

Gels and liquids

Domestos for toiletThese products clean gently, they do not scratch the surface of the toilet bowl. The active substances contained in the gels penetrate the rusty deposits and remove them. In alkaline liquids, sodium is the main component. They do not require additional mechanical action on the stain and are absolutely safe for the toilet bowl surface.

Alkaline agents include:

  • Domestos;
  • Sarma gel.

By the way! Alkaline gels are good for fresh stains. Sodium does not penetrate into deep layers of pollution, therefore, it may not cope with old rust.

Acid-based products brilliantly clean old stains. They contain acid: formic, oxalic or hydrochloric. The higher the acid concentration, the better the product will deal with rust.

Acidic agents are:

  • Cilit Bang;
  • Dressing duck;
  • Comet.

Acidic products are not safe. Their vapors can be poisoned, therefore it is imperative to work with an open door.

Abrasive substances

These funds are known to everyone as powders. They remove stains with special particles and are most often universal. With a jar of powder, you can clean not only the toilet, but also the sink, bathtub, tiles on the walls, grease stains on the kitchen work surfaces and even scale on the kettle.

The most in demand among housewives:

  • toilet abrasivesPemolux;
  • Sorti;
  • Sarma;
  • Comet;
  • Sanita.

These funds must be used carefully. Powder can scratch the faience surface of the toilet. Therefore, before applying it, it is better to stir it with water until it is mushy.

Important! Apply abrasive products only to the damp surface of the toilet bowl so as not to damage it.

For better cleansing, especially stubborn dirt can be rubbed with a brush or sponge, but without fanaticism.

Powder products have serious minuses:

  • they are suitable only for fresh stains (ideally clean the surface from light plaque);
  • dust from the powder easily gets into the eyes or on the nasal mucosa (in this case, the affected areas must be rinsed with plenty of water).

Preventing the appearance of rust on the surface of the toilet

It is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it for a long time and painfully. So it is with the pollution in the plumbing. Taking good care of the toilet will save more than money (since it will serve faithfully for many years), but also time (constant care at the root prevents the appearance of stubborn stains, which means that washing the toilet will be short-lived).

For the toilet bowl to please with cleanliness and whiteness, it is important:

  1. spongePrevent leaks, change consumables in the tank in a timely manner.
  2. A lot of plaque that spoils water accumulates in the tank. Therefore, it is useful periodically pour vinegar into the container or add tablets, specially designed to protect against rust and lime deposits.
  3. On water pipes better to install a filter. Yes, this pleasure is not cheap. But the constant replacement of plumbing is more expensive.
  4. To prevent stains from becoming companions of the toilet, you need to carry out regular inspection its surface for cracks and chips. It is difficult to remove dirt from these chips, which gradually turns into stubborn rust stains.

Care Tips

You need to take care of the plumbing correctly:

  1. toilet soapIt is not necessary to keep the cleaning agent on the surface of the toilet for longer than the time specified in the instructions.
  2. Do not let stains take their course. If the result of the cleaning agent is not satisfactory, the procedure must be repeated.
  3. Every time you drain the water, you need to make sure that no water drips into the toilet.
  4. To prevent the appearance of rusty stains and unpleasant odors on the rim of the toilet, you need to fix a special agent.
  5. If a decision is made to replace the toilet bowl, then it is better to stop the choice on a porcelain model. This material washes well and lasts a long time.

The toilet is the object in the house, without which life is impossible. That is why you need to take care of it and avoid disgusting rusty smudges and stains. Then the entire toilet room will look clean and tidy.

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