The things were painted when washing: how to save and return the previous color

Did you have your clothes painted? This happens almost every housewife. Magic thing in the drum with white clothes got a colored thing. As a result, after washing you get not white, but colorful underwear. Why is this happening? You will find the answer in our publication, and also find out whether it is possible to revive the shedding clothes.

The things were painted when washing: how to save and return the previous color

Content of the material:

  • 1What clothes are shedding most often
  • 2How to save your own clothes
    • 2.1Home remedies
  • 3How to clean a sweater, blouse, jersey of delicate fabrics
  • 4What to do if the laundry is shed and can not be repaired
  • 5What colors can be washed together: careful sorting

What clothes are shedding most often

To make clothes not to be painted, before washing it is necessary to take into account:

  1. Temperature regime. Even those things that were not painted before, can be shed when washing in hot water. Always look at the tag and the designations left by the manufacturer.
  2. Distribution. Linen must necessarily be divided by color. Even small ruffles, ruffles, pockets, collars of bright color can wash and paint neighboring things after washing. White products are always subject to a separate wash, even if the colored items have already faded.
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  3. Type of clothes. Most often molting is susceptible to newly purchased items, the more saturated colors: red, green, blue, brown, orange. It could be jeans, a jacket, a shirt, whatever. You need to erase painted things separately, manually - so you can evaluate their reaction to staying in the water.

If all the same things were painted, how to return them to the coloring without leaving home?

How to save your own clothes

To restore the color, do not wait for the thing to dry, act immediately on the color detection field. Load it back into the washing machine and fill in the bleach.

You can use these substances:

  • Antilin. Suitable for restoring the color of fabrics of any shade. It is advisable to use immediately after the detection of the painting.

How to save your own clothes

  • To return the whiteness, use bleach for natural and synthetic fabrics.

How to save your own clothes

Home remedies

Quickly reanimate the dyed thing will help a simple recipe:

  • on a grater, soap the laundry soap;
  • dissolve in water;
  • fill in 1 tbsp. l. starch, citric acid or table vinegar;
  • apply the product from the wrong side for the night.

Do not know how else you can bleach clothes and remove stains from a t-shirt or a dress? Method for natural tissues: application of ammonia or peroxide. For six liters of water, dilute 200 ml of alcohol; in the case of peroxide, it is 4 liters of water and 50 ml of peroxide. In this solution, things are soaked for half an hour.

Home remedies

To wash off synthetic underwear, use a mixture of soap and peroxide. What to do:

  • prepare a solution of laundry soap;
  • pour 2 tablespoons peroxide;
  • add 5 tablespoons of alcohol.

Dilute the preparation in 10 liters of water, leave the fabric soak for half an hour.

How to clean a sweater, blouse, jersey of delicate fabrics

It is necessary to act cautiously, the methods are rather experimental:

  1. In 5 liters of water, 4 tablespoons of salt are bred. Also added to 1 tablespoon of starch, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
    Delicate products of wool, thin fabric soaked in a solution for a couple of hours. Do not work on them with effort, so after soaking gently rinse the laundry.
    The things were painted when washing: how to save and return the previous color
  2. 1 tablespoon of mustard or mustard powder dilute in 1 liter of water. The solution should stand for 3 hours. Only then you can wash clothes in it.

What to do if the laundry is shed and can not be repaired

For cotton T-shirts, an idea with paints will do. Spread them sponge in random order. To the dye does not wash off when washing, fix it with an iron. You can also use a stencil to write inscriptions or drawings.

What to do if the laundry is shed and can not be repaired

Interesting ideas can be implemented using a felt-tip pen. It is also fixed by ironing. If a thing from such material that can not be painted, use decorative stickers, embroideries, decor.

What to do if the laundry is shed and can not be repaired

What colors can be washed together: careful sorting

Of course, washing one or two things of a certain color is unprofitable. But there are colors that can be combined:

  • Try to load black, gray and blue colors together. You do not have to worry about what they shed.
  • Combine yellow, orange, red things.
  • Combine the tissues of brown, purple, green colors - they do not affect each other.

Careful sorting

Do not forget to choose the right washing mode. For colored clothing it is better to set the temperature not more than 40 degrees.

Now you know how to wash things in a washing machine so that their pattern remains untouched. Keep the bright color of your favorite clothes with our recommendations.

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