How to wash baby clothes in the washing machine

If you are about to become parents or have already become, then you realize that the amount of domestic troubles will double. Last but not least is the question of how to wash baby clothes for newborns.

A huge assortment of various washing products is on the market today. Each of them is good in its own way: some of them are designed for high-quality and efficient washing of white linen, while the second ones cause serious stains. But you and I need to deal with the exciting question of how to wash the baby’s things, while not hurting the baby.

Material content:

  • 1 Newborn lingerie: what you need to know
    • 1.1 What kind of temperature should we use when washing children's clothes
    • 1.2 Preparing new things for your child?

clothes Underwear of the newborn: what you should know

You will have to wash it once a day, and sometimes several times a day. If you have a washing machine, this is very good, because it is rather difficult to wash hand-made tiny things in a handy manner.

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One of the most important rules you must follow is not to wash your baby’s clothes with your clothes or other clothes. The fact is that an adult has his germs and bacteria that can adversely affect the baby, causing skin diseases and various infections in it. For the same reason, it is necessary to store things for your child separately.

What is the temperature regime to expose when washing children's clothes

Often a young mother is faced with the question at what temperature to wash baby clothes. There is nothing difficult in this: look at the tag on clothes, there is indicated the recommended temperature regime.

Often parents try to buy linen and clothes made of thick cotton fabric for their baby. Such material can be washed at 90 degrees. But do not forget that high temperature conditions can spoil colored things - they will not only lose their brightness, but also “shed”.To prevent this from happening, we recommend washing overalls, sliders, undershirts, and other things at 40 degrees. A higher degree expose only if the laundry is very dirty and covered with serious stains.

We are preparing new things for the baby to wear

You have recently purchased wonderful new things for your baby, they have a neat appearance, a wonderful shape and bright colors. In a word - clean clothes. But in any case it is impossible to put it on the baby, without first preparing it for wear. Very often children's clothes are treated with starch so that the appearance does not deteriorate and the overalls do not hesitate.

Washing of clothes for newborns is obligatory before wearing. To prepare new things, follow our recommendations:

  1. Remove all tags from clothes, after seeing how to properly care for them.
  2. Take a large basin with warm water and add a little baby powder. Dip the clothes there, wash them a little and rinse until the detergent is completely removed.
  3. Shake and evenly hang on the dryer.
  4. After complete drying, iron things from the inside out.
  5. Fold and put on a separate shelf in the wardrobe or chest of drawers.

Need to know! When caring for warm children's things( fur envelopes, winter hats, overalls, jackets) it is recommended to treat them with steam. For these purposes, suitable iron with the option of steam or steam generator.

So we figured out whether to wash new things for newborns. It is necessary, it is necessary!


Can I wash children's clothes with ordinary powder? If you do not want your child to have rashes and irritations on the skin, it is strictly forbidden to use ordinary powder for adult things. In a good tool should be a minimum of chemicals and dyes.

Future and young moms very often discuss the issue of how to wash clothes for newborns with a powder. All advisers recommend a careful approach to the choice of detergent, carefully study the composition and read reviews about the powder or the manufacturer. You should know that phosphates are not part of the baby powder. They are not only badly washed out, but their penetration into the body through the skin or the respiratory tract of the infant is also possible.

If you choose whitening agents when you are washing clothes for newborns, it is best to use those that contain oxygen - they have an antibacterial effect and do not cause allergic reactions.

Interesting! Moms often leave their reviews about the means for washing baby things. Most of them are convinced that the clothes of babies under 1 year old are best washed with liquid powders, since they are much better washed out of the fabric.

Save time when washing diapers

After discharge from the hospital at a young mother adds a lot of additional trouble. It is worth learning how to wash diapers for newborns so as to save precious hours.

Want to spend less time? Then find out how to wash baby clothes and organize ironing diapers. Consider a few basic questions:

  1. Wash by hand or in a washing machine? Of course, washing in the SMA significantly saves time. While she turns the drum, you can do any other things or simply spend time on yourself. In the typewriter, the diapers are washed away from the laundry detergent much better.
  2. Use diapers or diapers? Decide for yourself how comfortable it will be for you and the baby.
  3. Ironing diapers or not? Many people are convinced that ironing diapers is a must. It is enough just to iron the diaper from the inside. Do this until the baby has an umbilical wound.

Removing stains on diapers and clothes

Despite the fact that the market is regularly updated with a variety of diapers, moms do not want to trust them. In addition, the occurrence of feces from the diaper is not excluded, and this leads to a strong soiling. When this happens, parents begin to look for an effective way to drain baby things from feces. To eliminate allergic reactions on the skin of a child, most people use a safe method. Laundry soap - a great tool if you are faced with the problem of baby feces.

When asked how to wash baby diapers from stains, this method will also work:

  1. Grate half a bar of soap on a grater.
  2. Put the chips in the washer drum.
  3. Load dirty baby clothes or diapers.
  4. Select the wash mode.

Remember that soap must be natural, without adding bleaching ingredients.

Important! There is an engraving on high-quality natural soap - numbers 72 or 67!

Knowing how to wash baby clothes, you will learn to save time and effort.

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