Description of the breed faeces


In the XVIII century in France, in the place of Favelol, a breed of chicken was taken out, the meat of which was intended for the preparation of refined broths. Three hundred years of breeding have added chickens to external charm and egg-laying.

In a number of countries, beavers are bred solely for exhibitions.But beauty is not their main virtue.


Table of contents

  • Breed Exterior: How to distinguish chickens, roosters and chickens
  • Varieties: salmon, blue, Colombian
    • Signs of incompetence
  • Description of production characteristics
    • Temperament
  • Conditions of detention
    • Paddock
  • Coop
  • Cultivation of chickens of this breed
  • Feeding
    • Adult Birds
    • Chickens: description, photos, video
  • Diseases
  • Features and advantages of the breed
  • Reviews about the breed of chicken favel

Breed Exterior: How to distinguish chickens, roosters and chickens

Favelol is derived from the gudan, brahma, cochin, and silver dorking.

On the left, you can see a rooster and a chicken.

In the bird's yard, chickens are distinguished by their harmonious constitution, characteristic feathering, five-fingered paws.

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Description of the breed of chickens:

  • Head slightlyflattened flat shape, small.
  • Beak is powerful, short, white, light yellow or pink.
  • A simple type of comb is medium.Hang-gliding, leafy, low. The high teeth are evenly cut out.
  • Neck tight, medium length with a lush mane, which goes to the back. Faverolei is distinguished by a characteristic cervical gates, some feathers are oriented horizontally, others look upward, towards the nape.
  • Eyes red-orange, medium size.
  • The face is pubescent, red. The red lobes are trimmed with tanks, a beard located under the beak. Earringsunderdeveloped.
  • Torso slightly elongated, trapezoidal, set horizontally, with a massive chest and well developed musculature. The back is quite long. Passes into a strong, dense loin with a rich covering plumage.
  • The belly of the beaks is deep. The hens are more squat,heavy constitution.
  • The tail is upbeat.The tail feathers are short. Cocks have short, curved braids. The chickens have a roof-shaped tail shape.
  • Wingstight fit, high on the trunk.
  • Legs with lushly feathered short shins without a "hawk" flock are well developed. Plyusny white, medium length.A distinctive feature of the favelog chickens is the fifth finger, which is placed over the rear finger, with a clearly separated long claw pointing upward. The fourth finger is placed horizontally.
  • Plumageloose, lush, soft. The abundant frostiness helps the beetles in the winter season. Small feather "pillows" are noticeable.
  • Skeleton thin. The skin of all varieties of favers is creamy white.
  • Chickens hatch with yellow, yellowish-white down. To know how to distinguish the sex of chickens, you need to wait.Sexual differencesmanifested two months after birth, the males form the tanks and beard, feathers at the ends of the wings of the males are darker than in the chickens.
  • Coloringvarious. Traditional are salmon and Colombian (silver) color.

Varieties: salmon, blue, Colombian

In the breed of chickens, the salmon favelal (Lahshunner) chickens and roosters differ slightly. At samochek feathers of a salmon, pink-red color with a white border, on a stomach and a breast the shade lighter.

The stem of the feather is white. Tail, neck dark brown, with a reddish tinge. Legs, abdomen, breast are dairy. On the right you can see a photo of this breed.

Cocks have a tail, chest, stomach, pots and beard, shins, and metatarsus - black, brownish-red, interspersed with yellow and white. On the back of the feathers are ivory. On the white cervical collar and flight feathers a black-green or brown-copper strip with a mirror shine.

The breeding is not recommended:

  • Petukhov without red plumage on feathers of the first order and back, color spots on the neck, excessive variegated abdomen, beard, interspersed with white on the abdomen and chest.
  • Cours are not salmon-colored, with black feathers in their beards, with a white feather pin.
Important!Cocks with brown spots on the neck are suitable for breeding and keeping the breed clean.

The standards set birds with blue, blue-salmon, white, ermine, pale, black, light-birch (Berken), splash, red-white, striped plumage.

Colombian (silver) faverol silver-white in basic color. Chickens and roosters are identical in color.

On the mane and tail along the feather rod, blue-black stripes with a green tint. The outline of the pen is clearly outlined by a white border.According to the standard, the tail feathers of females and the large male braids may have the same rim.

On the wings the feathers are black with a white edging, on the folded wings the black color is not noticeable. Feathers of the second order and fluff are white, without inclusions.

The following are discarded:

  1. Birds withgray pattern.
  2. Birds with a continuousblack colorfeather on mane, yellow feathers.

White-pure white color of hens and cocks.
Blue favreol is the defining color of plumage of blue of different intensity. The outline of the pen is outlined.

Interesting.German breeders brought out dwarf fenders. Kilogram cockerels and hens coloring do not differ from large relatives, but are more temperamental and mobile. Chickens carry up to 120 eggs per year.

Signs of incompetence

  1. Standardization does not pass the bird fromunderdeveloped musculature. Short, squat or too tall, non-shape-shaped body, with a bent or bulging back, with a sharp narrow stiffening (the posterior part of the trunk).
  2. From the breeding herdwithout a fifth finger, with blue, yellow metatarsals, nonstandard position in relation to each other of the fourth and fifth fingers, a yellow beak, overly prominent pillows in the area of ​​the nadtice, a large crest, a long tail.
  3. Invalidshort and narrow neck, low-baked tanks and beard, the presence of "hawk chicken cuffs on the plyus, the lack of hair in chickens.

Description of production characteristics

Faverols belong to the general user, with a bias toward the meat direction, the early ripening breed.

Chickens from two months quickly gain weight, are suitable for slaughter to 4, month old. Weight of roosters 3-4 kg, hens kg.

White, tender meat is valued for its fine-grained, juicy. Gourmets prefer fragrant poultry meat. Its taste is similar to pheasant.
The thin skin is easily plucked, there is no need for singing out the carcass. Bones thin, light.

Egg laying average.In the first year of egg production - 160-180 pieces per year, in the second - 130.

Weight of eggs 55-60 g. Usually the hen brings two eggs in three days. Sturdy shell of yellow, brown, pink.

The bears of the bears begin to reach the age of six months with a daylight duration of at least 13 hours. Good rush in the winter.


The character is trustful, open. Quickly tame, learn the master. Calm, phlegmatic, prone to contemplation. Long stay in one place, watching the surrounding.

They have a good appetite, so they are prone to obesity. They are accommodating with neighbors in the paddock, they are balanced.


Conditions of detention

Chicken faverol poorly tolerate cells and aviaries. Lightly overweight birds need conditions for physical activity.



At free-range, chickens are less likely to get sick, they have a higher percentage of egg fertilization, because they have the opportunity to receive microelements, vitamins, minerals from the fodder.

Mistresses appreciate the beavers for delicacy,when looking for insects, they do not break beds and flower beds.

They do not like to fly. High fencing is not necessary.

Important!To preserve the productive qualities, the characteristic features of birds must be kept separate from representatives of other breeds.


The beagles lodge in a spacious coop. In the hen-house a dry litter is made, the humidity of the air is monitored.Chickens do not tolerate high humidity.

Do not allow crowding. With a large number of birds in a small space, there is a danger of disease. Increased consumption of food, chickens trampled on it.
Suspend the troughs or do crossbars in the troughs for feeding, so that the hens do not scatter the feed.

To avoid fractures when falling from a height, round wide roosts are made with a ladder for lifting.


Cultivation of chickens of this breed

Chickens of pure breed are rare. Well established German and Hungarian breeding material There are several domestic breeding lines.

The cost of weekly chicks from 300 rubles, two-week from 350 rubles, hatching eggs from 600 rubles, half-year-old birds from 5000 rubles.

The optimal time for breeding chickens is February. In the spring the chicks can already be let out for the paddock, and in the summer the chickens will begin to sweep.

In order to avoid a closely related crossing that leads to the degeneration of the breed, the appearance of defects and deformities in chickens, a decrease in productivity, contain at least 5-6 chickens and a rooster of the other line.However, do not recommend to contain more than 10-15 goals.

  • Eggs for breeding chicks are selected from chickenswho reached the age of one year, stored at a temperature not exceeding + 10 ° C for not more than two weeks.
  • Chickens are more oftenincubator. Chickens are not very good hens.
  • The temperature in the incubator is maintained exactly in+ 3, ° C.A drop of even 1/10 degrees leads to the appearance of the chickens inverted fingers and toes.
  • Hatching takes place amicably for 22 days. Newborns are immediately planted on a warm, dry litter,maintain the temperature in the room + 38 °.
  • During a short daylight hourscarry out the illumination, especially in cloudy, dark weather.


Adult Birds

A balanced diet is required.Preference is given to dry food, mixed fodder.
Wet poultry mosses spoil the magnificent plumage of birds. Tapping the stuck remnants of the chickens inflict each other's injuries, they look unkempt.

In the summer, 1/3 of the daily intake is the green mass, the forage. Among the herbs, beans, and grains, nettles, meadow clover, mocrit, dandelions, portolac, swine, alfalfa, peas, oats, and wheat are the most suitable.
After a walk, the bird is supplemented with grain, mixed fodder.

Important!Check whether the black nightshade, the chicken, the cicuta, the mottled hemlock, the crocodile grow on the ground. These herbs are poisonous.

The daily norm of mixed fodder, grain (corn, wheat, oats) per head is 150-155 g. At the onset of obesity, they put on a diet, reducing the delivery of food to 80 g.

In the winter and spring time, the green mass is replaced with sprouted wheat grains, pumpkin flesh, marrows, carrots stewed with nettles, dried beet and carrot tops, spruce, pine, fir needles.

Vitamin supplements are required. With a low yield of eggs, oat flakes are added to the diet. In winter, moist food is heated.

With combined nutritionfeed set 3-4 times a day, alternating dry and wet mixes.

Chickens: description, photos, video

After hatching chickens are fed chopped boiled eggs, cottage cheese, corn porridge.

On day 11, they begin to give a full-fledged chicken feed.

Feeding scheme:

  • 1-30 days6-8 times, at regular intervals,
  • 30-60 day 4 times,
  • after 60 days- 3 times a day.


Chickens are resistant to disease, unpretentious. The main danger lies in the increased humidity of the chicken coop, litter. If the optimal mode of maintenance is not observed, the bird falls ill and dies.

Features and advantages of the breed

They are endurance resistant, resistant to harsh climatic conditions. Rapidly reaching product maturity and egg production.
With good production characteristics have a beautiful appearance. Specific features - pyatipalost, characteristic tanks, a beard, a cervical collar.

Among the shortcomings of poultry farmers are the tendency to obesity, difficulties in acquiring and maintaining the purity of the breed.

Reviews about the breed of chicken favel

We bring to your attention a few reviews about this breed:


Faverlokki... My dream... It's just in our climate, and foragers are excellent, and meat, and beauties. They are all good. forum of farmers

I admire not only the beautiful flower garden of the beetles in my hen house, I also admire their meat in the kitchen and on the table. The meat of a 6-month-old rooster is roasted as fast as the meat of a young broiler. Tender, juicy, but to taste the fuselage meat competitors do not.
forum of farmers

I am engaged in the favela krill breed. My weight in six months is from , 00 to , 00, the weight of the gibleted carcass is , 00-, 00, the weight starts to gain well after 2 months, I would say that they shoot, to 4-4.5 months the bird looks dignified, round and appetizing. With age, meat does not become stiffer and rougher. It is very convenient for me that the time of slaughter is stretched indefinitely, always fresh, tender meat.

And one more thing, it can be ridiculous. Their carcasses are not hairy, singing more for pro forma, the Zagorsk salmon, compared to the phaverolia after plucking, is just curly punk. Skin in chicken favelos is thinner and whiter than in other breeds. And the carcass looks very attractive - soft pink. For us, a faverol, like meat, is an indisputable favorite. forum of farmers


Initially deduced as a meat canteen, the breed of chicken pheasant, thanks to many years of breeding, acquired a high egg-laying and decorativeness.

Despite the difficulties with the acquisition of the breed material and its high cost, the favelog feces take up more and more places in the poultry farms of amateurs and farmers.

You can watch an interesting video about this breed:

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. In the XVIII century in France, in the place of Favelol, a breed of chicken was taken out, the meat of which was intended for the preparation of refined broths. Three hundred years of breeding ha...

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