1 The main rules for the care of leather shoes
- 1.1 Rule 1. How to dry and store leather shoes?
- 1.2 Rule 2. Choosing inventory for cleaning
2 A special case
- 2.1 Rule 3. White skin
- 2.2 Rule 4 Membrane leather shoes
- 3 findings

To make leather goods look good in any weather and do not spoil from snow, rain and slush, you need to find the right cream, brushes and rags, as well as know the rules of drying. In the article I will describe the correct care for leather shoes, so that even after a long time the product does not become covered with cracks and scratches, and sits perfectly on the leg.
The main rules for the care of leather shoes
The price of leather goods is always high, but they are still chosen for durability and quality. And so that the money spent has paid for itself, I will tell you how to care for leather shoes - to dry, clean, polish.

It is worth cleaning the products from contamination after each sock, and once a week you need to carry out more thorough treatment procedures that will allow you to preserve the presentable skin for a long time.
Instructions for the care of leather products every 1-2 weeks:
- The top of the shoe must be wiped with a damp cloth. Do not much wet the skin. In water, you can dissolve a little shampoo to clean the skin. Also on the market there are many special foams that allow you to gently clean the surface.

- Wait for the shoes to dry.. You should not put it under the battery or “help” with a hair dryer, drying should take place naturally, otherwise the skin may crack, lose its shape.

- Then the base should be covered with high-quality cream or use an aerosol.. This rule is relevant even for new shoes, which still has a rich color. After some time, the excess funds must be carefully removed with a soft sponge.

- Next, the shoes must be carefully treated with a spray or cream that repels water.. This will protect your shoes from the negative effects of salt, and your feet will not get wet even in snow or slush.
To carry out this procedure in the winter or rainy season is at least 1 time per week, in the dry time, you can reduce the frequency to 1-2 times per month.

- When all the care products are absorbed, add shine to the surface with a sponge or special cloth..
Regularly performing these 5 simple steps at home, you will be able to maintain the presentable look of your shoes for years.
You can also restore the brilliance with your own hands without using store tools. To do this, a dry surface should be smeared with petroleum jelly or castor oil.
Lacquered shoe care is no different from untreated leather products. Products with lacquer also need thorough cleaning. To preserve the gloss of the varnish, after applying and drying the cream, walk on the surface with a cotton cloth or a special polishing cloth.

Rule 1. How to dry and store leather shoes?
If you have wet your shoes, they should be dried naturally at room temperature. You can not put them under the battery or near other heating devices. Shoes made of smooth leather are also not recommended to be dried in direct sunlight.
If drying nevertheless needs to be accelerated, then put inside crumpled newspapers or a bag of silica gel. Several layers of the newspaper will also help to maintain the correct shape of the shoe during the drying process.

It is also necessary to store shoes until the next season - it is important to choose a suitable cardboard box or a bag made of natural breathable material for the products.
Before storing the leather goods in the closet, they must be thoroughly cleaned and dried. You can also make the treatment with a cream or spray, but it is important that it is very well absorbed.
Better to keep the form will help pads, it is worth buying them for each pair. Replace the pads can roller of newspapers, which will retain the shape of the shoe during storage.

Rule 2. Choosing inventory for cleaning
The main equipment that you will need to take care of your leather shoes is a regular brush. Pile on it can be artificial, but it is better to choose natural, as it cleans and polishes shoes more delicately. Pile can have a different degree of hardness, but for “delicate” types of skin, you should choose soft brushes.

If a special sponge is not included in the kit with the cream, or it is not very convenient, you should buy a brush-paste. It is important that it is equipped with a convenient handle, so it will be easier to paint over all the zones.
Additionally, you can purchase a pile cloth and a polishing cloth, which will help to give the shoes of smooth leather a shine during the final stages of the cleaning and care procedures.

A special case
Above, I described how to care for shoes made of genuine leather of dark shades. But for light leather products need to take care even more carefully. Special rules for the care and have leather goods with a membrane layer.
Rule 3. White skin

The main rule of care for white leather shoes - regularity, because on a light surface, any dirt and dust immediately catches the eye. In addition, if you do not clear such shoes in time after snow or rain, salt stains will remain, which over time may turn yellow and ruin the appearance of the products.
For light skin, choose soft wipes and brushes. Even suede cleaning sponges on a delicate bright surface can leave microcracks into which dust will eventually clog.

Today, the stores have a wide range of products that help care for white leather shoes - creams and sprays, as well as aerosols that repel water and dirt.
For regular washing, I recommend using special shampoos for white skin. They will simplify the proper care of products, as they clean the surface very gently and foam abundantly. This allows you to effectively remove all dirt and remove plaque without harm to the coloring pigment on the skin.

Rule 4 Membrane leather shoes
Today, shoes made of membranes are very popular both for use in hikes and tourist trips, as well as for everyday wear. Often behind the skin layer lies just the membrane layer, such products have several additional important rules for care.

Care of leather shoes with a membrane layer - what you need to remember:
- You should not use fat creams, they will clog the micropores that are present in the membrane. At the same time, it is possible to use special dirt and water repellents, but they must be designed specifically for this product.
- The surface should be regularly cleaned from dirt and dust. If time does not remove the remnants of dirt, it can clog the microporous surface.
- Such products are also forbidden to dry under the batteries. Exposure to hot air will ruin the membrane, and it ceases to fulfill its basic properties.

In the article I told how to properly care for leather shoes - how to dry products, how often to use cream and how to polish shoes. Look for more visual tips in the video in this article. Questions and suggestions leave in the comments.
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