How to get rid of the smell in shoes and forget about it forever: 5 best ways


  • 1 We are looking for and eliminate the cause
  • 2 Effective ways to combat odor
    • 2.1 1 - use of disinfectant solutions
    • 2.2 2 - use of absorbents
    • 2.3 3 - wash
    • 2.4 4 - freezing
    • 2.5 5 - drying with ionizer
  • 3 Preventing odor in shoes
  • 4 Conclusion
Unpleasant smell - a common cause of negative attitudes of othersUnpleasant smell - a common cause of negative attitudes of others

As you know, your... does not smell. And many people really do not understand why they shy away from them in public places, are rarely invited to visit, and girls refuse to continue the relationship after the first date. And the reason is often trivial: an unpleasant smell emanating from the legs and shoes. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to get rid of the smell in shoes and prevent its appearance.

Who knows, maybe this is what will change your life for the better, even if everything suits you in it. Good does not happen much.

We are looking for and eliminate the cause

An unpleasant problem, however!An unpleasant problem, however!

It turns out that our feet sweat in the same way as the armpits, especially while walking. Hence the smell. But it does not smell the sweat itself, 98% of which consists of water, but the waste products of bacteria that actively reproduce in a wet environment.

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Therefore, before thinking about how to get rid of the unpleasant smell in shoes, you need to solve the problem of excessive sweating. And it occurs for the following reasons:

  • poor quality or cramped shoes;
  • improper shoe care;
  • long stay in it during the day.

It follows that you need to try. get a good and comfortable footwear in size, preferably from natural or "breathing" materials. And also often change her and socks. A dry couple to dry and air.

A similar or any other dryer is a very useful acquisition.A similar or any other dryer is a very useful acquisition.

Sweaty feet, like armpits, need to be washed with soap and wipe thoroughly. Such an opportunity during the day may not be presented. Then use special means that reduce sweating.

Cream of sweat and smellCream of sweat and smell

But an unpleasant smell can appear even under these conditions, if there are any problems in the body. Here, simple measures can not do - you need to seriously take care of their health. But it should be done anyway.

Effective ways to combat odor

It needs careIt needs care

The question of how to get rid of the smell of sweat in shoes is very relevant for many people. Especially those who are actively moving, but do not have the ability to change it as needed or to perform hygienic procedures during the day. To prevent the proliferation of bacteria and neutralize odor, there are many effective ways.

1 - use of disinfectant solutions

Many liquid products available in every home not only destroy bacteria, but also neutralize odors:

  • Hydrogen peroxide - it is soaked with a cotton swab and wipe shoes from the inside. At the same time you need to be very careful to the composition did not get on the outside of the shoes, as it has the ability to discolor the surface.
Disinfection of shoes with hydrogen peroxideDisinfection of shoes with hydrogen peroxide
  • The same effect can be achieved by using vinegar, a solution of potassium permanganate or any alcohol tincture. This may be vodka, ammonia, boric acid. After processing the shoes will have to be well ventilated.
Vinegar helps neutralize odorVinegar helps neutralize odor
  • To prevent odor, drip a couple of drops of citric acid or lavender oil onto the insoles before leaving the house.
These are excellent sweat odor neutralizers.These are excellent sweat odor neutralizers.
  • Bleaching is used only in extreme cases. For example, to remove the smell of mold from shoes that have been stored for a long time in inappropriate conditions. But first, it must be thoroughly washed and dried, and after processing taken out onto the balcony for several days for drying and airing.
  • To help relieve shoes from the stench can and used tea bags, which they wipe inside.
They can be left there all night.They can be left there all night.

If there are no bags, pour tea leaves, ground oak bark, dried leaves of lemon balm, mint, sage or eucalyptus into your shoes for the night. In the morning, just shake them out.

Of course, after wet processing, shoes should be dried, leaving in a well-ventilated warm place.

2 - use of absorbents

Absorbents are substances that absorb moisture and help get rid of bad smell. These include talc, baby powder, soda, flour, activated carbon.

Coal before use must be crushed to powderCoal before use must be crushed to powder

An excellent tool is and cat litter.

It is possible to apply absorbents differently:

  • Just fall asleep in the shoes for a few hours, and then shake out or clean with a vacuum cleaner. But particles of the substance can still remain inside and cause inconvenience when walking.
In the photo - baby powderIn the photo - baby powder
When there is no suitable absorbent, ordinary flour will help out.When there is no suitable absorbent, ordinary flour will help out.
  • Pour the powder or granules into a gauze bag or made from old nylon pantyhose. And put it in the shoe.
The same cat litterThe same cat litter

3 - wash

You can not wash any shoes. But sneakers, sneakers, cloth ballet flats - why not? It is only necessary to put them in special nets and select the delicate wash mode. Well, or wash your hands in the basin with warm soapy water, and then rinse well and dry.

Sneakers are perfectly washed in a typewriterSneakers are perfectly washed in a typewriter

4 - freezing

Bacteria are living organisms, and at low temperatures they die. So, you can get rid of them by freezing.

In the warm season, boots should be placed for several hours in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

For hygienic reasons, it is advisable to pack them in a plastic bag.For hygienic reasons, it is advisable to pack them in a plastic bag.

In winter, everything is easier - you just need to put the shoes on the street, on the balcony or hang outside the window.

5 - drying with ionizer

If this problem has already pretty much got you, buy a shoe dryer with an ionizer and ultraviolet radiation.

Dryer powered by batteriesDryer powered by batteries

These modern devices will help to quickly get rid of not only the bacteria and the aroma they produce, but even the fungus.

Preventing odor in shoes

Any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with its manifestations. Therefore, instead of thinking about how to get rid of the smell of shoes, it is better to try to prevent it. It’s easy to do, you just have to remember the standard rules:

  • Right after the socks, the boots should be dried, not packed in a box and not put in a tightly closed cabinet. Moreover, heating batteries are not the best place for this. It is better to purchase an electric dryer. In extreme cases, for drying wet shoes, you can use old crumpled newspapers, tightly stuffed inside.
They need to be changed every hour or two.They need to be changed every hour or two.
  • It is advisable to have a removable couple at work, rather than walking indoors all day in the street. In general, for each season you need to have at least two pairs of shoes to wear them one by one and have enough time for drying.
  • Legs sweat less in shoes made from natural materials. If their price is high for you, then buy at least quality products that do not rub, do not crush and, if possible, “breathe”.
  • The same goes for socks. It is useless to expect dry feet in leather shoes, if you are wearing synthetic socks.
  • Do not forget to regularly take care of shoes, as required by the instructions. It is different for different materials.
The point is not only in external purity and brilliance, but also in protecting it from getting wetThe point is not only in external purity and brilliance, but also in protecting it from getting wet
  • Special insoles with activated carbon help to absorb excess moisture. Their actions last for a half or two months, after which the insoles are changed to new ones. They are dimensionless. Rather, the planned lines are cut to the size you need.
Lay insoles with the bright side upLay insoles with the bright side up
  • Shoe deodorants are also quite effective. But, of course, not in the case when your shoes already exude stench. Before applying deodorizing agents, they should be put in order..
Deodorant is used only for clean shoes.Deodorant is used only for clean shoes.
  • Another interesting novelty, which is often used by athletes - balls for shoes from the smell. They act in the same way as deodorants, but are more convenient to use. To activate them, it is enough to turn the two halves in different directions to open the holes.
Balls FreshenersBalls Fresheners

And in warm and hot weather, you should try to wear open sandals, wedges and sandals so as not to provoke excessive sweating.


As you can see, there are a lot of ways to get rid of unpleasant smell in shoes. Choose the ones that you find most comfortable or effective. Just remember that they will all be useless if you do not follow the simple rules of personal hygiene and do not care for your favorite boots.

The topic is really topical for many, but at the same time it is not customary to discuss it aloud. If you do not want to write in the comments about this problem, but do not mind getting more information, watch the video in this article.

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