How to wash cotton: 4 rules for the care of linen and an overview of special products


  • 1 Rule 1. Preparation for washing - sorting
    • 1.1 Examine the label
    • 1.2 Sort colored fabrics
  • 2 Rule 2. Machine washable
    • 2.1 Preparation for washing
    • 2.2 Machine wash modes
    • 2.3 Cotton Fabric Remedies
  • 3 Rule 3. How to remove heavy pollution?
    • 3.1 Folk cotton cleansing methods
  • 4 Rule 4 How to dry and iron?
  • 5 Conclusion
From the nuances of washing depends on the durability and beauty of cotton things.From the nuances of washing depends on the durability and beauty of cotton things.

I confess that I did not always manage to take care of natural tissues easily, because they quickly get dirty, crumple, and if mistreated, they are short-lived and can sit down. Through trial and error, I found ways to extend the life of cotton materials. Want to know how to wash cotton so that it does not sit down and stretch out? I tell - remember!

Rule 1. Preparation for washing - sorting

Cotton fabrics (especially chintz) are easily dyed if a shedding thing gets into the machine. The only way out is to pre-sort by color.Cotton fabrics (especially chintz) are easily dyed if a shedding thing gets into the machine. The only way out is to pre-sort by color.

First, examine the labels and sort the things so that they do not shed and do not shrink.

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Examine the label

Washing rules are listed on the cotton label.Washing rules are listed on the cotton label.

Does cotton set during washing? Yes, but only when using very hot water.

Decryption of badges from the label.Decryption of badges from the label.

To avoid shrinkage, read the recommendations indicated on the label. The washing mode specified there is the safest for a particular product.

It is noticed that cotton products after drying are reduced by 1%.It is noticed that cotton products after drying are reduced by 1%.

With continuous advantages (hygroscopicity, does not irritate the skin, does not electrify), this fabric reacts to shrinkage washing. Therefore, you first need to sort out the laundry according to the type of cotton material:

Different types of cotton material require different washing methods.Different types of cotton material require different washing methods.
  • Calico, satin. White cotton products should be washed separately with bleaching agent. Cotton washing temperature is almost 95 ° С. However, for colored (dyed) materials, 60 ° C is sufficient to prevent shrinkage of the fabric.
  • Chintz. Washing temperature - up to 60 ° С. Aggressive powders under the ban - fade color. No intensive drying is allowed. A final rinse with weak vinegar will return the fabrics brightness.
  • Jeans and Flax. From washing these fabrics soften and brighten. The brightness of things depends on the temperature at which to wash flax and cotton jeans. If you set 30-40 degrees, it minimizes the aggressiveness of the wash, and the porous fibers will not reject the dye and thin.
  • Bike, flannel. These are heavy products of very dense weave (with almost no gaps) and with a smooth nap, so thorough rinsing of any powders is necessary. The flannel and the bike carry the washing in hot water well, but for their durability, a tablespoon of glycerin (per 10 liters of water) should be added to the powder for washing.
  • Terry cloth. Its surface consists of unstable and irregular loops, it is stronger than the calico and absorbs water better. Quality products can withstand more than 500 washes, softened by moderate temperatures. Also recommended additional rinsing.

Sort colored fabrics

Printed and multicolored fabric sheds more than melange.Printed and multicolored fabric sheds more than melange.
  • Special means - for color products. For flannel and terry material, you can use any type of powder.
  • 40 ° C - even with the most stable color do not increase this temperature for colored things.
  • Do not rub or rub soiled colored fabric, it is better to soak it for a few minutes in a soapy solution, after which the dirt can be easily washed.
  • Cold water - for heavily shedding cotton color products. Do not soak them - they will lose their brightness.
  • Chlorine Free Stain Removers - good for removing stains from colored things. They also refresh white products with multi-colored embroidery.
Care for dyed cotton: do not bleach; use special products at 40 degrees.Care for dyed cotton: do not bleach; use special products at 40 degrees.

So, before washing, you should sort the cotton products, as well as select synthetic items - cotton fibers are tousled from synthetics and form untidy pellets.

In the photo - recommendations on sorting.In the photo - recommendations on sorting.

Rule 2. Machine washable

How to wash clothes in a washing machine in order not to damage them and not to spoil them?

Preparation for washing

Do not fill the washing machine with clothes until it stops, things should rotate freely in the machine. Cotton - absorbent, intensively absorbs water.Do not fill the washing machine with clothes until it stops, things should rotate freely in the machine. Cotton - absorbent, intensively absorbs water.

Before washing it is necessary:

  • Fasten and turn inside out all clothes.
  • Shake out trash from the corners bed linen.
  • Duvet covers wash separately or put in special bags. Then other things will not get inside the hole in the duvet cover. Otherwise, their accumulation is badly washed out.
  • Things should be about the same in weight. - their uneven distribution makes it difficult to spin.
  • Small items spread out in groups on the nets.
Such mesh bags (price - from 100 rubles) for delicate laundry care will save the machine filter from getting into small parts.Such mesh bags (price - from 100 rubles) for delicate laundry care will save the machine filter from getting into small parts.

Modern industry has developed effective washing programs on the machine: the function of prewash, soaking. In this case, the old dirt on cotton things soaks, then it is easier to wash off.

Machines with two compartments for powder are very convenient for soaking and for the main wash.Machines with two compartments for powder are very convenient for soaking and for the main wash.

The powder is placed immediately in two compartments: for soaking and for the main wash. And at what temperature to wash cotton - we determine according to the degree of contamination of the linen: the higher it is, the cleaner the linen will become.

But at what temperature is it better to wash T-shirts and products with the addition of synthetic threads? There is enough and + 40 ° C. To disinfect newborn items, always wash them at the maximum temperature, that is, +90 ° C.

Machine wash modes

Washing with soaking, intensive washing and gentle washing - these three modes will provide the best care for cotton.Washing with soaking, intensive washing and gentle washing - these three modes will provide the best care for cotton.

How to wash colored things in a washing machine, on which mode? Modern washing machines are equipped with variations of the program "Cotton". Therefore, there is always a choice between the gentle “Colored cotton” and the intensive “Highly polluted cotton”.

Some washing machines are designed for manual temperature setting without specifying the type of fabric. So, look at the clothing label, at what temperature wash cotton.

Models of machines offer a different duration of washing. For example, water heating up to 90 ° C will be longer than up to 40 ° C. However, the standard program "Cotton" is longer than for other materials.

Cotton Fabric Remedies

The priority is a special powder for colored cotton. His instruction will help to achieve the best effect. Powder enzymes (biological additives) will quickly remove organic pollution.

The life of the product depends on the product used in the wash.The life of the product depends on the product used in the wash.
Illustration List of effective means
 Special powder for colored fabrics:
  • Odorless with cotton extract;
  • The eco-friendly formula is adapted for children's cotton clothes and allergy sufferers;
  • Will effectively cope with difficult pollution;
  • Keeps cotton structure and pristine color;
  • Fully rinsed, excluding contact with skin irritants.
 Shampoo "Cotton":
  • Provide a delicate wash for expensive cotton products at home;
  • Cotton seed extract + silk protein will improve elasticity and prevent deformation of clothing;
  • Inhibitors (dye blockers) will retain color saturation even after many washes and prevent tissue molting.
width = "272" Professional whitening:
  • Softens the fabric when bleaching;
  • Suitable for thin materials.
width = "294" Color laundry wash tablets:
  • The tablet is the concentrated powder calculated on one washing in the machine automatic;
  • Contains supplements for easy ironing;
  • Does not cause allergies.

From the pill you need to remove the film, then place it in the cuvette of the washing machine.

 Stain remover:
  • It works even at low (30 degrees) temperatures;
  • Whiten;
  • The oxygen formula will cope with difficultly deduced spots.
width = "194" White:
  • The classic tool for cotton products;
  • Perfectly bleach coarse calico or satin linen;
  • It is better not to use chintz in order not to thin the threads.

Rule 3. How to remove heavy pollution?

Table: in which water the removal of stains by powder is most effective.Table: in which water the removal of stains by powder is most effective.

Fresh stain is easier to withdraw. But first you should conduct a test on the durability of the dyes and their response to the purchased stain remover. This tool is applied to the inconspicuous edge of clothing and rinsed after 5 minutes. If the fabric sheds, you must abandon the purchased stain remover.

Use a stain remover after testing on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.Use a stain remover after testing on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

It is better to use a stain remover for colored clothes, it has a softer effect on natural fabric. After such treatment, wash the whole thing, then rinse thoroughly. In this case, the remains of the stain will be completely eliminated, and the reagent itself will be washed.

There are also various folk ways of getting rid of stains. However, the use of these "great-grandmothers" (salt, borax, turpentine) is now successfully replacing stain removers.

It is worth considering whether it is possible to wash cotton with these old technologies, if you are allergic to modern powders, the desire to preserve the color and quality of organic cotton. In this case, such funds are priority.

Folk cotton cleansing methods

A thin batiste will serve for a long time if the cloth is washed with natural alkalis - household soap with 72% soap.A thin batiste will serve for a long time if the cloth is washed with natural alkalis - household soap with 72% soap.
  • Rubbing with soap - An old and proven technology for removing stubborn stains. Rub the cloth with a wet piece of soap and leave for 10 minutes. Scrub the stain with your own hands and rinse under running water.
  • Cold saline - withstir a tablespoon of salt and 3 liters of water. Soak handkerchiefs and organic stains. Cold soaking will not affect shrinkage.
Color clothes should be soaked in warm water for no more than 10 minutes.Color clothes should be soaked in warm water for no more than 10 minutes.
  • Soak. Soaked colored clothing for 10 minutes soak in a basin with warm soapy water. And for white bedding and tablecloths, increase the soaking time to a few hours. Next, wash the thing as usual. Just keep in mind that cotton sits when washed in hot water.
  • Whitening Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizing agent. Prepare the solution: 50 ml of peroxide in 5 liters of water. The exposure time is 2 hours.
  • Rinsing in acetic solution: tablespoon per 5 liters of water. The softness and brightness of the cotton product will increase.
The spots from the berries will be removed by lemon juice, from ice cream - borax, from coffee - ammonia.The spots from the berries will be removed by lemon juice, from ice cream - borax, from coffee - ammonia.
It perfectly removes juice with peroxide, lipstick with brown, canned oil with chalk.It perfectly removes juice with peroxide, lipstick with brown, canned oil with chalk.

Rule 4 How to dry and iron?

Wet laundry is best dried naturally so that it does not sit down.Wet laundry is best dried naturally so that it does not sit down.

Another important question is, does cotton sit after washing? Machine drying with 100% cotton products is not suitable, as is drying on the battery. This heat will cause the fabric to shrink. It is better to dry at a temperature not higher than room temperature.

The products dried on the radiator will be crumpled, deformed, and will shrink.The products dried on the radiator will be crumpled, deformed, and will shrink.

The way to make soft and fluffy terry towels - hold them wet for 2-3 hours in the freezer. Then ice crystals of ice spread the fibers apart. This will increase the hygroscopicity and softness of the product.

You can dry things near the radiator on special hangers, so the laundry dries evenly and without folds.You can dry things near the radiator on special hangers, so the laundry dries evenly and without folds.
  • No need to twist clothes before drying.
  • Spread the folds of the wash - shake the wet product. Things to give shape.
  • Drying clothes is better in a ventilated space., hiding from the sun.
  • Do not overdry clothes - if excessive moisture is lost, natural fabric will become fragile.
  • Ironing easier slightly wet product iron with humidifier.
  • Hang items on a hanger. to cool after ironing.

Does cotton pull? Cotton knitwear can really stretch. Therefore, it should be dried on the table. It is better to hang the washed dry cotton clothes on the hangers so as not to crease.


Now you are armed with knowledge on care of cotton products, and do not allow annoying mistakes. Watch another video in this article, a good example is always useful. And in the comments leave your tips and questions, I will be glad to help.

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