Water filters: selection rules, manufacturers review

If you find limescale on your kettle, your first thought is to purify the water. There are many types of water purifiers available today. Water filters of various purification methods, technologies and different quality. And what if, after analyzing drinking water, a high content of metals, chlorine, and so on was found? What is the best way to select a water purifier so that it can effectively deal with the identified problems? Each has its own pros and cons. How will you decide on the choice of a home filter for purifying and disinfecting water with all this diversity?

Clear water in a glass

Where does the choice begin?

It is advisable to choose water filters for the home based on their purpose. Just water purification isn't everything. Of the whole variety of water purifiers, we will single out the main ones:

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  • Jugs;
  • Tap nozzles;
  • Flowing.

Also separated by the cleaning method:

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  • Mechanical cleaning;
  • Sorption cleaning;
  • Iron removal;
  • Ion exchange;
  • Membrane cleaning.

Each of these filters, in addition to water purification, changes the composition of the water.

Simplest option: filter pitcher

The simplest choice in the world of filtration is the filter jug. When choosing a household filter, a jug is the simplest solution for water purification. The name comes from the type itself: this is a jug, in the upper part of which the cleaning element is a cartridge. Water treatment takes place inside the tank. The water flows through the purifier and remains in the jug itself. Such filtration retains mechanical parts - sand, dirt. In addition, it perfectly removes chlorine and heavy metals. Cons - there must always be water in it, otherwise the water purifier will work worse. The disadvantages include the fact that the cleaning element needs to be replaced after a while.

Filter jug

Tap Filters

The nozzle is a convenient device that helps to conveniently clean water from various impurities. Fits on the crane. There is a replaceable cleaning cartridge inside. The advantages of such a cleaner are its relatively low cost and ease of use, it looks aesthetically pleasing in the interior of the kitchen. Cons - a small resource, the quality of cleaning depends on the pressure of running water.

Filter nozzle on the tap

Tabletop filter attachments

They consist of a small reservoir with a tap and a filter element. The water purifier itself is attached near the sink, and is connected to the tap with a hose. Perfect for summer cottages, because it does not need to be constantly wetted like a filter jug. The advantages of this system are its high productivity - 2 liters per minute.

Tabletop filter

Under-sink filter systems

One of the most popular types is the trunk installation. It is directly connected to the water supply, usually located under the sink for convenience. Consists of a plastic flask with a filter mechanism inside. Depending on the type of cleaning mechanism, the main system cleans the liquid from large particles, lime and chlorine impurities, and also softens the water. Before installing such a cleaning system, a water analysis should be performed. Depending on the indicators, the backbone system is divided into the following types:

  • For hard water;
  • Removal of iron;
  • With activated carbon (removes chlorine);
  • For cleansing magnesium and calcium.

Filter system under the sink

Reverse osmosis filters

One of the best ways to purify liquids is a reverse osmosis system. It is successfully used for cleaning mechanical impurities and harmful salts. The system consists of a semi-permeable membrane that retains various particles. The liquid is purified at the molecular level, which prevents bacteria from entering. During the passage of one stream of water through the membrane, the other moves in the opposite direction. This flow helps to cleanse the membrane from residues of inclusions of salts and contaminants. The fluids are pushed through using pressure, which is created by the network itself or a special pump.

Reverse osmosis filter

Key manufacturers of water filters

The five leaders in the production of water purifiers are officially Aquafilter (Poland), Ecosoft (Ukraine) and the companies Geyser, Aquaphor and Barrier, which are located in Moscow.

Should you buy a Barrier filter?

The Barrier company is one of the world's leading water treatment companies. In the arsenal of this company there are various water purifiers for technology. In addition to cleaning, they perform different tasks: elimination of mechanical impurities, bacteria, chlorine. The company "Barrier" uses special technologies based on silver ions, which allows you to disinfect water. The coconut charcoal water purifier not only removes chlorine from liquids, but also chlorine compounds.

This company has several types of water purifiers:

  • Filter jug ​​for children;
  • Shower Head;
  • For cottages;
  • Prefilters;
  • Softeners.

Each of them has its own specifics. For example, baby jugs are designed specifically for babies from three months. With the help of silver, the water is completely purified from bacteria. And for children over four years old, there are special filter cassettes that saturate the liquid with magnesium ions, fluoride and microelements. The shower head is suitable for small apartments in which it is not always possible to place a large high-quality water purifier. And for the summer residence, the filtration system was adjusted to the autonomous water supply of the house.

Prefilters are intended for private houses, which often draw water from wells, thereby risking health and household appliances. The technique is usually clogged with particles of sand and clay, and the pre-filter removes such coarse particles.

Softeners remove magnesium and calcium salts from the water, making it less hard.

It is difficult for an ordinary buyer to decide on the choice of a water purifier, but numerous customer reviews speak about the quality of the products of this campaign.

 "Aquaphor" or "Barrier": which is better?

On the water purifier market, the Aquaphor company is a serious competitor to Barrier. However, "Aquaphor" is significantly inferior to "Barrier", but not in quality, but in technology. Many water purifiers of this company have electronic water meters, which greatly simplifies consumption control and savings. Like Barrier, they produce filter jugs, cleaners for wells, wells, filter nozzles for faucets, filters for treatment facilities. But not everything is so smooth. Filtration cassettes have a much smaller volume and need to be replaced more frequently. Also, users are not enthusiastic about the fact that different systems need to be changed at different times.

The prices for the equipment of these companies practically do not differ, although Barrier filter jugs can be bought cheaper.

Is there an alternative?

There is a wide selection of water purifiers on the domestic market. But if you can't buy them? Or, in nature, you need to purify the water, but there is no filter at hand? In this situation, you can make the water purifier yourself. The main thing in this business is to choose a container. A regular 5-liter bottle will do as well. The bottom is cut off, and gauze, cloth or cotton wool is placed in the bottle. Charcoal is poured on top, and then river sand. That's it - your homemade cleaner is ready. Liquid is poured into the container, and a small hole is punched in the lid through which it must pass.

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