How to quickly descale a kettle at home?

In this article, we will tell you how to properly wash and remove limescale from a teapot at home using improvised means.

How to descale a kettle

Is limescale in the kettle a problem or not?

Boiling water is an integral part of our daily life. And each of us noticed that plaque forms and sediment appears inside the dishes, which are often used for boiling. These are salts (calcium, magnesium) found in any hard water, which decompose when heated and form an insoluble precipitate. The question arises - what does this threaten us? Scale is harmful not only to health, but also to appliances, equipment and utensils in which the water heating process takes place.

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Scale in the teapot

Health hazard:

  • Accumulation of salts in the joints;
  • Clogging of blood vessels;
  • Kidney stones.

As for the harm to appliances, equipment and utensils:

  • Even a small layer of scale reduces thermal conductivity, that is, the heating of hard water will take longer, more energy will be needed, be it electricity or gas.
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  • Scale formation can lead to cracks in the metal, and cracks can lead to breakdown of equipment and devices.

How to clean limescale in a teapot at home using folk remedies

How to clean a teapot with folk remedies

There are a lot of ways to get rid of this problem, we will tell you about all the options, even such as Fanta, Sprite, apple and potato peelings.

A quick way - cleaning with citric acid

The most famous descaling method is citric acid. This product is in every home, but not everyone knows that with it you can get rid of scale, and not only kitchen utensils, but also equipment. It is completely safe and does an excellent job of descaling.

Removal method is elementary:

  • We take an object (saucepan, kettle), pour water, pour 30-60 g of citric acid;
  • We boil this mixture for 5-7 minutes;
  • We merge everything, evaluate the result. If the result is not 100%, then we repeat the procedure.

IMPORTANT: before using the kettle, you need to boil the water twice and drain.

Can you peel it with lemon?

The next way to descale is lemon. This method works well for people who stick to natural products. Lemon and citric acid are similar in principle, they contain acids that break down scale.


  • Cut the whole lemon into small pieces;
  • Pour into a dish with scale, fill with water;
  • Boil for five minutes and leave to cool;
  • After cooling, drain;
  • We remove the remains of scale with a sponge;
  • Repeat the procedure if necessary;
  • After the cleaning process, we wash the dishes well and boil water without anything in order to get rid of the remnants of the smell and taste of lemon.

IMPORTANT!!! Lemon can only be used for dishes and ordinary teapots. For appliances (electric kettle, washing machine) it is categorically impossible, otherwise lemon particles can clog the holes, which will lead to malfunctions.

How to clean with vinegar?

The next option is getting rid of the problem with the help of vinegar. Vinegar is harsh and therefore not recommended. But he copes with scale perfectly. Recipe for use:

  • We boil water;
  • Pour vinegar into boiling water: 9% vinegar - one 500 ml glass.


  • Two tablespoons of 70% vinegar essence per 500 ml;
  • Turn off this mixture, let it brew for an hour;
  • We remove the leftovers manually, if necessary, you need to repeat;
  • Wash the dishes well after the procedures and boil the water twice.

How to get rid of heavy limescale with baking soda?

How to descale a kettle using baking soda

The easiest and safest way is to scrub with baking soda. Baking soda does not contain acids that harm both electric and conventional kettles with metal, enamel and glass cover. To get rid of limescale:

  • We mix water with soda (one tablespoon per 500 ml);
  • Bring this mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 30 minutes;
  • We evaluate the result - if it is unsatisfactory, then we repeat the procedure;
  • After all procedures, boil clean water and drain.

How to wash with a combination of vinegar, baking soda and citric acid is the best way

We have come to a cleaning method that leaves no chance for limescale. This cocktail is vinegar + soda + citric acid. Such heavy artillery should be used in the most neglected cases.

How to clean at home

We combine several methods into one:

  • We dilute water with soda (a tablespoon per 500 ml of water);
  • Bring to a boil;
  • We reduce the heat, add citric acid (30-50 g);
  • Add vinegar (1-2 tablespoons);
  • We cook this cocktail for 20-30 minutes;
  • We evaluate the result: if there is still scale, do not rush to repeat the procedure - try to remove it with a sponge;
  • Do not forget to wash the dishes well and boil clean water 1-2 times.

Can apple and potato peels remove limescale?

Another popular way is with the help of potato and apple peelings. The effect is not strong and it is recommended to use it for small plaque. This method is suitable only for kitchen utensils and teapots.

How to clean a teapot by peeling potatoes and apples
  • Peel the potato and apple cider from dirt and put it in the kettle;
  • Fill with water and boil;
  • After boiling, leave the solution for two hours;
  • We wash the dishes, repeat if necessary.

Brines as an option to combat scale in electric (metal and glass) kettles

There is also an option to wash the kettle using brines. It seems incredible, but this method is effective because the brine contains citric acid and vinegar.

How to clean the kettle with brines

The method is very simple:

  • Pour the brine;
  • Boil, let cool completely;
  • We launder.

How to descale a kettle with soda

How to descale a kettle with Coca-Cola

Now we will tell you about the non-standard use of Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta and other carbonated drinks. Using this method is costly and ineffective, but whoever wants to experiment will make sure that the method works. Any sweet carbonated water is suitable for use, but it is better to use colorless:

  • Sprite;
  • Seven up;
  • Schweppes;
  • Other.

The way is like this:

  • We release gases from the water;
  • Fill;
  • We boil;
  • We wash the dishes.

Household chemicals to combat scale

Using household chemicals for cleaning is the fastest and most effective way, but not the safest one. In household chemicals, substances harmful to humans are used. You can buy similar chemicals at hardware stores. These funds are produced in different forms:

  • Powder;
  • Granules;
  • Tablets.
Anti-scale for dummies

The method of use is similar to all of the above:

  • Chemistry + water;
  • We boil;
  • Wash it very well, boil clean water at least twice.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent limescale build-up. But it is possible to minimize its appearance, to do it simply:

  • Filter water before boiling or use less hard water, such as store-bought water;
  • Do not leave water to settle after boiling;
  • Do not boil water twice;
  • Wash the dishes well after each boil;
  • Carry out preventive descaling once every two weeks.

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