Quite often, when a young family has their own apartment, there may not be enough funds for its arrangement. If you don't have finances, you can turn on creativity and start decorating the apartment.
Photo source - tut.by
Attention! Earned on our website kitchen designer. You can familiarize yourself with it and design your dream kitchen for free! May also come in handy wardrobes designer.
You can choose any colors, materials and textures. If the female side prevails in the family, they, as a rule, want to create a cozy corner, on the territory of which they can prepare culinary masterpieces in anticipation of the head of the family. That being said, you can have fun and create each dish with love.
For starters, you can grab the walls. Since the room is on the north side, the walls are painted in warm beige, in addition, this shade is suitable for many modern styles, and it is especially suitable for small rooms, since it can visually expand the space with its help. For the flooring, you can use laminate, and the ceiling can be leveled and painted with white paint.
In the photo, you can see that the daylight that falls from the window has a rather cold shade. Therefore, if the kitchen were painted, for example, in a cold blue color, the kitchen would not have a warm atmosphere.
Can be hung on the ceiling chandelier. Its appearance sets the mood for the room, the milky base echoes the beige walls, and the white shades add white to the overall interior in combination with the tiles.
For finishing the apron, you can choose a tile with a floral pattern of a pink-plum shade, with its help you can set a theme for the further development of the design.
Then you need to do the selection of furniture. Of course, it is now fashionable to install open shelves, lay out tiles up to the ceiling, but because of this there will be no room for dishes and various kitchen sets. Open space is good for the interior of the kitchen, but it is better to save it for more spacious kitchens, but here the area is half as much. Therefore, it is better to place as many cabinets here as possible, and to expand the space, you can paint everything in light colors, even the countertop.
The headset can be ordered at Ikea, which is also very convenient. There you can buy many kitchen items and save money.
The kitchen unit has a slightly pinkish tint.
All of the above, wooden facades of a simple form, light color palette, flower drawings on tiles, scuffs on the chandelier, as well as a laminate made to look like an old tree, can become the basis for Provence style, and he, in turn, can please many people with its comfort. But in many housewives in the kitchen, you can notice the presence of various modern kitchen appliances, for example, a slow cooker, a toaster, a microwave, and so on. And they will be placed on the upper shelves. And ultimately it will create a conflict with the French-country style. But the kitchen should be designed so that it not only adheres to a certain style, but is also convenient and practical to use. So you should choose modern hood, oven, electric stove and other household appliances. And at the same time, the technique that was used before can perfectly fit into the overall design and look quite harmoniously with the new technique of gray-black colors. Black doorknobs, black faucets and sinks, and a set of hanging rails with hooks can be matched to black appliances.
Nowadays, many manufacturers also offer convenient pull-out corner shelves. With their help, you can easily get to the kitchen uvari. There are a couple of shelves for storing cereals, various little things and your favorite dishes.
But for decorating the dining area, you can choose a round table. Many housewives dream of this in their kitchen.
Chairs with a chrome base can also come in handy in the kitchen. Just so that they are combined with the general decor and with the table, their frame can be repainted in white. So they will perfectly fit into the interior and the overall style of the kitchen.
Of course, you can embody many interesting ideas in the kitchen, for example, decorate the mug shelf above the dining area. Many during their bachelor life accumulate donated or purchased circles, but there is no place to place and organize them.
For example, you can put together a shelf from the boards, on which hooks are attached and painted. The proposed option shows the presence of an inscription, which can be prepared using a stencil and roll it with a roller, then you can wipe it with sandpaper, and the texture will appear wood. Then, using the decoupage technique, you can apply any pattern. And then the entire shelf is varnished. And the signature on the shelf will help guests choose the cup they like.
You can start decorating a room with textiles with a window. For this, it is just perfect blinds, and so that it fits well into the overall style, you can choose a fabric with a floral pattern. And you can dilute it with a variegated cloth of another material in a cage. You can buy them ready-made or sew them yourself if you have sewing skills.
You can also make a tablecloth for the table and curtains for the facades of glass doors. A serving lane can also be purchased from Ikea. And checkered fabric can overlap with towels on the rails.
A slightly worn clock can be put on the window as a decoration. You can also place flower pots there. Cover the battery with a decorative screen.
If the kitchen does not have enough home warmth and comfort, it can be supplemented with shabby paintings with a similar theme.
And in the end, you get an interior filled with harmony and comfort, in which everyone will feel comfortable.
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