Detailed description of the cherry variety Revna


One of the first berries that ripens in the country is the cherry. She has many fans, thanks to juicy, bright, sweet berries.

Cherry is not a common type of garden tree. This is due to the fact that it is quite vulnerable to frost, to the quality of the soil, butknowing some rules of care you can grow a tree even in the harshest climates. Let's consider a detailed description of the Cherny Cherry variety, which is quite popular among summer residents.


Table of contents

  • Description of the cherry variety Revna
    • Advantages
    • disadvantages
  • Planting and care
    • We choose the time for planting
    • Selection of seedlings
    • The sapling chose the time to plant
  • Fertilizing fertilizers
  • Diseases and pests of sweet cherry

Description of the cherry variety Revna

Variety Revna is a kind of sweet cherry, the average maturing period, which was brought out by domestic breeders.Hybrid is a relative of the Bryansk Rose variety. It was from the seedlings of this variety that a variety of Revna was obtained, which fell in love with many. The variety is quite new, but managed to win love and recognition.

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Cherry variety Revna

The tree is medium in size up to 4 meters. The crown is strong, stretched upwards, resembles a pyramid. Sprouts straight, medium thickness, which are quickly added to the growth. The crown is not strongly thickened. Leaves with pointed edges, round and wide. The color of the foliage is dark green.

The tree blooms in the second half of May. The aroma of flowers attracts many insects. The flowers are of medium size. The ovary is formed on the bouquet branches.Harvest ripens after about a month, the collection falls on the first half of July. Warm season and sunny weather can accelerate ripening.

Cherry color Revna

The berries are dark red of medium size, the shape is round and slightly flattened. The skin is dense, glossy. Flesh of a dense consistence of bright red color, juicy, sweet.From one tree you can collect more than 30 kg of berries. The bone is medium in size, oval in shape, light brown in color. The flesh is separated from the bone well. In healthy trees, it is difficult to meet deformed and variable fruits. The peduncle is small and well separated from the berry.

They consume fruits in fresh form, since they have a rich taste and are rich in useful substances. You can eat fruits and not only fresh, with them you get a delicious jam and jam.

The variety is partially self-fertilizing, so the yield can be as low as a few percent without pollinators. Varieties of sweet-roast Reva are suitable for such varieties of pollinators as: Venyaminova, Compact, Iput, Ovtuzhenka.


The variety is inherent in the virtues that make the variety popular among gardeners:

  1. High winter hardinesscompared with other varieties of sweet cherry. If the autumn to take care of an additional shelter, the tree can tolerate frosts up to 25 degrees. With frost resistance, not only wood, but flowers as well. They easily withstand short-term frosts. It is worth noting that the tree and fruits are resistant to colds and sunburn.
  2. Highproductivity.
  3. Unpretentiousnessin cultivation.
  4. because oflate floweringthe probability of destruction of the harvest by frost is excluded.
  5. It is not an important advantage thattransportation. Berries well tolerate transportation. During harvesting, they are not injured in the place of separation from the tree, even if the stalk is left in place. Fruits rarely crack.
Cherry varieties of Revna are easily transported
  1. Berrydiffers from other fruits with fragrant, juicy pulp. It is sweet, dense, without fibers. Bone small, separated well.
  2. Cherriesresistant to disease-causing fungi and bacteria. Especially it concerns coccomicosis.


  1. Fruiting starts only on the fifth year of the life of the seedling, which is planted in a permanent place.
  2. Grade is self-fruitful. The harvest will be, but minimal. To get the maximum yield, you need pollinators.

Planting and care

In order to plant a tree, you must take into account certain rules.To plant a variety of Revna choose a sunny part and the south side. Then the tree can enjoy a rich harvest. In lowlands with cool air and close groundwater, the tree will not bear fruit and grow. Ideal soil for the plant is sandy loam and loam.

Choose a place for the cherry tree so that the distance between the trees is at least three meters.

We choose the time for planting

The best time for planting is spring. Young annual saplings have long shoots that are strongly susceptible to harsh winters. thereforeit is not recommended to plant or transplant a tree in autumn. They simply will not survive the harsh cold winter.

Spring planting of sweet cherries is carried out after thawing of the soil. And this happens around the beginning of April, when the air temperature is above zero. With planting, do not delay, otherwise the seedling will not have time to settle down in a new place, before budding.If you missed the spring landing, then you can put in any time, before the heat. But it is worth considering that the seedling must have a closed root system.


Selection of seedlings

For planting, choose one-year and two-year seedlings. When buying, pay attention to the presence of the site of inoculation of varietal graft. It is he who will contribute to the development of the sweet cherry you want to grow.

When choosing a cherry seedling, pay attention to the place of vaccination

A sapling, on which there is no place for inoculation, indicates that it is grown from a stone. Therefore, it will grow wild, and not a varietal tree.When buying, pay attention to the root system, which must be developed. Roots should be alive. If they are dry, the seedling will not get accustomed. If you miss this moment and the dried roots still exist, put the seedling in the water just before planting.

The sapling chose the time to plant

  1. Prepare a pit for planting in advance. Planting a tree is better in the middle of April, after the earth has receded.
  2. Earth, which was taken out of the pit to mix with manure or compost. Fill the prepared substrate with a slide to the bottom.
  3. At the edge of the pit, insert a wooden peg, which will be recorded only planted seedling.
  4. Seedling before planting a little shake tospread the roots. Install a tree in the middle of the excavated pit. Before filling, make sure that its neck is 5 cm above the soil surface and the roots are straightened.
  5. Fill the pit with half the soil, align the barrel and tie to the cola. Pour the tree. After that you can fall asleep completely.
Favorable time for planting cherries - spring

As for watering, the tree is not whimsical. The most important thing is not to allow overflows and drying up of the soil.Watering should be carried out several times a month. During the drought, it is increased. Young trees are watered directly into the near-barrel circle. For adult trees, it is better to make a groove about 30 cm deep by the diameter of the crown, and pour water there.

Trimming a tree is an important procedure. The first trimming process should be carried out in the second year after planting. The crown is formed only by sharp garden tools. Places of cuts must be treated with garden varnish. Fruiting cherry begins only 6 years after planting. The tree grows very fast, so it needs pruning. It is performed in early spring, before the beginning of sap flow and budding. Young shoots should be shortened by 1/5 of the length, old trees can be trimmed by 2/3 depending on the age of the tree. It is also necessary to inspect the tree and remove dry or damaged shoots.


Fertilizing fertilizers

Top dressing is carried out by urea, phosphorus and superphosphate.The best fertilizer is manure. Top dressing by humus should not be more often than once a year. Fertilize the plant in spring and autumn. Supplement fertilizing is recommended organic and mineral fertilizers. In the second year of life, the tree is fertilized with nitrate. In the autumn, top dressing is carried out with superphosphates.

For the growth of wood it is necessary to fertilize the soil with ashes. It is scattered during digging, not more than 300 grams per square meter.

Like all trees, the cherry must be prepared for harsh winters. Preparation for all trees is almost the same, so the first thing in the autumn cut out all the dry branches, dig up the ground around the tree and water abundantly.The trunk must be tied with spruce branches or cloth. Thus, we protect the tree from rodents.

We warm the trunk of a young sweet cherry for the winter

If the tree is young, it must be well tied to the peg. This will protect him from a strong wind, so that it does not bend from the winds and under the weight of snow.


Diseases and pests of sweet cherry

Jealous often resists fungal diseases, but, like all trees, it can be affected by various pests and viral diseases.When pests appear, it should be treated with universal preparations for stone fruit trees. Spraying should be done before the flowering begins, and after the cherry blossoms. If noticed on the tree, leaves or fruits of pests, then the best method of combating them is to select an individual.

When pests appear on the tree, it should be treated

Cherry variety Revna is a small tree that gives a rich harvest of delicious berries. The main thing is to water, dress and trim the tree in time. And, of course, be sure to plant for the sweet cherry some good pollinators, and then you will enjoy a rich harvest.

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